My [NB18] second time with a friend [F18] who I met on Discord [NB] [F] (Part 2)

Hi guys!! So, since my first post on r/gonewildstories got so much positive feedback (along with some transphobia, but can’t escape that on reddit) I decided to post part 2 as promised.

To sum up part one, I (NB18) met Leonie (F18) on discord and we became good friends and eventually found out we lived relatively close to each other. We decided to meet in real life, had a first kiss, and the next day we meet again and had a bunch of fun and she spent the night at my place after some wholesome fun… if you know what I mean.

Again, if you wanna skip to the actual spice, you can use the find tool and look up “——–”, but as said in the previous post, I think context adds a lot to sex, so yeah.

I woke up cuddled next to Leonie, looking at the clock which said 6:45 in the morning. Since I had set the alarm 7am, I thought I’d enjoy the few minutes we had left together in bed. She said she was gonna call in sick for school, and I wanted to take the day off too, but alas, being employed by your mother has it’s downsides.

For the time being though, I’d rather have admired Leonie’s beauty. And I did, for a solid 10 minutes until my alarm rang and I shook a little. Leonie slowly woke as well, looked at me and put her hands on my jaw, kissing me softly before chuckling to herself.

“Your alarm is seriously that ‘Bring Me To Life’ song?” she asked sarcastically, to which I kissed her hastily and turned off the alarm.

“My other alarm is the chorus to Pork and Beans by Weezer, so consider yourself lucky.” I said as I crawled out of bed, phone in hand and sat on my chair, admiring her in her sleepy, messy sort of beauty.

“When do you wanna call in sick?” I asked, as I noticed her grab her phone, which was apparently dead.

“Fuck me, can I charge my phone here?” she asked, and I handed her my charger. We luckily had a similar phone model, so we used the same charger thing as well.

“What about you?” she asked.

“Well, I can call in sick for school, but I’ll have to work later. It’s a pretty short shift, but I probably can’t avoid it. I work in my mom’s restaurant, so you know.” I said, as I pulled the shirt off my monitor which Leonie had hastily thrown onto it the day before.

I opened Discord to see a bunch of missed messages from the groupchat. They were teasing us heavily, and they were still online, even though it was late for them, so I put on a shirt and sweatpants and encouraged Leonie to do the same, as I started a video call.

David on his PC, using his high quality streaming camera. Eventually Sarah got on as well, though she was laying in bed and using her phone’s selfie camera. Eventually I turned on my very low quality camera (I got it for like €15) and waved hi.

They asked if Leonie was joining the call, and I said probably not since her phone was dead, to which they suspiciously asked how I knew that, after which Leonie got out of the bed, moderately dressed and hopped onto my lap, waving hi. David and Sarah laughed loudly as they noticed how much of a mess our hair was in and they asked what Leonie was doing in my room, to which we looked at each other knowingly and went completely off topic, mentioning a new game that’s coming out relatively soon (I think we were talking about Jedi: Survivor, which me and Sarah are huge Star Wars fans so).

Anyway, after about 20 minutes they said that they were heading offline and I asked Leonie how her phone was coming along. She turned it on and called at the school, faking a cough and strained voice. After she was done, I did basically exactly the same, and I turned went on my browser to look for shows to watch. Now, I am usually a sailor of the seven seas, but I had a friend’s Disney plus account, so I turned it on and we went to watch the new Willow show, Leonie still sat on my lap. After we were through half the first episode, I told Leonie how my legs were being strained by her sitting on them, to which she responded by standing up, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Oh, my bad, you’ll be needing them later, so…” she said teasingly.


She crawled back further on the bed, looking at me while I looked through messages, emails and other boring stuff. After a while, I decided to finally go and lay with her. I stood up and got onto the bed, crawling to her on my knees and hands as I collapsed next to her. We looked at each other for a while, and she flung her legs in the air, ripping off the sweatpants I’d given to her, now only in my boxers and a baggy shirt, which looked absolutely fantastic from my end.

She crawled up and sat onto my crotch as she laid down and we started making out, slowly at first, but soon our hands were in each others hair, or traveling up and down each others bodies, I was half naked pretty soon myself.

