Just wanted to introduce myself!

Hello, I’m Secret Keeper and the newest mod for this lovely subreddit. I am honored to help keep this space as a place to post whatever stories your dirty mind comes up with. I’m aware NSFW reddit has a pretty bad bot problem, (I’ve been on the receiving end many times) so I will be checking the reports and subreddit in general a few times a day as I can.

Thank you all for making this subreddit one of my favorite places to spend time!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1194xez/just_wanted_to_introduce_myself


  1. awesome thanks for tue commitment to the community and the role hopefully it’s not too bad āŠ™ā .ā ā˜‰

  2. hi! in the past there were no rules for erotica subreddit so i posted about my ebooks before my stories. i won’t add them going forward, obviously, but should i go into old posts and delete them?

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