[F32F33] The Swap, Part 1 [Passionate][First Time Experience][Scissoring][Squirting][Exhibitionism]

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jeremy said, turning his head to Beth quickly before returning his eyes toward the road.

“I think so. I’m just…nervous,” she said with an exhale, staring at the floorboard of their Mercedes.

“There’s still time to change your mind. Really…it’s fine if you want to head back home.”

“No, I’m ready,” Beth looked over at Jeremy, and said with confidence sounding like she had made up her mind,

Jeremy had his hand over Beth’s soft pale tights. The gentle caress sent shivers down her spine.

“I can’t believe we’re really doing this,” Beth followed up, pressing her thighs together and sliding back in her seat.

“Do you think anything is going to change?” Jeremy asked with his right eyebrow raised.

“No way. Jeremy, I love you and I won’t let anything get in the way of our marriage,” Beth said with conviction as she reached over to take Jeremy’s hand.

Beth and Jeremy were high school sweethearts. The stereotypical quarterback and cheerleader going on to become the Homecoming King and Queen. They got married shortly after graduation, and fifteen years later they decided to pull the trigger on their first couples swap. The couple had talked about this day over the last five years but took no action on it. It was usually brought up in a joking manner, but it was over dinner when the two of them decided to act on it. The following day, Beth had brought up the topic of couples swapping up with Gianna, another cheerleader friend from high school. Beth recalled the conversation.

“Gigi, have you ever heard of couples swapping?”

“Couple’s swap? Is that what it sounds like?” Gianna had asked.

It was difficult for Beth to get a read on her friend, and went into further detail.

“You know when you swap partners with another couple? It’s like…”

Beth was cut off by Gianna’s laughter.

“Of course, I know what it is. Ty and I have swapped a few times, but it can sometimes hard finding a couple.”

“How do you even start finding couples?” Beth asked.

“Just ask. There are Reddit boards, and Craigslist has some options. Start talking and if they’re interested, arrange a date and location. Good luck though, we don’t have many options around here, so you’ll probably need to travel.” Gianna said, parsing the right side of her lips together and shrugged.

“Jeremy’s job keeps him from taking trips, but I know we were planning a weekend trip next month for our anniversary.”

“You can practice with me, go on. Ask me like you’re interested!” Gianna said playfully.

Beth cleared her throat and giggled, but stopped as she opened her mouth to speak.

“No, this is fucking stupid,” Beth said dismissively, waving her left hand in the air.

“If you can’t ask me, how are you going to ask anyone else?”

Beth knew she had a point, and made another attempt, “Gigi, would you like to swap with…”

She was cut off with an immediate “Yes!” from Gianna.

That was it, no searching, and no awkward conversations, it just happened. The two women agreed to talk it over with their partners and set a date. The biggest concern shared between the two is how close their friendship was and if this would break that bond.

Today was that date.

Jeremy and Beth made a quick left turn into a driveway.

“Last chance,” Jeremy said, looking into Beth’s blue eyes.

Beth took a long breath in, pulled the handle of her door, pushed the door open, and stepped outside. She then ran her hands over her tight red dress flattening the parts that had folded.

“You look fucking hot tonight. Ty’s going to love it.” Jeremy said, trying to calm Beth’s nervousness.

She looked into Jeremy’s brown eyes and smiled, taking his hand and the two approached the door. Beth’s heart raced and felt as if time slowed with each step. Time snapped back into place when the couple reached the door. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The two of them heard the unmistakable sound of heels tapping on the tile floor as Gianna approached the door, coming to a stop just on the opposite side. There was a click of the lock and the door swung inward. Gianna stood at the entrance, smiling and Jeremy’s breath was taken away. Gianna is the type of person that likes to flaunt what she has, but something looked different than usual. Jeremy wasn’t quite sure if it was the way she was dressed, or if it was knowing that at some point tonight, the two of them were going to fuck.

