EST: The Case of the Moana Lisa Final Chapter The Secret of Moana Lisa (MF FF Anal Rough/Forceful)

To hear the hum on a laptop as the heat sink turns on, the constant buzz that even the newest Vibralink has. “One more topic” I wondered out loud. Totally lost in my thoughts and writings. And just like what my little kitten liked I ran my hand over my cleavage. Touching both of my triple S breasts while trying to ponder… Ponder, “Something”, I swallowed hard. “Some..thing feels different” drifted from my mouth. Barely able to be heard by my own ears much less by someone else’s.
Thinking about Moana Lisa, the story that I have spent every waking moment on. My fingers flying over the keys so that everything is just perfect. Taking a shaky breath. One that I have missed ever since that faithful day.
My finger, now barely able to keep still. Now that my kitten is turning me into her little sex toy. Licking my holes, both of them! From my clit to my butthole with such elegance that my eyes are starting to cross.
Trying to take a breath. Trying my damnedest to inhale what little I could take in. Feeling my diaphragm convulse in a desperate orgasm! Pressing not one butt both of my nipples in. My thoughts paralyzed on any further subjects besides that of my kitten, my A’drea…
Wanting to complement on her timing, her exact moment of penetration. Wanting to say something, anything about the way she makes me feel. My hands have now taken my triple S’s, groping each side of my biggest turn on ever since college. Ever since I had stumbled with my words over this bar tender who happens to be one of the fastest people alive!
“Oh A’drea” that name drifting over my lips the same as her tight body drifts over my tongue! “Ooh Ooooh!” This sudden rush of endorphins, dopamine rushing to my brain as my orgasm starts to dance with my pussy. Not wanting to give in this early by some surprise pussy jumping. Not wanting to show my kitten the way only she knows how to distract me fully. Thankfully, even as my legs spread, my eyes had crossed. My vision is slowly returning back to me. Blinking, blinking a few more times as my lips were quivering. My mouth matching my cunt by the pure way that A’drea could get inside my head and drive me straight to complicity! Listening to the way I wanted to say, “Yes”. Listening to the way I wanted to ask her about how Moana Lisa made her feel? Wanting to ask everything all at once butt what I said was truly on topic. It was “OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm!”
From the pull of her tongue, to the rimming of the back of my pussy. The way she drove her tongue straight into my wet fuck hole! The way she forced her way up. Up into my asshole stretch my drenched fuck hole up until her strong tongue not only rimmed my asshole butt it dove in! Dove in so far as to complicate things with one of those O’s. An orgasm that caused me to clamp my butt cheeks together pushing her out.

Feeling the way Clarissa vibrated on my tongue. Her journalistic body is the pinnacle of my desire. The smell of fresh cum. That smell flooded my nose. Flooded my senses with the desire to make her cream some more!
My kiss. My singular kiss landed on her thigh. That tender area, not three inches below the source of my desire. One kiss was all it took to silence her moaning. One kiss followed by another. Landing just slightly higher on the opposite thigh. Draping my arms over her back. Framing her butt in just the right light as my kiss hit again this time shifting back to her left thigh!
Now in case you are wondering how I can be sure that each kiss is moving up her thighs. Not staying in the same place, not too high or too low. Well lipstick is meant for more than prettying up ones face. And seeing this trophy laying on the bed. Complete with her cute butt totally spank-able ass facing up. Just begging to be eaten, begging to be fucked. I just could not let that go.
Fueled on by the vivid descriptions that were forming with every key stroke. With every sentence! My lust for Moana Lisa was growing and the only way to show her that was to eat her out. Fuck her before my own desire forced me to make Clarissa return the favor. Before I orgasmed into her mouth!
My next kiss had cut the distance in half! The smell of her cum made my own mouth tremble with the lust to dive back in. As I pulled away, getting ready to kiss the other side. My lips puckered. As my lips descended down on that helpless thigh. The impact caused a slight variation, going from a simple peck to a full French style kiss. Sucking in her thigh, making sure that today this thigh was mine. Of course if you know anything about me I always go for the gold. Look at Clarissa for evidence.
Feeling the sudden jerk of her body. Feeling the moan cuming from Clarissa’s mouth as I started to intensify the suction I could feel the way her body struggled with the fact that… One more kiss, back to the right side. My lips riding high along that joint. Another half an inch on either side and I would be in paradise.
Pushing Clarissa over. Manipulating her body to my will. Jerking her to the edge of the bed where I knelt. Bending her legs back upon herself. I lick her asshole! Not in a penetrated way, just so it knows that my tongue is still around. That my tongue has not forgotten the role that this tight little hole can change everything. It is just a matter of how and when.
“Do not struggle” my whispers flowed out just skimming along her bare skin. My next kiss landed just south of the last one. Pressing the corner of my mouth against the perineum. Reaching up to join her in fondling her perfect globes.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking. My next kiss is going to be a little lower. Maybe beside or on her arse hole. As I shift sides, repeating the same kiss this time on the left part of her body. Something told me do it. Do it now! Do it so there will be no words just moaning. Do it now, right now or…

