New Year’s resolution to say yes more often. [MF]

Over the transition from 2022 to 2023, I made the goal that I would be more adventurous this year. I didn’t want to be as negative and say yes to most things instead of my typical no. Unless there was a real reason I shouldn’t I would agree to most things. Social events, trips or holidays, catch ups, guys…

After my holiday back home with my sister, my first real opportunity to test my new commitment came soon after. I was at a mobile coffee van by the beach getting my caffeine fix having just dropped my girls at school. On a table and chair next to me was a middle aged guy, late 30’s or early 40’s, light brown hair with a touch of stubble. He had a nice smile and tried for a bit of small talk when I smiled back. It was the normal sort of chitchat you get as a woman but I didn’t brush him off and stayed engaged in his conversation. I had to head off soon afterwards for work which he didn’t so he asked me for my number and if I wanted to see each other again and get to know one another. He was about 60% my type but I said sure and gave him my mobile and told him that I would be free Thursday.

Sure enough three days later I get a message saying hello from him and asking if I was still free. I was and we arranged to meet in Northbridge at a friended chicken spot as that’s probably the landmark I know best haha. It was a early low key date so I wore these little denim shorts, sneakers and a singlet. I wasn’t going for sexy but cute.

He must have read my mind as he was in shorts and t-shirt when he arrived. Traffic was terrible so we were both almost half an hour late. We ordered and ate, each paying for our own and got talking. It was a little stilted to begin with but by the end of the meal conversation was flowing well.

All up we’d been there a little over an hour and I said we should go as it was getting busy and we shouldn’t hold up our seats as there wasn’t many inside. He walked me back to my car in a car park. At the car we hugged and he took a pretty cheeky squeeze of my ass :-) I could feel he had a little bit going on downstairs when we pressed together. We kissed for the first time and he asked if I wanted to take a drive somewhere?

My second yes thanks to my resolution had him hoping in my car and we started heading towards Kings Park which is a notorious make out spot. I don’t really know my way around so just took random turns until I found a car park next to the DNA tower. It was still light when we stopped but getting darker so we stayed in the car talking.

It was actually a really nice conversation. We got to know each other a lot better. He’d been really polite and not made any really forceful moves but was resting his hand on my bare thigh gently massaging it. Slowly the talk became more and more sexual and I could tell he was getting turned on from how he was starting to squeeze my leg more and more. And I could see he had a little woodie.

It was when he said, “God I wish you could straddle me,” that my resolve for the year hit its third winner. Ok I told him and we should move to the back seat. It was completely or 90% dark by now so I wasn’t too worried about being seen when I slide into his lap and on top of his hard bulge. We kissed right away and with impressive hunger as I rocked my hips against him. David, I can’t be bothered changing his name, was feeling my breasts and soon had his hands under my top. I was enjoying it so unhooked my bra and took it off so he could suck on them.

I was that aroused I knew I was going to fuck him so after grinding on him enough to have him moaning i scouted down into the floor well and pulled his shorts and boxers off. He was a good size. For me under 7 inches is perfect, I don’t like monster cocks. I had him in my mouth and was laying into him with my best head movements. He let me play, one hand on the back of my head in my hair and the other on my shoulder. I really loved sucking on his head like a chupa chup but wanted to get my own quickly.

I got up and had to wriggle my denim shorts off almost in front of his face but soon was sliding down on top of his shaft. Car sex is one of my major turn ons so David’s cock was almost instantly covered in my moisture and collecting around his balls. My tank was up over my tits as I fucked myself against David. He had to pull his own shirt off too as I was rubbing gruel all over him.

I came so hard and imprinted the memory of his cock inside my pussy walls as I gripped onto him. Any passers by would have heard my impassioned moans as I called out all through my orgasm.

I was pretty beat afterwards but he took over, rolling me around onto my back and pinning my head up against the corner of the seat and the door. Thrusting back in you could hear easily the clapping of his thighs against my wet pussy as his ball slapped against my ass. Thank you lord he had some staying power as he made cum again and I was still being fucked silly. He had folded one of my legs up over his shoulder and the other was hooked in his armpit. His “ooww”s getting faster and I swear I could feel his greasy cock throbbing in count down.

I probably would have let him stay inside me but he told me he was about to cum and pulled out at the very last stroke. His jizz rocketed out all over my stomach and much of my pussy mound. I really would have loved to feel him throbbing inside me expelling all that cum.

We were a sweaty sticky mess, me especially, as we cleaned up. Thank you emergency tissues! My tank top was still stuck to me as i drove us back into the city and where he’d parked his car. We had another strong hug before I dropped him off and a let’s do that again. My pussy was very happy with me and my New Year’s resolution on the drive home.