Gianna wore a tight dark blue dress made of velvet which accented her curves with the shiny fabric. The fabric squeezed around her toned stomach leaving little to the imagination. Jeremy noticed the slightest bump form on the fabric from the belly button piercing that pressed into the dress. The dark shadows of the cleavage breasts begged for his attention as his gaze disappeared between the voluptuous mounds, and her nipples strained against the fabric as the light of the entryway drew the slightest hint of a shadow beneath them.

“Stop staring and come in,” Gianna said jokingly and Jeremy’s cheeks flushed having just been called out.

Gianna took the couple by the hand and led them through the doors, and down the entryway finally releasing their hands as they entered the living room. Ty had his feet kicked up on the table. He wore cream-colored pants and a fitted black button-up shirt. Beth bit her lower lip as her eyes ran down his muscular chest to the outline of his cock under the loose fabric of his pants. Images of his rod penetrating her flooded her mind and she quickly shook off the image.

Ty stood and offered Jeremy and Beth a seat opposite each other.

“Can I get you a drink?” Ty asked.

“White wine, thanks,” said Beth.

“And I’ll have a whiskey sour if you have it,” Jeremy added.

“Bulliet okay?” Ty asked.

Jeremy nodded, “Yea, that sounds good.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back,” Ty said with a nod as he made his way to the bar.

Gianna sat by Beth on the couch…

“How are you feeling?” Gianna asked, turning her head toward Beth.

“I’m fine, a little nervous, but tonight is going to be…fun,” Beth said with a smile.

“So, how does this work?” Jeremy asked, taking the glass from the tray Ty was carrying, taking a small sip, and nodding in approval.

Ty then took two glasses of wine by the stems, handing it to each of the ladies, and took the last glass filled with cognac, sipping it as well.

“First thing, we need to lay the ground rules,” Ty exchanged glances between Beth and Jeremy before continuing. “No one should be uncomfortable with anything we do tonight. Neither one of us will push to do anything that you two don’t want to do.”

“Like what?” Beth asked.

Taking a second, Gianna asks, “Condoms or no condoms?”

Beth and Jeremy answered in unison. “Condoms,” Jeremy said while Beth answered with, “No Condoms.”

Jeremy’s eyes shot to Beth quickly and shrugged. “No condoms,” he said, correcting his response.

“Anything else?” Beth asked.

“We can just play it as it goes, if there’s something you aren’t okay with, just let us know. As long as there isn’t anything you can think of” Ty answered.

“That’s fine,” Jeremy said, taking a sip of his drink. “How do we start?”

The answer came as a gentle caress of Gianna’s fingertips down Beth’s neck, causing Beth to shiver at the soft touch, and turned her head to Gianna in surprise. Gianna leaned in, bringing her maroon-shaded soft lips pressed against Beth’s. She opened her mouth slightly, inviting more. Gianna brought her hand up to Beth’s cheek and deepened the kiss as her hand then ran down to her breast. Beth reached over, pulling Gianna over until her long leg swung over Beth’s thighs and rested herself down onto her lap.

Beth traced her hands around Gianna, taking the zipper of her dress between her fingertips, and slowly pulled it downward. The tight dress pulled itself open as the pressure of the zipper released, exposing Gianna’s firm back to Ty and Jeremy.

Jeremy turned his head toward Ty and slowly nodded approvingly.

“Nice huh?” Ty asked, referring to his wife’s tanned and toned back.

“It is,” Jeremy responded.

Gianna then slid herself down Beth’s legs as her hands pushed them apart at the knees, then positioned herself between her thighs and brought her head down. Jeremy and Ty watched Beth as she gasped loudly as Gianna pulled her panties off to the side, allowing her tongue to lick up along Beth’s soft, light pink, moist flesh. Jeremy’s cock stiffened as Beth threw her head back and closed her eyes. Beth allowed herself to feel the slow lapping of Gianna’s tongue as it danced around her pussy. Jeremy could also see Gianna’s skirt had ridden up a bit, exposing her ass above her high-heeled shoes through the glass table positioned between the men and the women. Beth’s pussy began to tingle and her nipples hardened as the pressure and speed of Gianna’s tongue increased, sending wave after wave of pleasure over her soaked cunt. As Beth’s pussy cliched tightly, Gianna pushed her tongue deep inside. Beth began to feel her legs begin to quiver as her body tensed more and more, unwittingly trying to stave off her inevitable climax. That was until Gianna’s thumb ran over clit. That one touch was enough to push Beth over the edge as the walls of her pussy began contracting around Gianna’s tongue.