“Fuckkk!” My stomach buckled as A’drea’s lips, her tongue touched my clit! The way she was going, dropping down my body. Dropping so far down going for the one thing that always turns me into a mindless drone. The touch, the slippage into my asshole by a tongue or a toy. Something big and hard as it bangs me to ecstasy, the same way that A’drea can eat my asshole and always get me off faster than the biggest of dicks around.
“Ooo OooOoooOoooo yesss” that tongue! The way she manipulates my body from my clit… Around my clit or.. or “Ooooh yes yesss yesssssssss!” Is it wrong to take your lovers hair, wind it up and press it into the back of her head! Just that moment, just like that with me taking a shaky breath A’drea has done it once again. She has given me the best fucking gasm in the history of fucking this little bod!

Do not think for a moment that this is all I am about. My tongue has many more talents. All of which I will use today on Clarissa. Right now however I have her right where I want her.
Sucking, sucking so hard on her clit. Pulling it away from the body. Making her pray that soon I will release giving her that little pause before I eat her out. Wrong! Sucking on her clit, pulling it up. Giving it the same treatment that I will want before this day is through.
Pulling so hard. So poignantly that the next thing I heard, the next taste I got was the hard orgasm served by Clarissa! This time however with my tongue extended I released my grip on her clit. The lick, the rapid way she was climaxing. The way my tongue had drifted down to her arse hole. Plunging in and out. Fucking that tight little pucker with my strong tongue.

“What!” Screamed through my mind. Yes, I was having a major O. And yes, A’drea was the cause of it! Butt now, now this is so wrong. Now I will pin her down in a sixty nine and push my own tongue so far up her.. her… “Ooooh fuck! Ooo Ooh yesss!”

Smelling Clarissa’s cum was a major perk of our relationship. Having accepted her proposal and wedding this hottie while she was still in college made my job at the track all the more fun. From the high pitched hum of my Vibracycle to the way she always made it a point to fuck me after every race perched on the one wheeled race bike. Now, everyday I get to wake up to this hottie. I get to fuck her. Make love to her. And the best thing is that she does it back to me! From the bed to my race bike, number sixty nine I can enjoy this pussy licking, clit pounding orgasm machine climaxing over and over again!

You know if there was a way I could flip things around. Putting A’drea on the bottom with me on the top! “A’drea, A’drea what are you.. Oh my fuck.” This barely squeaked out as this bombshell has covered my body with hers.
Filling the drag of her tongue going from my clit. From the most sensitive part of my body at the moment straight up to my bellybutton. Feeling my stomach as it twinges from the intense orgasms that she has dealt. Normally, if this did not happen so often then I would be so tired, so out of energy that a nap would be called for. Luckily, this does happen a lot, sometimes two to three times per day. And now, right now… “Oh Ooh fuck, suck my nipple! Yes Yesss!”
The surprises never end with this bombshell of a wife. Feeling, no, seeing the way A’drea inhales my breast. Sucks as much of it into her mouth as possible. Sucks it down so far I swear she is going to!

There is no way to say how long I have been playing with her boobs. Biting them, spanking them, pulling on just the nipple. Leaving one tit glistening with my spit while I gorged on the other. Spanking the areola while I watched the pink skin ripple from the smash of my hand! Jerking back, pulling on Clarissa’s right nipple with such force that her body began to shutter once more.
Popping that massive tit out of my mouth. Still holding it up so the after effects would still be there while I spoke. “Cum on Clarissa” I winked stabbing so deep in her swollen vulva that her stomach knotted up once again. “Good girl” whispering while over her tit. “Do you like it when I ” tagging Clarissa’s nipple with my tongue. Making sure that the rest of her breast was doused with my spit while I teased her.

