JJ & Becca [oral, early 30’s, co-workers to lovers]

“Cheers! It’s been way too long,” I said.

“No shit dude, why do we have to live in different countries?” he said with one eyebrow raised.

“I mean, how often would we really see each other if we lived in the same city again anyways?”.

He rubbed his neck and took a swig of his beer.

“You’re probably right, but I liked working with you,” while looking away suddenly.

“What was your favorite part? The angry looks I’d give you while I was on the phone with an angry client or the emo music, I’d send you every day over Teams?”, I asked with a laugh.

“Well, it definitely wasn’t your god-awful music taste,”.

“Rude. You wouldn’t know good music if it slapped you in the face,” I said while resting back in the chair.

There was a moment of silence as I tried to remain calm and collected. This was the first time since Covid hit that we have been able to see each other in person, and damn, does he look just as good, if not better, than he did before.

“Hey, do you remember the last time we saw each other?” he said while rubbing his left palm.

“I do. We were taking all our office items home with us, and I am horrible at packing a backpack, so you- “.

“I had you turn around while I re-packed everything and zipped up your backpack,” he said while almost daydreaming.

That shocked me. For some reason, I had replayed that moment in my mind. It felt kind of intimate like he was staring at my neck while packing my backpack for me. He touched my arm lightly, and it felt like a lightning bolt. Does he know how much I think about him?
I was obviously silent for longer than I wanted because he interrupted my memory.

“Well, it wasn’t a big deal at the time, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since then,” he said straight-faced and slightly shaking.

I must have stopped breathing for a moment because I started coughing- like full-on choking coughing. I held up my index finger and pointed to the bathroom. While coughing, I felt a tear stream down my left cheek.

I rammed my body into the bathroom door and bolted to the nearest stall. I couldn’t even lock the stall before I sat down, coughing even more. My head was spinning with all the thoughts I had been pushing down for the past 4 years. Does he love me too? Why didn’t he say anything? Is he fucking serious? It felt like a whirlwind moment of the grief stages. This felt kind of like a joke to me—he never expressed romantic feelings toward me.

Suddenly my clothes started feeling constricting like I had a rash that I needed itching. Breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth. Calming down now—I shouldn’t have reacted that way. That was a bit too dramatic, but this feels like a big life-changing moment.
Okay, relax, take a drink of water.

I walked out to the sink, splashed some water on my face, and looked at my reflection.

“All right, you’re going to go back out there and have a normal conversation with him. Let’s do this, you just need to breathe. 1.2.3. Go, Becca,” I said while walking back to our table.

As I walked back to the restaurant, I realized that he was gone. Oh shit, I scared him off. Of course, he must have thought I was trying to escape. I walked up to the maître d quickly.

“Excuse me, have you seen where my partner went? He’s taller, strawberry blonde hair?”.

“Oh yes, your friend told me that he was going back to his room and to tell you to have a good night. He said he’ll text you,”.
“Was that like 5 minutes ago?”.

“No, less than a minute ago, he just left,”.

“Thank you so much,” I said while running away.

I ran to the right and looked toward the elevators. There he was just waiting- I’d hoped for me, but thought, maybe he was running away from me.

“JJ! Wait!” I yelled a bit too loudly about how beautiful this hotel was.
He turned around and I could tell he was surprised to see me. His eyes looked a bit puffy like he had been crying.

“Becca, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say anything to scare you off. I just wanted to be honest with you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I touched you the last day at work,” he said as the elevator dinged.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either,” I grabbed his hand and led him into the elevator.

He pressed the number 8 and took a step back with me. He grabbed my hand shyly and looked at me with his crooked smile.

“Becca, do you want to come into my room with me?”.

“JJ, why do you think I lead you into the elevator? I said kind of laughing.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with it,” he said while rubbing my hand with his thumb.

We walked in silence to his room. He fumbled for his hotel room key. I could tell he was nervous—I am too. Since the first day we met at work, I had dreamed that this would happen. But my dreams never seemed to become a reality, I was stuck in this loop of unrequited love. I am 31 and haven’t had a boyfriend, I’d always dreamed JJ would be the first one.

