Coping Mechanisms

Months away, days spent alone, she wondered how she could stay sane. Of course life was there to be lived, responsibilities to take care of, but the thoughts always seemed to creep in when she closed that door. Memories, fantasies, dreams enveloped her, as if the doorway were a threshold between her professional life, her organized, calculated, logical mind and the invasive chaos that gripped her every time she thought of him. As if an out of body experience, she laid down in her bed, thoughts invading, in control. Her hands sliding down her chest, teasing the waistband of her pants, vision fading to darkness as she let the fantasies take control. Let him take control.

His body, his hands, dominating her mi-..


‘Dammit!’ she thought, her clouded mind startled back to reality, senses heightened as she worriedly glanced to her phone. The glow of the screen pierced through the darkness, temporarily blinding her as she tried to regain control of her body

‘… I thought I had that set to silent….

Attempting to regain focus, she reached for out it, haphazardly swiping through her notifications, left, right, Instagram, texts from her friends, til one practically stopped her heart right there

‘new picture message’

Reading the name alone gave her goosebumps, but it was what she saw when she tapped on the message that really sent her mind back to cloud nine. Tightly wrapped in a thin sheet, the subject of her fantasies was made explicit before her eyes. Her focus immediately became crystal clear, eyes darting from the smirk on his face, through his welcoming pose, laid out on his side, tangled in the white sheets. The satin fabric draped across flexed abs, tucked under his hip and just barely covering what her mind was after mere minutes before.

‘Mmm…’ she sighed, her vision once again fading into the darkness, control slipping back from her grasp, hand being stolen from the phone, her subconscious taking over again as she felt a warmth flush over through her body. She let her body once again sink into the bed as her- but mentally his-, hand slid under the sheets and between her legs, teasing the ever dampening fabric of her underwear.
He hoped she took his pic well, that his rock hard cock wasn’t the subject of an awkward conversation, that she was in a good place to enjoy it, as he was craving her attention. Subtlety hardly crossed his mind in times like these, for better or for worse, and lately, these times have been very frequent.
Frequent to a point of mild inconvenience, yet a tease nonetheless, as at the time of sending, he was on his way home, tucked into a corner on the local ferry. Soon enough though, he’d begin his walk home, and really be able to enjoy the spicy exchange.

Although alone, she pulled the thin top sheet over her legs, her pants still mostly covering them. She knew that that would change quickly, as a matter of fact, already was, as she both slid her sweatpants down over her hips and wiggled deeply into her warm cocoon, eager to enjoy herself in full comfort.
While using her feet to wiggle her sweatpants off the last few inches past her ankles, she excitedly reached for her phone, hoping for more vivid imagery, or at the least, a message to keep her mind wandering.

‘Not… hard… to see how you make me feel, is it?’

Not hard at all, but she had her doubts if he truly understood what he did to her. Lying in her bed, soaked, wishing his messages were words spoken softly in her ears, pictures a reality to lay her eyes on, to get lost in all over again as they came together in a passionate embrace. Her imagination was driving her, better yet, his imagination had infiltrated her subconscious, fingers once again teasing between her legs, toying with her pussy. She moaned softly as her fingers danced in a way that both teased, and pleased. Her breathing deepened as she found the perfect rhythm, body sinking into the sheets, mind plunged even deeper into euphoria. All sense of time vanished as pleasure overcame her, as she once again drifted into an alternate reality where he was what was pushing her over the edge. Where he was the reason she had lost all control, a delicate touch that drove her insane.

‘Fuck…’ was all she could muster in reply, her mind gone, barely able to type, completely lost in the moment.

The message sent and almost simultaneously, another picture came in, this time, the sheet had fallen, revealing him, the v of his torso seemingly leading her eye to his hard cock.

Once her eyes found their prize, her pleasure hit another level. Eyes closing, tongue teasing over her lips as her fingers continued to dance along her soaked pussy, more intensely this time. Euphoria filled her to the brim, escaping only in a deep sigh, as her heart rate once again shot to the heavens. She had been teased, but with that image, pleased, and as if giving her body the reward it deserved, she completely let herself go. Fingers toying with her pussy, teasing her clit, thousands of nerves firing at once, nothing but pure, unbridled passion inside of her now. Her breath once deep, now quickened with every touch, face contouring through expressions of pleasure. She writhed in the sheets, tangled, twisted, as if her passion was a creature trapped inside, desperate to break free. Lost in her moment, senses heightened, nothing but her own moans echoed in her ears. She envisioned his body once again, hot, but not as hot as she was right now, as all at once the emotion came out in a single, ear splitting scream. Eyes shot open, hands violently grasping the sheets, she let out one final breath and collapsed into the bed, exhausted, but beyond content.

Her screen once again lit up the darkness, mind once again back in her control, but she was asleep before her brain even received the request to move her arm.

She had never slept so well in her life.


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