Oh, yes! If fucking course I do! Just… Just remind me of my name?! That smash as A’drea calls it. That impact of her hand on my breast. That spanking that always drives me wild with desire! Shaking my head “Yes”.

The smash, a little harder than the playfulness of my usual spankings. “I want to hear you say it” my whispers turning into a low growl.

“You want to get frisky” saying this in my head so as not to give her the satisfaction of winning. Nodding my head, “Yes” again. Turning my eyes into the mischievous little devil that I can be.

“Say it” licking her entire areola. “Say it” the lick, the amount of spit left as I stair into those dreamy eyes.

Nodding my head “Yes”. Getting me all worked up butt nothing was happening with my body. No teasing, no clit play, no nothing! Trying to move my own hand down so I can start to torture my own self. So I can play so hard that I can cum on my own! Butt, butt? My arm is held tight! I cannot play, nor torture, I cannot do anything! Looking over my head. Looking at the way A’drea has me tied up with only one hand. To hold my very existence hostage!

Licking her glistening tit again. Adding more spit to the drying level. “Say it or do I need to get the switch out.”

This was not a question, no, this was a statement. One in which my body was just brimming with lust for. Nodding again, trying to hide my smile. Trying to hide my blushing little smirk that always gives me away!
The feel of the crop that A’drea pulled. As it’s leather head cracks against my tit! The wave of pain followed by the ecstatic of the pleasure that washes over my body.

Lifting the switch off of Clarissa’s breast. Watching the nipple becum so hard. Pulling the areola tight as it grows. Holding my tongue away from the budding blossom of Clarissa nipple. Allowing my spit to drool from my mouth, down my tongue till we could both count the drops that fell.
“Say it or” rubbing the switch over and over her nipple. “Perhaps..”

This pulled my attention back to A’drea’s face. Back away from my breasts. Back away from the crop that had smashed with my other tit! Making my nipples both rock hard!

“Say it” I said with a confirmed growl, the kind that says play along before I let the switch go down on you.

Nodding my head. Only once because what came next was a surprise to me. Not some silly little tap butt a full fledged smash-up with my fucking cunt! The pain of the strike made me go dry instantly. Listening to my heartbeat. It went one beat after. Then two beats after. Each one ramping up till my fucking snatch squirted all over my lover!

Oh my, did Clarissa just squirt? Did that fucking cunt just explode on me! Ramming my fingers down her throat. Pressing against her tongue, the look from the outside in which I held her jaw. Feeling the suction as her spit coated my fingers. My eye always glancing back at the Vibralink digesting the scandalous material that was displayed on the screen.
Pulling my fingers from Clarissa’s mouth. Holding them skyward, dripping with spit like a newly won trophy of mine. “Now what should I do with my hand” the tease that I was doing. The tease that was getting me so wet, mimicking Clarissa’s pussy. The spanking that came down. Striking hard and fast. Tucking all four of my fingers into her swollen cunt.