“Oh fuck!” Beth cried as her body spasmed.

Juices from Beth’s contracting pussy began to flow, running into Gianna’s mouth as she lapped at her. Her body tensed with every contraction of her cunt. Gianna felt the twitching of Beth’s clit against her nose. When her body stopped shaking, she leaned back into the couch with a feeling of contentment.

“Nuh-uh, my turn,” Gianna said, standing up from between Beth’s legs which gave Ty the first glance at his friend’s wife’s glistening pussy.

Gianna pulled the straps from her dress over her shoulders as her dress slowly slinked down her body, exposing her tanned olive skin. As Jeremy’s eyes ran down Gianna’s body, to her lower back, down the curves of her ass, and gazing deep between the gap of her thighs. He could just make out the outline of her inner lips hanging just below her outer folds. He felt his cock throb knowing that by the end of the day, he was going to fuck her.

Beth took Gianna’s hand and lifted herself up from the seat, Gianna then spun her around so she was facing the men. Taking the zipper of Beth’s dress, she slowly lowered it down to just above her ass. Then with her hands at the dress’ hem, she pulled downward, lowering the dress to the ground. Ty couldn’t tell if Beth’s cheeks and chest were still covered in a little pink flush from her orgasm moments ago, or if she was embarrassed about exposing herself to her friends this way. Beth looked over her new lover’s naked body for the first time since they’d known each other.

Gianna was only an inch or two shorter than Beth, and her skin was tanned with no lines in sight. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Beth’s D cups with a full C cup. She had darkened areolas were about the size of silver dollars with prominent, hard nipples that protruded much more than Beth’s did. Gianna’s waist was narrower, but her hips and ass had a lot more shape to them than Beth had. The two women went to the gym together pretty regularly, but while Beth focused more on cardio, Gianna focused more on weighted squats, and it showed. From across the gym, Beth had wondered how Gianna had looked outside of the yoga pants, but she never quite imagined this. Beth reached up and gave Gianna’s ass a quick slap, a reddened handprint quickly appeared on the firm skin.

Beth’s heart raced as she lowered her friend down onto the sofa. She knew she was going to be with Ty at some point tonight, but the thought of her first-ever encounter with a woman never really came to mind. She positioned herself between her friend’s legs and began to kiss up her legs starting mid-thigh, she would occasionally flick her tongue against Gianna’s salty skin as she continued upward until she reached her friend’s cunt. She inhaled Gianna’s musk as she took in the sight. Gianna’s pussy lips were darker than the rest of her skin with the slightest tint of dark pink. Her pubic hair was black and trimmed into an inverted triangle while the rest was shaved bare. Jeremy was a god when it came to oral sex, and with Beth’s lack of experience, she thought it best to mimic what her husband would do to her in the same situation.

Beth traced her thumbs in circles along the outside of her friend’s outer lips. Pushing inward from the bottom up and then pulling them apart slightly on the way down. She looked up into Gianna’s eyes who was watching her pussy being played with. Gianna smiled warmly down to her friend as she rocked her pelvis upward. Beth’s thumbs continued making their circles until she began hearing a slight snapping sound as Gianna’s now moist lips would separate. Her thumbs spread her friend’s lips apart finally revealing the bright pink entrance that glistened under the light, and at the lowest point of her entrance, a bead of her liquid lust had gathered. Beth savored the flavor of her friend’s juices as for the first time in her life, she tasted another woman’s wetness. It was similar to her own taste, yet different…distinct. It could be that she had only tasted herself from Jeremy’s cock or from his lips after he had gone down on her. Regardless, she enjoyed the taste. Gianna grabbed her friend’s head, pulling her closer to her needy pussy. Beth quickly dragged her tongue up between her inner lips applying pressure with the width of her tongue. Gianna moaned in pleasure as she felt the tongue repeat its upward stroke, over and over again over her entrance.

