The Scientific Method Pt.I [M24][F30] [Light fdom] [oral] [fantasy]

*Alchemy Lab. 10 Minutes. Mandatory Test*

“Assistant – good. Early by 3 minutes, 13 seconds. Punctuality and responsiveness are admirable qualities.” The Doctor announced, not looking away from the table of glass flasks. In the door stood her loyal assistant of 2 years – one Colfrid Fisher, looking into the room with suspicion.

*Something is wrong* Colfrid thought, *two compliments in the same sentence with no instruction. That means either she’s buttering me up for something hellish….or the test already started.*

A quick survey of the room told Colfrid the answer to his binary: the normally clear and clean room had a faint yet distinct bluish fog, and plenty of concoctions lined up in rows upon the tables. An almost imperceptible metallic scent permeated the air. He was caught in her web of analysis before he even cleared the threshold. His chest tightened, an unusual sensation.

Dr. Szaren turned around quickly on one foot. She pierced Colfrid’s eyes with her focus.

“Assistant, I have a task for you I think you will find agreeable. I find myself in an irksome situation that requires me to have a sort of romantic partner. Thusly I have analyzed my prospects and found that you, my assistant are the best possible solution.”

Colfrid stood, dazed as if someone struck him, “I’m sorry doctor I don’t understand. I was unaware you even knew what romance was, far less have any sort of interest in your lab assistant.”

The doctor held up a finger, “Cheeky, but unnecessary.” For now you will work with only relevant information and should the results please I may share more of the situation with you. For now, a simple test: we need to ensure peak physical and sexual performance.”

Colfrid was at a loss. “Excuse me? Why? You must be joking.”

The doctors gaze betrayed a hint of annoyance, “I do not joke Colfrid, and we can discuss specifics during the next break in my schedule. Take a deep breath and remove your clothes, you should find it easy.”

The metallic scent hung thick in the air, and Colfrid quietly cursed himself upon realizing he was indeed feeling light in the head and a warmth growing in his abdomen.

“You’ve created an airborne aphrodisiac have you?” He deduced.

The Doctors annoyance boiled over as she rolled her eyes, “for gods sake since when does a man refuse a free fuck?” She sighed as she grasped the sides of her shirts neck and split it open. Revealing large breasts and pale, freckled skin down to her waist.

Colfrid found himself staring, strange for a man who usually keeps his head down. The chemicals clearly worked, his pants strained against his arousal, though he remained stubbornly still.

Dr Szaren walked to her annoyingly stalwart assistant, pressing her body against his and grabbing his wrist. She glared at eye level, her bright green eyes meeting his nearly black irises.

“I do not like this situation I find myself in. So please – do me a favor and just *go with it* for now. I won’t hurt you. And this isn’t a trick. I need to gauge your…prowess. The least you can do is help make this less awkward.” She loosened her grip and guided his hand to her soft, ample breast. Colfrid had never known Dr Szaren to be vulnerable. And he was her assistant after all.

“A…apologies doctor. You caught me at quite the disadvantage.” He absently ran his thumb across the nipple she held his hand to. He felt a tension in his abdomen that felt like taut leather. She pressed her chest against his hand further and brought her face close.

“Call me Aneya for now.” She kissed him before he could respond. He squeezed her breast as she continued to guide his wrist. Her other arm slid down and loosed the belt on his waist. It was all that was needed to push him over the edge.

Colfrid made a valiant attempt to take charge, using his left hand to hold her waist and guide her to a mostly empty table, he hoisted her up so she was sitting on the edge. He began to move his waist closer, but was met with a hand atop his head, pushing him down.

“First things first.” Aneya instructed. Colfrid was nothing if not good at adapting to instructions and swiftly fell on his own knees, unfastened her long skirt and brought his face between her legs, pressing his tongue against her labia as warm thigh enclosed around his ears.

“Oh gods, Col, that’s good,” she sighed, running her fingers through his black curly hair. He only pressed on, encouraged and aroused by the sounds of her pleasure, running his tongue in circles on her clit, before moving it down and inserting it inside her, savoring the taste.

Aneya arched her back and let out a long moan. She began to grind her pelvis against Colfrid’s exploring tongue, letting the waves of pleasure wash over her as her breaths became rhythmic and matched with her voice.

Meanwhile Colfrid worked his task diligently, flexing his tongue in, out, and across the length of her soaked genitals, quaking thighs pressing against his temples. He could feel her moans and gasps vibrate throughout her body. He was unbelievably aroused at the experience, his whole body felt hot, and his member rigid nearly to the point of pain. Perhaps it was the airborne concoction, or maybe simply the heat of the moment, but for that instant Col wanted one thing: to feel his Madame’s climax shake throughout her body, and leave her gasping for air.

He did not have to wait long for his wish. Her legs quaked, her breath shaking and quick, and her sighs and soft moans had long given way to a gasping, barely contained yell. He quickened his pace, and as he pressed down once last time against her clit, he felt her legs lock with a spasm.

She heaved a shout that failed her voice and became a soundless scream of manic ecstasy, a barely audible exhale left her lungs as the tsunami of sexual satisfaction lulled into throbbing waves. She nearly collapsed onto the tables, catching herself with weakened arms. She looked down her apprentice; he sat panting, a look of pride and expectant lust in his eyes. His cock twitched, leaking precum down the shaft. She smiled.

“Excellent work,” she gasped, “but the exam is still incomplete, Apprentice