Not believing what was going on. Staring back at A’drea with a blank look as my mind raced to digest what was happening to me! “What are..” swallowing hard, swallowing the next orgasm as my hips rolled. “What are you trying to tOoo..” the sound of the spank. That clap, the sudden realization that I had been hit! “What are you..” feeling something deep inside myself growing. Growing as I rolled my hips. Growing as I swallowed. Growing as I, I… “What, what..? Ooo Oh” the quizzical look on my face almost betraying the orgasm that lie just behind it.
Rolling my hips. Taking a deep breath that like everything that happens between A’drea and myself was cut short. Trying again just to get a hint of the oxygen that was waiting just beyond my lips. As my breathing turned into whimpers! Full fledged whimpers of something more that the abuse my tight little cunt was taking. “What, what are you doing? I am going to” my eyes crossed unable to hold it in any longer. “TOoo.. Ooh Ooooh fuckkk…” rolling my hips, getting my clit involved was not a good idea!
The pause between heartbeats. That critical moment when the world seemed to stand still for everyone by A’drea and I. Yes, I want this. Yes, I was being the brat right now cause that is what we do. That is the cornerstone of our relationship butt, butt something was happening to us. Something so big that I could not believe it.
Throwing my hands around her head. Pulling that greedy mouth down to my tit. Yes, damn it my titty. Pulling A’drea till there was no way that she could not have latched on! The movement of her head, the pull to my breast confirmed that my plan was proceeding faster than thought.
“Suck on my tits” trying to be assertive if nothing else for vanity’s sake. “Suck on my right one” was only a suggestion as I belated out! “Keep, keep..” feeling my body rise with A’drea still on top of me. By this time my eyes are slammed shut! Throwing my head back as it pushed my body up towards her greedy mouth!
My hips took this as a sign, a sign to shake, a sign to squeeze, sealing A’drea’s fingers in my flooded cunt! Knowing at this point as I am quite sure A’drea knew too that the next quiver would be a groundbreaking O. One that I had totally forgotten that what I was working on. The text on my screen looked like chicken scratch right now bringing myself back to college before we had ever tied the knot and my pussy was about to explode all over her fingers once again. Breathing hard, taking in short breaths, short that was getting shorter! Opening my mouth to apologize. Opening my mouth in hopes of something cuming out! “Oh Ohh my fuck” stammering slightly. Nodding my head “yes” in the process as my hips seized up. As my nipples became so fucking hard. Reaching for A’drea’s mouth! Feeling the rest of my orgasm race through my body. Race through my veins as my hands went from her head to the sheets of our bed!
At this point there was no forcing me. Yes, I was playing along, teasing A’drea knowing that it had been far too long between our pussy grinding sessions. Our tender alone time and there was no time like the present to make out.
Rolling my hips for the last time. Feeling them bounce. Feeling my entire innards revolt with such passion, such… Flipping us over! Flipping and spinning around, knocking over my Vibralink butt hardly noticing. Pushing the hair from my face as my cunt settles down on her greedy lips. “Fucking lick my cunt” I said in a sassy voice. “Get that tongue so deep in there that I have no choice but to cum!” Saying this when I am in position. When I am on top held a sort of power!
Feeling A’drea’s tongue dive deep into my turbulent waters. Going so far in that my next words came tumbling out! “I want you to eat my ass. I want you to eat Mmm asshole out.. Right.. Right nOoow… Ohh fuckkk!”
As my back was expecting to bow down. Instead it bowed out drawing my mouth right to those lips that I loved. Seeing the black tipped and the caramel undercoat of her sweet skin. As I inhaled the musky air already filled with my scent of cum. I just had to eat her out! To make sure that sweet pie was still mine and mine alone! Sinking my tongue in. Trembling as it dove deeper and deeper into her greedy lips!
Hooking both of my hands around her little booty. Pinching it there in a frantic measure as my next O came tumbling out. As my next O incited my hips to buck in a violent way!

Holding onto one lip. Feeling her body tremble, quiver while Clarissa came so hard. Draining on my tongue, on my mouth as I tried to gorge myself in her wetness. I could feel her cum as it stained my cheeks. Ran all over my hair that much like hers was a tangled mess of knots and curls.
Moaning, moaning so loud that I made her cunt vibrate. Moaning because she had my body mapped out like a race track that she has gone down on a million times! Bucking my hips, no not out of a sincere copyright penalty butt from my own muscles! My own cunt screamed in protest flooding Clarissa’s intruding tongue with cum.
“Damn” I whispered in the aftermath of my last orgasm. Even as I tried to kiss her pretty kitty my own rebelled! Sending tremors up my body. Putting me in the passenger seat with my legs spread.

“Don’t give up” I purred at A’drea. Licking her naughty cunt. Watching it quiver, watching it convulse in response! Gently gliding my tongue over her clit. Over her trembling lips. Till cuming right to the end. Dipping my head down as her legs came up. Dipping down till I could jam that sexy asshole with my sharp tongue. Dipping till my lips touched her butthole, till I could kiss it with full tongue!

You could almost cut the sexual tension in this room with a knife butt Clarissa did it with her tongue. Had succeeded where I had failed and yet my body was elated with joy as I came. The teasing, the playing with both of our pussies. The struggle that Clarissa had put on had paid off as my body, me, started to convulse. Started to tremble from the inside as she was eating my asshole out!
“Fuckkk!” I screamed from the tips of her fjord. Smashing my tongue down on her clit! No longer caring how many orgasms I had as my tongue drug over her tender clit! “Cum for me” I pleaded feeling the drop off of her hole.
The plunge. The drop into Clarissa’s depth. I could feel her pussy as it constricted around my tongue. Squeezing so tight that it almost seemed a shame as my tongue went from a taco to a flat surface.