“More,” Gianna begged, holding her friend’s head in place. “Use your finger.”

Beth had no resistance pushing her middle finger deep into her friend as the slippery walls of her pussy invited the finger in. She fucked her finger into Gianna, dragging the fingertip along the front wall as Jeremy had done to her countless times.

“Keep licking,” Gianna demanded through a gasp.

With her right thumb and index finger, Beth gently pinched around Gianna’s clit, lifting her hood upward exposing more of the sensitive area. The tip of her tongue danced around the exposed clit as if she were an experienced lover. The sounds of wetness her finger made inside her friend’s velvet walls were further confirmation of the pleasure she was giving. The faster her finger and tongue went, the more Gianna would buck her hips. The longer Beth kept at it, the longer and tighter the walls of Gianna’s cunt would clench around her finger.

“Yes! Like that…you’re going…ugh..to…Oh, fuck!” Gianna’s eyes clamped closed as she compiled enough to finish her sentence. “You’re going to make me cum.”

Beth stopped circling her tongue around Gianna’s clit just long enough to suck it into her mouth. She knew exactly what Gianna was feeling because she mimicked the same things Jeremy would do to her. She knew that any second she was going to feel her friend…

“Yep,” Beth thought to herself, “here she goes.”

The walls of Gianna’s pussy began contracting around her finger, squeezing her finger, almost feeling like her pussy was trying to pull her finger deep inside. In addition to her finger being squeezed, Beth felt Gianna’s clit come alive between her lips, pulsing in unison with the pressure around her finger. She flicked the clit with the tip of her tongue as it danced between her lips.

Gianna’s body spasmed as waves of pleasure came over her entire body. Her legs shook, and her stomach muscles flexed almost enough to cause her to sit up. Unable to speak, she just screamed in pleasure until her orgasm subsided.

Beth finally pulled her mouth away and looked over the pussy inches from her face. She could see Gianna’s inner lips throb with her heartbeat. Instead of the pearl of clear fluid, a stream of thick white cream flowed from within. Curious, Beth dragged her tongue up her slit once more, collecting her friend’s cum into her mouth, and swallowing it down. The cum had a sweeter, saltier, and more lingering flavor than she had tasted earlier. She slid up Gianna’s body and positioned her hands on either side of her friend’s face as she pulled herself into a deep kiss which Gianna had returned.

“Let’s give the men one more show,” Gianna whispered into Beth’s ear.

Beth stood, while Gianna sat up placing her legs on either side of her friends. Reaching up behind Beth, Gianna’s nimble fingers quickly unfastened the bra’s clasp, pulling it down her arms and tossing it aside. Beth’s tits were full, curvy, and soft. Even though her nipples were hard and darkened, the tight areolas were still a barely visible light pink almost white that disappeared against the pale flesh. Gianna spun her friend around until she was facing the men, sliding her fingers beneath the lace fabric at the sides of her friends waist, she pulled downward dropping the panties at Beth’s ankles.

Ty licked his lips having his first glance at the pussy he was going to pound later tonight. Unlike his wife’s trimmed pubic hair, Beth was completely bare. Her inner lips were completely hidden between her swollen outer lips. Gianna’s on the other hand hung just below her outer lips, which were much darker than Beth’s. Ty slid his hand under the waistband of his pants as he gave his thick shaft a few strokes. He closed his eyes and imagined what his cock would look like penetrating deep inside.

Gianna reached over, turning Beth back toward her, guiding Beth’s right leg over her left hip and positioning her left leg between her thighs. Gianna then twisted her body placing her right hand on the floor maximizing the contact between each other’s soaked pussies. The ladies rocked their hips, grinding their clits against each other. Beth thought it was awkward at first, and lifted Gianna’s right ankle over her shoulder further increasing the pressure between them. The harder and faster the women rocked against one another, the louder their moans came in unison. The men could even hear the faint sound of their wet pussies smacking up against each other as juices mixed.

