[MF] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home-mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. [Part 1]

Sadie and I have been together since we were teenagers – twenty-two years; married for nineteen. With a single exception our relationship has been incredible, not perfect of course – none are – but undeniably incredible. The idiom “I married my best friend” gets bandied about ad nauseam, but saying “I married the one who had all the pieces I was missing to truly make myself whole” is a far more apt description of what Sadie and I have. Of course we’ve had our ups and downs, as all do while riding this roller coaster that is life, but our love – and the dedication we shared to exist within one another – has never faltered… except with regards to our sex life.

Sadie’s hormones did not take kindly nor adjust properly to the pregnancy and birth of our second child; thus beginning an extremely difficult and taxing period which, unfortunately, took us many years to understand and resolve. To really appreciate where we are, it’s important to understand where we’ve been.

From my perspective, Sadie’s sex drive had completely disappeared, and although I desperately and hungrily desired her, I also felt exceedingly guilty and frustrated to be consistently rebuffed. During the deepest of our difficulties, I felt that I was essentially just a roommate; living with a great friend with whom I was raising children. When sex did happen – sometimes once a month, sometimes less – it was vanilla missionary or doggy; minimal foreplay, zero exciting twists, and certainly no oral sex.

Yet as plain as it was, it never failed to be amazing for both of us. I’ve always been an attentive lover, and never stopped making sure she got off at least once anytime we made love – no matter how undesired and unappreciated I felt. Still, the fact that she enjoyed it so much in the moment, yet never truly **desired** that moment, only exacerbated my frustration and disconnect from my loving wife.

At the same time, she felt disconnected from me as well. From her perspective, any and all of my physical affection and attention was nothing more than an attempted inroad to the bedroom… and it was exhausting. Why would she want to have sex with someone who couldn’t even care enough about her to listen and converse with her without lacing the conversation with sexual innuendo and suggestion, or who couldn’t snuggle on the couch, kiss her, or hold her hand without immediately making the situation sexual?

We had found ourselves locked in a self-fueling downward spiral. She had no interest in sex because she did not feel connected to me outside the bedroom, and I did not make any effort to be connected outside the bedroom because she had no interest in sex. Eventually – and admittedly far later than we should have – through sometimes difficult, but always open and honest conversations, trust, and each of us dedicating ourselves to getting out of our own heads by listening and not assuming, we succeeded in reversing that spiral.

But this isn’t the story of how things got back to “**good**”, this is the story of how my desire for reconnection, and the rebirth of her sexual appetite, fed each other until that rekindled spark ignited into a raging inferno beyond anything either of us could have imagined.

We were both riding the high of our newly rediscovered sex life. What was once maybe a “once a month” thing had now become a “several times a week” thing. Our desire for each other was running fast and deep and beginning to overflow into unexplored territory.

I was at work one afternoon when I received a text message from Sadie. I opened it to find a short video clip of her fingers working into her unmistakably wet pussy and rubbing small circles on her clit – she had sent me a video of her getting herself off. For a woman who had maybe sent two or three topless pictures to me in twenty-two years this was an enormous leap, and a very welcome one. She was still wet that evening when I walked in the door to find her waiting to usher me into our bedroom where I undressed her, used my equally skilled fingers to rub her to orgasm, then laid her onto the bed where I fucked her until she came again, and I inside her.

As we lay in the bed, her head on my shoulder and her magnificent tits tantalizingly close to my reawakening cock, we began to talk of exploration, for while our sex life had renewed vigor in frequency, it was still – for the most part – relatively vanilla.

Now Sadie is a strong, independent woman; the strongest person I’ve ever known if I’m being honest. No one had ever “worn the pants” in our relationship (to use an outdated and misogynistic phrase) we were always equals – always a team – so it was quite surprising when she told me that she had always needed to be strong, always needed to be in charge, but she felt safe and connected enough to me that she didn’t want to do that in the bedroom anymore. She wanted to submit to me completely.

It was exhilarating… and terrifying. Outside of the bedroom I’m not what you’d imagine when you think of being “dominant”. I’m a writer, poet, D&D nerd, loving husband, devoted father, people pleaser, and generally a chill fellow who is more than content letting others flex by being “in charge”, but as far out of my comfort zone as it was, I did not hesitate.

I grabbed Sadie’s hips and flipped her onto her back. Pulling her arms up above her head and using my hands to pin down her wrists, I kissed my wife passionately – aggressively. Lips, tongue, neck, ears – kissing and softly biting each until I pulled away to look at her eyes. They were hungry, passionate, wanting.

Held down and at my mercy, with my hands around her wrists, her breath quickening, she pleaded in a whisper, “please”. Slowly, I lowered my head back down to her ear and whispered in return, “that’s a good girl”. She moaned as if the words themself were enough to drive her to orgasm, and the wetness of her soft pussy was so complete it clung to her thighs and pulled away in satin like strings as I spread her legs to fuck her again.

And with those two simple words, “good girl”, the floodgates opened – literally and figuratively – but not in my wildest dreams could I imagine where the deluge would take us…

The next morning, after the hustle and bustle of real life had settled and the kids were off at school, Sadie and I sat on the couch, snuggled closely under a blanket, my hands running through her hair like I used to do when we were younger – something I had forgotten how much she adored until this journey of reconnection began – and we talked.

We talked about the previous evening, exploration, adventure. We talked about submission, and how hot it made her to be restrained, but mostly we talked about how her body absolutely gave in when I whispered those words into her ear.

“good girl”

Even then, in the midst of a deep conversation which until that point had been primarily analytical, her eyes betrayed how completely that phrase, from my lips, had control of her.