“Oh..” had interrupted my booty eating. That tongue of A’drea’s. That tongue had, had… “Ohh..” I could feel my pussy constricting around her tongue. I could feel my cunt trying to smash her taco. Smash it not, not… “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” leaked out from my lips. Threating them to separate them from my target!
Quivering, whimpering both at the same time. The pull of A’drea’s tongue had shattered my concentration and she is still going! Going further back! Further, further! To see the shocked look on my face. To notice that my tongue, my lips were no longer in or around her asshole! “Ohh shit” broke the untested silence. “Ooooh shit” as the last of my pronunciation trembled from my mouth. “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Finally crying out over the major orgasm that A’drea was giving me!

Do you know how hard it is to rescue a laptop once my sex partner has booted it off of the bed in the throws of passion? Not easy I will tell you that much. Luckily I can read upside down.
Licking my tongue hard against the back wall of Clarissa’s cunt. Slamming it against the wall as I drug it up. Now like most people I know the next best step is to slam my fucking tongue back with such a force that all she can do is cum, right? Wrong! That is not my style. Licking with a purpose along the perineum. Focusing on that soft round hole. My tongue circling around it. My tongue not being bribed as it gaps open. My lips kissing her left cheek just shy of her asshole. Dragging my tongue around and around her pucker. Crashing my lips on the right cheek. Opening my mouth so I can scrape it with my teeth.

“No, no!” Trying to scream, trying to say not moan. Knowing what was cuming, knowing it all too well. Feeling her lips against my left.. then, then my right…
The tremble that started on my loins traveled down to my clit. Rebounding the heartbeat it arrived! Racing so fast up to my mouth I had little time to think! The next thing that left my raw throat was a definite moaning scream cuming from so deep that I thought we were done! “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk OooohOooohOooohOoooh Mmmmmmmmm!”

My tongue, my poor lustful tongue. And to think that she, Clarissa is retreating. Pulling her tender asshole away from my tongue. That will not do, not at all.
Kissing her mammoth rack as they were drug over my mouth. Reaching up and smoothing them together so I could kiss two instead of one. Feeling her body shudder. Feeling the deep breath that she had been trying to get ever since my first kisses landed on that spankable ass. Holding onto her chest. Purring as Clarissa pulled against my kiss.

“Please” I know how bad I want to give her an equal massive orgasm. I know butt, butt… “Suck on my tits, yes!” Now as I am down using only three of my four limbs to steady myself. Elevating her head, crashing those lips against my triple S’s! Even as I thought we were done she has made me want more! More sex, more love making from my tongue to her fucking pussy!
Balancing my body, holding her head in one hand. Slipping my other in-between my legs. Feeling the amount of cum that just leaked from my naughty cunt the second I touched my clit! “Damn you, you’re turning me into a slut. A slut for your mouth, for your tongue” the more my hand was saturated with cum the hard it was for me not to want to ravage my wife’s body! Just.. right after! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh” starting out from a low grown, growing and growing until my hips bucked!
My hips buck and I pulled back. Deciding to right myself rather than collapse on that talented tongue. Still with my hand rubbing against my clit. My next words were staggered and breathless. “It is your turn. Your turn to cum all over these” smashing together my chest. My triple S’s in protest more for myself than for A’drea. The clap, the one noise that I never thought I would love to hear. Running my hand up my breasts. Pinching and caressing both of my mammoth monsters while watching A’drea stretched out before me.
One foot on the ground, forcing my hand to stop playing. To, tOoo.. pulling my hand off of my pussy. Staring at the juices that were dripping from my fingers. The fall of the second foot snapped me back to where I was.
Moving to the foot of the bed. Dragging A’drea so that pretty little race track snatch was facing me. Mounting the bed with my legs spread. My hand returning to my swollen clit. My back sloping down as my hair was pulled back. As my tongue blatantly was in collusion with A’drea’s sweet tasting clit.

