Starlight Cruise [M27] [F30] [Sci-fi] [sex] [light fdom] [oral]

*All things considered, this could be much worse.*

Normally, an interstellar hop like this would take about 45 minutes, most of which helmsman Colt Ryans would spend glued to the instrument panel.

It was the responsibility of his sole crew mate and Captain of the vessel, Tanja Richter, to handle maintenance and engineering concerns, as well as logistics on departure and arrival.

This dynamic left little room for socialization, and thus the two quickly adopted the strategy of show up, work, collect pay, go home. A strategy that worked reliably for 3 years.


With engines out, the next task for Colt would be contacting Sirius Traffic and requesting a tug…a task he would have to wait about a week for. Unless of course, Captain Richter could fix the fuel injection system.

“God-fucking dammit!”


“Well Ryans, get comfortable ‘cause you won the bet. Fuckers are completely shot”

Colt leaned back in his chair as the Captain exited the cramped maintenance hatch, slick with sweat. She tossed him a beer from the nearby wall cooler – the subject of the bet.

Colt leaned back in his chair and sipped at the drink – bitter and bottom-shelf, but stronger than most. The Captain slumped into her chair beside Colts and opened a plastic bottle of water. It was odd to have this moment of calm in the middle of a run – Colt never really had a moment to get a good look at his captain – she was slightly older than him, but didn’t look it, with short black hair and ice-blue eyes; a genetic rarity nowadays.

Colt’s moment of observation did not go unnoticed. “Got something’ on my face or just enjoying the view Ryans?” she asked with a cocked eyebrow. Colt caught himself quickly enough.

“Sorry Captain, just spaced out a moment.” Tanja rolled her eyes.

The helmsman chuckled and took a drink from his beer again. He pondered a moment, “a week of nothing but stars huh?”

“Seems that way.”

“Know any good jokes?”

“Ryans I am not afraid to blacken your eye.” Colt took the hint and leaned back, smirking at his own bad jokes in his head.

“No clue what you mean Captain,” he quipped.

“Yeah the fuck you do. Ah, anyway I’m gonna get some shut-eye. Got a big week of fuck-all ahead of us.” Tanja said as she slapped her thighs and stood up, walking to the small quarters she afforded herself.

“Heh – right.” Colt finished his beer and laid back in his chair, shutting his eyes and letting the soft starlight lull him to a light sleep.

A sleep he awoke from with a hand on his shoulder.

“Ergh! Yes! What? What is it…” Colt’s voice trailed off unexpectedly as he turned around to see his captain red in the face, avoiding eye contact. She was wearing an old faded blue t-shirt and little else. Not something that lined up with his image of her in the usual flight suit to be sure.

“Mornin’ Colt. I have a…..proposition for you, and you’re not allowed to laugh so help me god. I’m thinkin by now I’d usually be hitting the gym or going for a jog. I’m thinkin that’s hard to do in out little metal box here. I’m thinking we’ve got a week of nothing. I’m thinkin I’ve got some…energy, to work out. You follow?”

*She can’t be asking what I think she is*

“I’m not sure I do, Capt-“

“I’m thinkin you put that mouth of yours between my thighs and see how loud I can scream.” Tanja turned a bright red as she said this, clearly taken aback by how forward she phrased herself.

“Sounds like a good time.” Colt answered quickly, himself also avoiding eye contact. An awkward silence roared.

“Well,” Tanja released his shoulder, “come on back then.” Colt rose to his feet and followed his Captain to her cramped quarters – just big enough for her bed and effects. She stood at the foot of the bed, her back to Colt, as she then spun around and sat at the edge.

“Sorry for being coy – just can’t say I ever got busy with a co-worker.” Colt chuckled.

“I suppose we’re more roommates for the next week than coworkers,” Colt suggested. Tanja smirked.

“Yeah, that sounds a bit better for this,” she spread her naked legs open, revealing she was indeed clad only the shirt. Her smooth, tan skin complimented her muscular thighs. Colt felt his pants tighten as he lowered himself to his knees, placing one hand on her warm thigh and bringing his face close to her wet lips. He exhaled shakily and brought his tongue to her, spreading her lips and tasting her slowly, bringing his tongue slowly up to her clit.

Tanja inhaled sharply, placing one hand gently on Colt’s head, and cupped a large breast in the other.

“Fuuuuuck, flyboy, what manual did you learn that in?” She sighed. Colt could not surprise a feeling of pride within himself, he always enjoyed pleasuring his partners.

Colt stroked her thigh softly with his thumb as he picked up the pace, flattening his tongue against her and running the length of her labia, matching the speed of her moans. He felt her diaphragm rise and quake to his touch, felt her voice vibrate through her body. She shuddered and gripped his hair tightly. Colt, caged in a prison of ecstasy, warmth, and flesh, was no longer in control.

“Fuck…fuck, keep going, I can feel it coming.” Tanja panted as she ground her pelvis into Colts’ face. He moved his hands up to grip her waist as she arched further back. The taste and smell was overwhelming, he could feel every quake of her body and ever spasm of her muscles as she closed in on a climax.

“FUCK! FUCK YES~!” The Captain’s wails of ecstasy filled the small vessel as she convulsed on her helmsman’s face, shaking with orgasmic delight. Her back arched off the bed, and her exclamation turned to a silent shout, feeling pulsing waves of tense pleasure wash over her. With a gasp she released his head and fell back onto her cheap mattress, taking heaving breaths.

“Holy fucking shit Ryans, that was…*something*.” She panted. Colt caught his breath, his chin dripping. The Captain sat up, her breasts threatening to spill from the old shirt, stretching the fabric with each heavy breath. “Who taught you how the fuck to do that?”

“Heh,” Colt chuckled, “trade secret.” The Captain pointed at him absently.

“You….you will have to share these secrets with your Captain, you know.” She stopped to consider, “I think that will be all for now….*roommate* Ryans. But err, tomorrow we should exchange some information I think.” Tanja said with a wink.

“Sounds like a plan,” he responded, pulling himself from the soaked bed, headed for the shower. As he heard the door close behind him, he could only think;

*All things considered, this could be much worse.*



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