Gianna could feel herself approaching another orgasm as the clit began to throb. Beth could feel the twitching against her clit and adjusted her position. She lowered her friend’s leg from her shoulder and swung her leg over Gianna’s hip, then pushed the skin above her knee against her friend’s wet pussy. Gianna rocked her up against her friend as Beth slid her own pussy up and down the thigh positioned between her legs. Beth’s pussy left glistening streaks of wetness along the length of Gianna’s thighs. Gianna wrapped her hands around Beth’s ass as she pulled her down harder against her skin. Beth pressed herself harder against Gianna’s pussy until she began to feel the muscles contracting against her leg.

As Gianna screamed, her thighs quaked in pleasure. To Beth, it felt as though a vibrator had turned on and she could feel her orgasm approaching. Then without warning, Gianna spun her around into a 69 and buried her tongue into Beth’s cunt. Beth could see the final contractions of her friend’s orgasm mere inches from her face. Gianna’s pussy pushed outward, making her slit look longer, then collapsing back into itself shrinking down into place. While that was happening, Beth also watched as her entrance snapped open and closed. Gianna wrapped her hands on Beth’s ass as she pulled herself up, and buried her tongue deep inside Beth’s pussy. She slid her tongue in and out focusing on finishing her friend off, but she jumped at the feeling of Beth’s thumb flicking over her clit causing an unexpected post-orgasmic contraction. She felt Beth tighten around her tongue until the tight squeeze became rapid pulsations, she withdrew her tongue and quickly slid her tongue over Beth’s clit side to side.

Beth shrieked uncontrollably as she felt an unfamiliar buildup of pressure just beneath her clit build until she felt the sudden release. She was not just taken over by the feeling of her pussy throbbing and her clit quickly twitching, but she also felt the pressure release in quick intervals as spurt after spurt she felt the juices squirt from her like the pressure being released from a garden hose. She collapsed down across Gianna’s body and shook violently over Gianna’s now-soaked face.

When she regained composure, Beth laid down at her friend’s side and rested her leg over her friend’s thighs. The two women embraced one another, gently caressing each other as Beth calmed down from her massive orgasm.

Beth broke the silence and began to speak, “I’ve never done that before.”

“I’ve never made anyone do that before,” Gianna said with a smile and gave her friend a small kiss.

She slid out from Beth’s side and began to walk toward Jeremy with an unintentionally sultry approach. Jeremy couldn’t take his eyes off her pussy as it swayed hypnotically as she approached.

“You did good babe,” Ty said with eyes still looking over Beth’s body which now had become a bright pink flush on her cheeks and upper chest.

Gianna positioned herself over Jeremy’s leg as she slid her finger just inside her wet pussy, collecting some of her cum onto her fingertip and pressing it between Jeremy’s lips. He took her finger into her mouth, tasting his friend’s wife as he sucked the juices from her finger. Its taste was unfamiliar from that of his wife’s flavor. The juices were just as good as Beth’s, he thought maybe even a little sweeter. Gianna then sat down on Jeremy’s lap, feeling his swollen cock straining through his pants. She brought her lips to meet his and their tongues met. Now Jeremy could taste the familiar flavor of his wife’s juices in their kiss. He saw that Gianna’s drenched hair now lay in strings down her shoulders.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Ty said as he raised from his seat, and helped Beth onto her feet.

Naked, just wearing heels, Beth and Ty walked up the stairs hand in hand until they disappeared from view as they made a right stepping into the bedroom.

“I need a shower, care to join me?” Gianna whispered before nibbling on Jeremy’s earlobe.

“Let’s go,” he said with a smile.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/116h1tg/f32f33_the_swap_part_1_passionatefirst_time


  1. It has been about 3 months since I last completed a story. [Like My Excellent Vacation](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uks3ob/mfmy_excellent_vacation_part_1_long5200/) story, I liked having a multi-part story that could be broken up in a non-teasing kind of way.


    This is also the one of the few times that I haven’t written in a first person perspective, so hopefully this makes sense. Anyway, as usual, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read one of my short stories. There are plenty of other things you could spend your time doing and I appreciate that it was here with me.



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