Smiling at the boldness of Clarissa’s movement. Dragging me around on our California king was definitely not her style but try telling that to my pussy. Clutching the Vibralink in my hands catching up on my position in her article.. “Wha? This is no article!” My breath lost as my eyes were getting too involved with what I was reading.
“Clarissa” flushed from my mouth. I was trying to recover butt, butt.. “Clarissa, Clari… Oh shit!” Trying to swallow my next words, trying to do anything butt! “Ooh Ooooh fuckkk” letting my hands which were still clutching her laptop fall back. The feeling in my lions was about to ravage any hope of my nonchalant way of teasing her.
My toes crinkled, my eyes slammed shut, taking my final breath. Lost in my own mind? Out of everything in our relationship I was always the grounded one, the one who could pull through the roughest of waters. Butt now, right now my brain has shorted out. Even as I struggle to breath knowing full well that at any second I would have to let go. Let go of my emotions, let go of my reactions, hell let go of everything that has brought us to this point! I can actually see a point in the past where this little hottie bounced up to my bar at the Tiki Spread with Angie. My heart was hers to do with as she saw fit. Something that I never thought would happen to me. Feeling this attraction. Dropping hint after hint that I wanted to be her plus one.
I can remember back to our first “date” night. Me trying to be this badass racer slash bartender. What a combo, I know. Butt ever since that moment I knew that this, us, being together was written on the map.

“So what should I call you? Hottie or tits” I cooed over Clarissa for the first time. Watching her cheeks go from a pale white to a ravishing red in just a matter of seconds. “Oh, Ohh cum on now you mean you have never been hit on before?” Seeing the straight being bent as I continued to push on. “Here is your slippery nipple, hottie” the crowd of bar patrons called for my attention. “Just doing my job” I kept telling myself. Even as I leaned over the far side of the bar I could feel her eyes on me, on my butt and no doubt at least glancing between my legs.
Once I had quelled the mob of peeps that swarmed my bar. Welcuming a third bartender to the fray and narrowing my attention back to that hottie who had me at “Hello”. That body! Seeing her standing there with a flat stomach, thin legs and a natural triple S chest my cunt came just from looking at her. Holding myself up in a proud walk. Approaching her was the one thing that I always had on my. My out going social behavior. Living here in Silk Stockings, the home of Wet Dreams University where half the town was made up of the university made me think. That, that our life time could actually be real. That any opposition would be met by us, would be… Getting this feeling. This incredible naughty feeling that I had her in the palm of my hand.
Blinking. Blinking again. To see this hottie swinging with me. Me! Tit to tit, the whole reason why I cum out of my fantasy land. The way she? Hang on a second. She has not yet told me her name! The same as I, my name is lost as well. “Now that we have this moment alone, my name is A’drea with an apostrophe” I said with a smirk, looking into her devilish green eyes. The same green that I have been lusting over most of the night.

“Clarissa, Clarissa Love” as she spoke my knees buckled, my cunt dripped with excitement. And yes, this was all in my head.

“Clarissa” I mused over that name. Feeling the curve of the C, the hump of the S. My own nipples were becuming hard the longer my thoughts were stuck on that name. “Clarissa, Clarissa Love” damn would I love to bang her all night long. Feeling her pull away from me. Feeling that coldness after something so warm was ripped from you. It took me a few moments to realize that. As my eyes searched for her. As my eyes found her and her lime green bikini. Getting to see her from any angle made me so wet. So wet that my hand drifted down to my clit. Rubbing so fast, so hard that by the time she had looked back I was already gushing in her arms.
Shaking my head as I closed down the bar. Everybody had left and it was my job to close up the Tiki Spread. Looking up at the open air bar, watching the neon woman circling her clit with tiki torches at either end. After years of watching different love interests pass over my bar top this one, the one that just walked away. The one that just stole my heart was now gone from my life.
I bet you are wondering how this is possible. The fact that I, A’drea, could land such a straight babe like her. That I could even possibly wrangle that tight little ass into my bed. It continued on as I was preparing for a race.

Strapping in my uniform, this part of me that I would not trade for the world including one without Clarissa in it. Looking at my reflection in my rearview mirror. Feeling right at home being covered from neck to toe in cotton. Looking at my helmet, at the scars of a few crashes. The only reason why I am still out here doing this racing is not because of my winning streak. Having never been in first place butt always in the top five. Preparing to don my helmet when I heard that angelic voice cuming from my stalls entrance.

“This is Jax bringing you the world outside of my bed. Today is a special day one in which I thought that you the reader and viewer would like. Welcum to the Gusher, Jax Gusher the sports page filled with orgasms and the inside look at the sports. Now today, to start off this naughty week of Vibracycles, to cover them in every race and to profile the top three drivers , Jax has decided to stop a random driver and ask for his opinion on Vibraracing.”