He finally unlocked the door and gently guided me into the room. Before I could truly see the grandiosity of the room, JJ closed the door, stood behind me, and put his hands on my hips ever so gently.
I leaned back into him and gently put my palm on his cheek. I could feel his breathing get deeper. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly. I turned around and pulled his face into me as our lips discovered each others. Our tongues slightly intertwined as our breathing matched each other’s pace.

“Becca, is this, okay?” JJ said while pulling away from me.

“Yes, I need you,” I said as I pulled him towards the bed.

“Oh, thank God,”. He said as he pulled off his shirt.

He laid me down on the bed and straddled me. I sat up and grabbed at his belt.

“Don’t. Not yet. I want to make you feel good first,” as he pulled my leggings off.

I leaned back and let out a sigh. I was nervous but so ready for us to be together.

“Do you like it rough or slow? I want to do what you’re comfortable with,” he said while rubbing my thighs.

“I need it hard and fast, make me scream JJ,”.

He pried open my legs, kissing from my knees down to the outside of my panties. He traced the lining of my panties before lightly touching my pussy through the cotton. He moved his fingers up and down while I tried to control my moans.

“Becca, I need you to be loud for me. Don’t be shy,”.

He continued to lightly move his index finger up and down over my panties.

“God JJ, I need you inside of me,”.

“Tsk tsk, you have to be patient. We’re just starting,”.

Just as I was about to let out a louder moan, JJ grabbed my panties and pulled them down. He looked at me like I was his prey, ready to devour me in one bite. He lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach, grabbing at my insecurities, but groaning with delight. I could feel his stubble scratching my stomach, moving down and landing at my sweet spot. I let out a short gasp.

“You’re so wet and ready for me,” he said kind of laughing.

Just then, his tongue started doing circles on my clit. My back arched as his tongue darted on and off my clit. His tough hands were pushing my thighs further apart, bringing my hips further into his tongue.

My breath was becoming uneven, and my nipples were now erect as his tongue discovered my cunt. He put his tongue inside of me while his left index finger held steady on my clit, moving up and down, with light and heavy pressure. I could feel myself getting closer to the edge, as he stopped, and my thighs collapsed in on themselves.
“Wow, you really know what you’re doing down there,” I said between breaths.

He didn’t say anything, he just kissed me, hard and fast. I started unbuttoning his shirt and he moved his lips down to my neck.
“Let’s get this shirt out of the way,” he said while unbuttoning my velvet shirt.

He continued kissing down my neck towards my breasts. He looked up at me and grabbed my hands to lift me up slightly. He unclasped my bra, and I felt my breasts bounce into their natural position. His mouth enveloped my left nipple and I let out a moan louder than I planned. He smiled, bit down, and explored both of my nipples with an eagerness I had yet to experience. His tongue did figure 8’s around each nipple and his teeth bit down until I screamed in beautiful pain.

He kissed down my stomach and I wrapped my legs around his face. He forced his nose into my wet clit, and I screamed. His prominent nose fit into my folds perfectly, and at that moment, I could feel a smile break out on his face. I started grinding my hips into his face, and I felt every piece of hair on his face scratch me to the edge. My mouth betrayed my nervous energy, and his nose forced me into a moment of pure ecstasy. I screamed until I ran out of breath, and he didn’t let up. He pushed until my legs were shaking and I came until my body allowed me to.

I fell back onto the bed, and he lay down next to me. Instead of stopping, he lightly touched my sensitive pussy, giving me tremors. I touched his face and kissed him lightly.

We lay there for a few minutes, just kissing, and talking.

“When did you know you liked me?” I asked him.

“I knew right away, but I was in a relationship, and we were co-workers. That could become awkward, no?” he said while kissing me.

“Yeah, you’re so right,” I said.

The rest of the night, we cuddled, kissed, and shared old work memories. I laughed, he laughed, and we just were.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/116zact/jj_becca_oral_early_30s_coworkers_to_lovers