I reached my hand to cup her chin and pulled her into a kiss, while under the blanket I could feel her hand desperately slipping beneath the waistband of her pants, hungering to explore the warmth and wetness of her pussy. As our tongues began to softly tease one another, I reached beneath the blanket myself and grasped her wrist. Her head fell away from my kiss and she moaned as I pulled her hand away from her pulsing clit.

Smiling, I reminded her that good girls do as they’re told and guided her wet fingers first to her lips, then to mine. As we resumed our kiss, the taste of her fresh on both our lips, I guided her hand – clasped firmly in mine – underneath the blanket again. When I released it she swiftly plunged back into fingering herself while I grabbed her pants and panties, pulling them forcefully down to her mid-thigh before slowly tracing my fingers back up those thighs to join her.

Together, we let our fingers explore as her moans increased in volume and the slickness between her legs grew in intensity. Pulling away from our kiss to watch her ecstasy, I waited until her eyes began to flutter closed and the bottom lip of her open mouth began to quiver. Only then did I tell her, “be a good girl and cum for me… now”. She could barely squeak out, “Yes… sir” before pleasure robbed her of her voice and the shockwave of orgasm took control of her body from head to toe.

When the pleasure had run its course, and smiling she opened her eyes, her gaze met mine. “You’re not done” I reminded her as my hands grasped her hips to flip her on top of me. “Yes, sir” she said, grasping her shirt and slowly pulling it over her head allowing her perfect tits to fall free. Quickly, I sat up just enough to grab her shirt before she could pull her arms free, entangling them in the fabric as I closed my fist around it and pulled her toward me to take her tits into my mouth.

Not a moan, but a whimper was all she could manage as I pulled her close and traced her areolas with my tongue. First one, then the other. Helpless, she closed her eyes as I reached my free hand up to pull slightly on her hardening nipples before sucking each one into my mouth and biting ever so slightly as I pulled away. Her whimpers grew softer as my play got rougher, until the only sounds that reached my ears were the faint whispered echoes of “yes, yes, yes”.

Satisfied, I let her shirt fall from my grasp and her nipples pull free from my mouth. With both hands free, I cupped them on either side of Sadie’s face and drew her into a deep kiss before pulling away to whisper, “show sir how good a girl you really are”. Standing just long enough to shake off the final vestiges of clothing she was wearing, Sadie, in turn, hurriedly stripped me of mine, hands cascading down my torso as she straddled me and guided my throbbing cock into her desperate pussy.

The warmth and wetness of her pussy ran unbridled down the shaft of my cock and spread across my balls in ripples as she rode me, first slowly then faster. I lasted through the quivering tightness of her first orgasm by reaching out and taking her nipples into my hands. Pulling, twisting, and focusing on teasing them as she came, but when she reached climax the second time and her head dropped down toward me, mouth open, eyes closed and the tensing of her pussy gripped my cock, my hands instead found her hips and I pulled myself further inside of her as I came, filling her already wet pussy with pulse after pulse of my own cum.

Slumping down on top of me, exhausted, she looked into my eyes as we snuggled closely and I pulled the blanket back up around us. “I think I have a praise kink” she said, laughing. I reached my hand up to once again stroke her hair as we talked about subs and doms, and most interestingly to me, praise kinks.

What I found so interesting about this, apart from how insanely horny “praise” made my beautiful wife, is that within it I saw an opportunity to return to her something she had somewhat lost over the years – confidence in her body. Unfortunately, particularly since having our children, Sadie had struggled with body image issues and being confident in her physical beauty; “Of course you think I’m hot” she would often say after I would compliment her or tell her how sexy she was. The rebirth of our sex life had given her some of that confidence back, she no longer insisted on the lights being off when we fucked, and after over two decades she was actually warming up to sending me spicy pictures and videos… and that was the opportunity I aimed to capitalize on.

Looking back, the difference is truly incredible; before we fixed our hang ups and ironed out our communication the idea of asking her to send me a nude was a proposition I would have approached with the care and planning of the most intricate heist film you’ve ever seen, but where we were now – the level we had worked so hard to build our relationship up to – was different. I never even thought twice.

“If praise gets you so hot,” I asked, “have you ever thought about posting some nudes online? Show you once and for all that I’m not the only one who thinks you’re hot?”

She smiled, “Maybe, but if the comments came back bad I would be crushed.” She kissed me on the cheek as she got up to get dressed. I watched her cover her beautiful body back up and smiled. After Sadie was dressed, she turned away, heading to the kitchen, but she paused a moment, her back to me, before turning around with a smirk and sitting back down on the edge of the couch.

“But I guess if it would get you hot, then you could post some pictures of me, just don’t tell me if the comments are bad.” She kissed me again. “What do you think?”

I smiled. “I might one day,” I said. “When it feels right.”

She smiled back, a hint of embarrassment on her cheeks, “Oh yeah? Where?” she asked.

I paused. “Well… I do spend a lot of time on reddit…”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/119hka9/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido


  1. Great story, but would love to hear how you were able to rekindle things to begin with?

  2. Amazing story and very similar to my husband and mine. Major congrats to the both of you. And I’d love to hear how you rekindled things as well!

  3. 🥴😘😍🥵!! What an insanely well written and hot story!! Also truly remarkable the growth and path you two have taken, congratulations!

  4. If nothing else, guys seeing nudes pictures almost always say positive things. Those that think negatives just move on to the next nude photo looking for one they like. But in simple terms, “hey, naked chick. That’s awesome :-)”

  5. What an underrated gem this story is ,much inspirational and magical to hear ,making the readers kinda fantasize ur love life at last i wanna make sadie know she is a very beautiful woman and you both r quite lucky to be destined together ❤️❤️

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