“Clear. Good intro now for the first driver why don’t we take this one right here” speaking to Clarissa like I always do. In a commanding do things my way voice. And for a camera woman, life time lesbo and Clarissa’s BFF, Angie, I knew how.

“Excuse me” I know this can be edited out later before this is…

“Clari I mean Jax, we are live now. No editing” saying this to her makes me wonder how this doll has made it this far without a daddy’s cock to lean against.

“Right. This is Jax from, In the Bedroom with Jax. My question is, is..” holy crap it is A’drea from last night! “How do you do it?” How do you slide into a woman’s life and keep on appearing. Seeing as how I am new to this Vibracycle racing can you give me an example of what it is like to ride this motorcycle with only one wheel?”

From there, from that point on I started to win. Not every once in a while butt we are talking about every race I entered a new trophy was going up on my wall, everything butt her, Clarissa.

Feeling Clarissa tongue up on my belly. Feeling her breast as it raked my fucking cunt! Feeling the way I responded, sending a wave of cum and an orgasm that quickly followed casing after her.
Cuddling her head. Pulling her blonde curls back as her tongue danced on my nipple. Damn, I needed to feel her like I needed to finish this ‘not article’ that she was working on for the past couple of days. Finally closing my eyes, my body shuttering with every little touch that she did. Jerking back her head because I did not have the cleavage as she did, I only had a DD.
“I will fucking smash your pussy if you tell me about Moana Lisa” holding this total babe away from my body is killing me. Butt I want to know how intimate she knew Moana Lisa. I wanted to crawl inside of her, becum one with her tongue because for a straight woman in the beginning this knowledge of looking back at Moana Lisa’s life must mean that somewhere, some time ago Clarissa must have had another lover of the same sex! And I needed to find out who?!
“Mmm, don’t want to talk” twisting our bodies around and placing me back on top. “Talk Clarissa or I might” running my finger between both of her mounds. Holding myself back, trying not to think about this as anything more than a lovers game. Finally once I reached the bottom of her breast bone. Moving my hands with the furry of a racer. The clap that echoed up as Clarissa’s triple S’s smashed against one another. Sinking down, feeling my clit as it ran down her stomach. Ran down so far that it collided with her soaked little cunt. “Oh my” as I struggled to proceed. The urge to grind my racing lines against her bald box happened. My hips retracted as hers lunged forward. My breath caught in my throat while her broke into an orgasm.
Forgetting about the article that Clarissa was working on. Forgetting about everything butt her. Her with that narrow ass and tight pussy. Her with the jumbo tits and a flat stomach. Her with the perfect mouth as I tangled with her tongue. Her with the moans of a goddess and I with the power to make her squirt.
“I want you to squirt” barely able to have this make sense. My words were laden with my hard breathing, my occasional moan that was hushed as soon as it left my lips. “Cum on” whispering in Clarissa’s direction. “Cum on baby. I know you want to” having given up on my control over my orgasm. Letting them flow from my gut all they wanted to. Pumping my hips, grinding our clits, tickling Clarissa’s snatch while holding her head in-between my hands. Slobbering my sloppy kisses as my tongue was mixed up with her!
“Ooo, I am going to cream so hard until you tell me about Moana Lisa” that was a laugh because I already was cuming hard. She could tell it too. And, and all because of that article she was working on!
Stuffing my tit in her mouth. “Fine since you won’t tell then I shall see for myself” with that my arms reached for her Vibralink. The one thing you cannot do is shutdown an orgasm, no matter how hard you try. It is still there, goading me on, dragging you back into that same state in which you are spasming just because someone would not tell you about Moana Lisa!
My eyes danced over the page. Finding the exact spot where I had left off. The more I read the more horny I became. It was almost like reliving Moana Lisa’s life in my head and yet there it was in print. “How, how can this be” my body groaned, flexing my hips. Flicking my bean against, yes, against her clit! Her tongue doing things to my breast that I had never dreamed about! Twisting my nipple around, pulling it into her greedy mouth! “I, OooohOooohOooohOoooh, must, Ooo, I must… Oh Ooooh, must cum!” As my body jerked forward! As my fucking cunt quaked with the intensity of being fucked for hours, each stroke bent on making me its bitch! Making me its sex slave and all because of Moana Lisa!

Chapter: 15 The Secret of Moana Lisa
