Alone in the Office [FM20s][public]

I sit staring at my computer screen, unable to take in anything more. I should’ve headed home with everyone else, but I was I determined to get my work done so I won’t have it hanging over my head all weekend.

Taking off my glasses to rub my tired eyes, I look up from my monitor just as Alec, the new manager, walks by; bag in hand, and ready to go home. He nods as he passes my cubicle. I smile, but he doesn’t stop to talk to me. I watch him walk away, glad for any distraction.

Alec has been here for a couple of months. We are on talking terms, but our conversations don’t tend to go much further than the weather, or how to unjam the printer, or if I can recommend any good gyms. Other than that, things have been strictly business between us, which is probably for the best. The general consensus is he’s hot as fuck with his sandy hair, green eyes and five o’clock shadow that has always grown back by midday. But it’s his smile that sends me weak at the knees, as if we share a secret that only we know… He could have his pick of office affairs if he wanted to. Although as far as I’m aware he hasn’t.

I shift awkwardly in my chair, my arousal seeping into my plain cotton panties. I don’t know why I’ve been feeling so horny today… Except I do. My eyes shift to the locked top drawer of my desk, where a plain white passage waits for me to open it.

I shouldn’t have had it delivered to work, but I didn’t trust it with my neighbours, so I was left with little choice. Luckily, the packaging had been discrete, so no one is any the wiser to what’s inside.

I glance back down at my computer, but it’s no good I just can’t concentrate. Thoughts of Alec and my package jumble inside my head.

Standing on my chair, I try not to fall as I peer over the cubicle walls and call out. Silence. It’s completely empty, even the cleaners have been and gone; Alec was the last to leave. Satisfied I’m alone, I sit back down and open up the drawer.

My package sits inside on top of a bunch of unsigned paperwork. Unopened it calls to me… Perhaps I should just open it to make sure they’ve delivered the right thing. After all, there could be anything inside the sealed, plain white bag.

I told Kim it was a shoehorn when she handed it over to me this morning in front of Alec – I had been showing him how to unjum the copier. Again. I don’t think she believed me since I was blushinh so hard, as I took it from her hands. Although Alec seemed quite excited about it as he asked me where I got it from because he was thinking of getting one himself. I muttered the name of a store and quickly excused myself.

I rip open the bag, and a plain black and silver box slides out onto my desk. There’s no writing or pictures, just an ordinary box that could contain absolutely anything. I open it up, and there it is, my brand new toy. It’s big and girthy, and i can feel my pussy tingling just looking at it, but apart from that it looks like any other vibrator to me. I wonder for a moment if they sent me the right thing.

This isn’t supposed to be just any vibrator. The advertisement for it said it was supposed to make all other toys obsolete. Guaranteed orgasm with each use or your money back. I was counting on it.

No matter how hard I try, I’ve never been able to bring myself to orgasm. Maybe that’s the problem, I overthink it. I get turned on easily enough, but inside my head and lose it.

This is my last ditch effort to make myself scream before resigning myself to a life perpetual sexual frustration.

Taking the vibrator out of the box, I press the button, and it instantly buzzes to life. It feels strong and powerful in my hand as the vibrations travel down my arm and into the pit of my stomach. I feel my clit begin to tremble from the sheer force. Quickly I turn it back off again convinced the whole building could hear it thrumming. I hold my breath and listen. Nothing stirs.

It’s just as I knew, I am completely alone. There is no one here. I could sit here and fuck myself with the highest setting on, I could scream and shout, and no one would hear… they wouldn’t know. Maybe this is just the shot of excitement I need.

Without realising it my hands slip beneath my skirt and begin tugging down my plain black panties along with my tights down past my knees. I can feel my pussy clenching from the sudden change of temperature as the cool air of the room creeps up my dress. It feels strangly freeing to expose myself to the office like this, even if there isn’t actually anyone here to see me. My arousal is already beginning to soak through the light material of my dress.

Inside the box is a complimentary sachet of lube. Using my teeth to rip it open like some kind of feral animal, I pour the lube over the vibrator. I then rub the remaining lubricant onto my slit, running my finger up along my entrance. I shudder at the touch, before slipping my fingers inside.

They make a wet sloshing noise as I work them in and out. Even with the lube I think I need to loosen myself up a little before attempting to fit that battering ram inside me.

I push the button and roars into life. Each pulse shakes my entire body so that my swivel chair begins rocking back and forth. I feel myself growing wetter and wetter as my fingers slide in and out. I’m dripping now, and my third finger slides in with ease. Fingering myself has never felt so good before, but now I think it’s time to mix things up.

Parting my legs as far as they will go, my skirt bunches up round my hips. I then place the vibrator just up above my well trimmed pubic area. I can feel the vibrations churning up my stomach in a furious, sickening, euphoric sensation. Biting down on my lower lip, I let out a moan as I arch back in my chair. Not that if anyone was up here they would be able to hear me over the sound of thunder thrumming between my legs.

I lower it down even further, pressing it firmly against my clit, and let out another moan. Louder than before. Closing my eyes tight, I rub the vibrator in a circular motion, drawing out a series of breathless sighs from inside of me. It feels so good. Better than anything I’ve ever made myself ever feel before. I hope I don’t lose this feeling. What I do lose it. I need it. I crave it…. My eyes flicker open as I begin to panic.