At last, she turned around as we laid in a 69 sort of position with her on top. Before she can remove my boxers, I’d already pushed hers down and buried my lips into her, licking with a passion as my hands caressed her hips. After a while of this, she finally puts my penis into her mouth, giving me a blowjob as I continue eating her out.

I eventually start pumping my finger in and out of her as I lick and play with her clit using my tongue. After a few more minutes of this, I feel her pussy tighten around my finger as she orgasms intensely, covering my chin and hand in her juices as her lower body shook. Moving my finger while inside of her in the slightest made her shake aggressively. It was so fun to see how much control I’d had over her, merely with my fingers. Eventually she relaxes and goes back to sucking my dick, though she eventually turned around, her bare pussy levitating over my erect penis.

“Should I get condoms? Are you on the pill?” I asked, as I leaned my arm over to the drawer next to my bed, though before I’d reached I’d felt her lowering her body and rubbing her bare pussy over my penis.

“I’m on the pill. I’ve always had pretty intense periods so I’ve been taking the pill for a while to help with that.” she said, continuously rubbing her sex on mine.

I put my hands onto her hips, as my hands levitated up and pushed the baggy shirt I’d lent her above her head. I was witnessing a magnificent sight to be sure. Her beautiful, pale body on top of me, with so much control. She was a sight to behold, and behold her I did. She had pretty small breasts, but that didn’t matter. Not when her curves contrasted so nicely with the rest of her body, the way her thin waist and midriff elevated above me. It felt like a dream. I loved every part of her. From the dimples in her face when she smiled, to her armpit hair which hadn’t been shaved for a while, to the scar on her left thigh, indicating a part of her she’d not confessed to me. But that didn’t matter. Because she would tell me on her own time.

And just as I was drowning in these thoughts, Leonie reached in front of her, lifting my erect penis, holding it by it’s base as she sat onto it and slid it into herself. If her mouth felt wet and warm in a comfortable way, the inside of her felt melting and hot in a serene way. She was fully in control. She lifted herself up and down, slowly and quickly. That split moment as I entered into her was dream like.

She continued riding on top of me, as she removed her hand from the base of my shaft and continued riding it, eventually sitting down with my sex inside of hers. The slight high pitched moans she gave off meant everything. She looked at me, with my sex wholly inside hers and just smiled. I might as well have orgasmed from her mere smile.

She leaned down as we started making out, with her trying her best to rid me in the midst of everything. It was uncomfortable, sweaty, and difficult, but that didn’t matter, because we both knew how much the each of us wanted the other. After a while, I asked her if she wanted me to get on top, to which she said sure, and we moved into a missionary style position. I pumped into her slowly but steadily, as she put her hand on her clit, rubbing it slowly, with out mouths on top of each other. Not kissing, just breathing. It was hot in the most literal sense of the word.

After a while of fucking her at a consistent pace, I felt my orgasm building up, and I slowed down, which she clearly disapproved of, telling me to keep going. I told her that I felt myself on the verge of cumming, and she said that she wanted me to keep going anyway, and I did. I kept going all the way through my orgasm, pumping into her pre-, midst-, and post-orgasm. It hurt, but feeling her walls tighten around my sex and her lips purse together as she gave off the cutest moan was everything. I fell on top of her, my penis still inside her, and I was exhausted, as was she.

At last, she looked at my phone and told me that I had to go to work in a little. I leaned over to grab some paper towels, and gave them to her to lay on top of her pussy to avoid my cum dripping onto the floor. We slowly climbed off the bed and made our way into the shower, where we showered each other thoroughly in each others arms, and eventually she fingered me while stroking me off and looking me in the eyes, and that was a moment I’ll never forget. It was so hot. It was a long shower, but once I was done and had dried my hair, I had to go to work.

She told me that she’d be back in my room by the time my shift ended, so I gave her my key and went off to work. During my shift, she eventually texted me that she had a surprise for me once I got back. It was a nervous shift for the rest of it, and I was absolutely excited once my shift ended at around 6pm.

I’ll probably tell that tale another time though. If you do wanna see that, then like the post and tell me as much in the comments and I’ll make it happen. I love writing about me and her, and I’ve showed her how much love part one has been getting and she loves it, so yeah, keep an eye open for it.


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