Fuck, I gasp out loud as I look across the empty office. Standing across from several feet away in the shadows is Alec. Our eyes meet and neither of us move. My fingers remain mid thrust inside my cunt while the vibrator stays pressed against my clit, sending wave after wave of foundation shaking pulsesĀ  throughout my entire body.

I know I should stop. Should pull my dress back down, and my tights back up. Turn the vibrator off and quickly stuff it back inside my drawer and pretend that this isn’t what it looks like, but it’s too late for all that. I know he can see under my desk. I’m practically putting on a show for him and anyone else that may appear.

Besides, I can’t move. It’s as if he’s frozen me in place with his gaze. For what feels like an eternity, we remain perfectly still, our eyes locked on one another. Beneath the furious sound of buzzing, I’m aware of Alec’s breathing slow and steady, matching mine beat for beat.

I can see his chest rise and fall beneath the open V of his shirt, which clings to his perfectly toned body so that i can see the outline of his abs. I realise for the first time he’s wet, droplets of water dripping from his ruffled hair, and following the contour of his jawline. It must be raining outside. Did he forget his coat? Is that why he came back?

Taking him all in, my gaze drifts down where I can see a distinct bulge pressed against his trousers. It suddenly occurs to me. He’s not moved, or said a single word. Instead he stands there with a curiosity in his eyes, that seem to border on hunger. A hunger I want to sate.

Keeping my eyes locked on his wet, sculpted body. I watch his eyes watching me, fixed between my wide open legs beneath my desk. I bring the vibrator down, pressing it up against my tingling lips. Slowly they part as I push it inside me. There’s some resistance, but I’m well lubed as I manage to push all it the way in. It buzzes inside me, filling me with a new tingling sensation unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

Alec licks his lips while his hand wanders down to the straining bulge in his trousers as he begins to rub it. He seems to be acting on instinct, as if too transfixed, watching my body writhing and trembling from the power radiating within me.

Picturing it’s his cock pounding inside me instead, hard and eager to please, I begin to thrust the vibrator in and out of my pussy. Alec begins to rub himself grabbing at his trousers. I want him to take his cock out. I want him to free the beast straining itself towards me. Towards my aching pussy. As the neon piston thrusts in and out of me I can feel myself growing closer.

Unable to control himself any more, Alec pulls unbuckles his belt and pulls down both his trousers and boxers. I let out my biggest moan yet, my grip tightening around the vibrator. He’s a respectable size; he would stretch me out and fill me up. But I could take him and subdue him to me. Alec smirks. Clearly reading my filthy mind he begins to running his hand up and down his entire length. Teasing out drops of precum that drip down onto the beige carpet.

I’m loving the way Alec is turned on watching me right now, I can feel my body trembling with anticipation. I think I might just explode, I can feel it building up inside of me like a tidal wave. I want it so bad, need it, but I don’t want him to finish before me. I don’t know if I can do this now without him.

Sitting up, I turn around in my leather seat so that I’m knelt and leaning against the backrest. Sex toy still pumping away inside me, I stick my arse out making sure that Alec gets the best view possible. Gripping the chair back, I look back to make sure Alec is still watching. He is, his hand pumping furiously along his cock as he takes a step closer towards me.

I lower my hand down along my back, now slicked in sweat that sticks to my blouse, following the curves of my body down to my butt. I can feel my cheeks jiggle from the vibrations inside of me as run my fingers along.

I then grab hold of the vibrator poking out from between my dripping lips. I can feel my juices running down the inside of my trembling thighs as, I begin pumping the thick, rumbling imitation cock in and out of my cunt, imagining how it would feel if it were Alec riding me raw.

This time I find the spot. My breath comes out in ragged gasps and my heart begins to beat as if its about to burst out of my chest.

“I’m cumming,” I yell. I’m practically screaming. “I want you to watch me cum for you.”

Closing my eyes, I let out a loud animalistic scream as I feel my juices squirt all over my brand new toy.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” I hear Alec call back. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard him swear. “I can’t… I need somewhere…”

I turn back to face him, my body still twitching. He’s standing so close to me now, I hadn’t realised. There’s only the desk between us.

“Cum on me. Do it all over my arse,” I cry, still orgasming and not really thinking about it.

“Fuck!” Alec doesn’t need any persuading. He lets out a deep, guttural moan as ropes of white hot semen come surging out. Splattering against my still gyrating arse. I feel it sliding down my cheeks, and trickle into my crack.

“That feels so good,” I moan as with one final thrust I cum all over again.

“It looks good,” Alec agrees as he slowly squeezes out every last drop cum from his dick.

I nod, too tired and satisfied to talk. Pressing the off button I slide the vibrator out from inside me. My juices come gushing out. Running down the inside of me leg they mix with Alec’s thick milky cum.

“Sorry I may have got some on the desk, and on you dress,” Alec apologises, tucking his now flaccid dick back into his pants.

My forehead presses up the sticky leather of my chair as I try to catch my breath. My legs feel weak, and I’m sure I would collapse if I tried to move right now. Years of sexual frustration having finally now been released have left me breathless.
