Well, it turns out that my oral-obsessed best friend is also REALLY into getting fucked. [M/F, Rough but Kind, Deepthroat, Fingering, Choking, Shared Orgasms]

“How many times have I [sucked you off](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wesi8n/teaching_my_best_friend_how_to_give_head_25m24f/)?”

Ella looked up at me, doing her best to glare. She was sucking my dick [again](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wk2h4k/teaching_my_best_friend_how_to_give_head_pt_2/).

“I’ve obviously lost count. You blow me basically every time we [hang out now](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMerotica/comments/yf5i31/my_best_friend_dressed_as_a_spooky_skeleton_for/).”

She started bobbing her head, her golden wavy locks bouncing in her loose ponytail. “Rwight, swo tschu shwould–”

“I can’t really understand you while I’m halfway down your throat. Hold that thought.” I grabbed the back of her head, spread my legs, wrapped my feet behind her ass–she was in nothing but a red thong–and pumped her hard into my lap.

Her French manicured nails dug into my inner thighs. “Mpmh! *Gluck gluck gluck gluck.*”

“Fuck. That’s it. A little bit…more.” I had both of my hands grasping her skull now, my fingers tensed against her crown as I drew closer to orgasm. Ella sputtered against me, a thick bubble of spit dripping down my ballsack as I slammed her nose against my pubic bone.



I pushed her even harder onto my cock as I throbbed inside her windpipe. My sperm sprayed over her tongue, my cock rising and falling as it convulsed in orgasm. I could feel Ella desperately trying to swallow my massive, sticky load, her eyes watering as she looked up at me.

“Fuck. That’s a good girl.” I let go as the fifth rope of cum burst against her palate. “Damn. That was good.” Pulling my flaccid dick free, I slapped it against her cheek to break off the last strand of semen. “Um, wait, what were you saying?”

Ella smiled at me as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand and wiggled her ass happily–she was always thrilled to hear a little praise. “Uh…Oh! Before you started fucking my face I was *trying* to tell you that you owe me.”

“Owe you what?”

“An orgasm!” Ella was pouting now. She crossed her arms against her bare chest and pushed out her bottom lip.

I stood up, zipping my jeans, “You say that like I’ve never offered–but I do all the time! But you’re just obsessed with sucking my dick.”

“Hmph, you say that like it’s a bad thing.”

She looked away, feigning frustration.

I softly grabbed her chin and directed her gaze upwards. “You know I love getting you on your knees. And it makes you wet, doesn’t it?”

A slight smile formed at the corners of her mouth, “…*Maaaaaybe*.”

“Uh-huh, lemme check.” I grabbed her by the hips, pulled her to her feet, spun her ‘round, and pushed her against the wall.

“Mpmh, what are you–oh!”

My hand wrapped around her waist and dove inside her thong. “Yep, you’re pretty fucking wet right now.”

Ella squeezed her thighs together and arched her back against my chest–both resisting me and welcoming further exploration. My other hand ran up her stomach slowly, drawing up a small trail of goosebumps before settling around one of her tits. I squeezed it gently, letting my thumb run in slow circles against her pink nipple.

My other hand was stuffed into her soaking panties–index finger circling her clit in time with my hand at her nipple, middle finger pushing inside her wet slit.

“Fuck, you’re *tight*.”

“Unf, I, uh, uh, I told you. That big dick of yours would probably *barely* fit.” She pushed her ass backwards, rubbing it into my cock, which was beginning to throb again.

“Maybe we should try sometime,” I added my ring finger, pushing my two digits apart to spread her pussy.

She smiled, “Ha, maybe so. You’d have to get me *really* warmed up first, though.”

My fingers curled inside her, drawing along the carinated ceiling of her cunt as I continued to tease her swollen clit. I dragged them outwards, drawing her wetness across her labia and then over her nub. Then my index finger was back inside, searching for her g-spot while I pulled her clitoral hood back with my thumb. I massaged her nub through that thin cap, feeling her squirm against me as I stimulated that sensitive bundle of nerves.

“Mmph,” Ella moaned and I could tell that she was biting her lower lip. She grinded against me, shifting her ass up and down my bare thighs. I grabbed her hip with my free hand and moved her slightly to the side, aligning her ass cheeks with my flaccid cock. Thought her spit had barely dried on my cockhead, I could already feel the blood pouring into my manhood again. It began to swell between her thighs, pressing against her soaking slit.

She looked over her shoulder at me, a slight wetness in her eyes. Her voice fell to a low whisper, “*Put it in*.”

“What?” My finger was out of her again, now drawing wet circles along her nub.

“I said, *put it in.*”

“Are you sure?” Now I had a full-blown erection. It was pressing against her slick opening. All I’d have to do is lean forward a *tiny* bit and I’d be inside my best friend.

“Pleeeeeease,” she whined, “just fuck me.”

She didn’t need to tell me again. My hand shifted from her hip to the upper bout of her ass. I squeezed my fingers into her soft, but firm flesh as I leaned into her.

“*Unf*,” she moaned as my wide-brimmed tip split her apart. She inhaled deeply as the frenulum pushed past her entrance. My hand slid away from her clit and became tangled in her hair. I pushed her forward, shoving her harder into the wall. I was inside. I was fucking her. She pushed her ass against me and wiggled her hips, welcoming me further.

“**Fuck**,” I exhaled, my lips pressing against her earlobe. My hand moved from her hair to her throat. I wrapped my long fingers firmly at each side of her esophagus and *squeezed*. First, it was gentle, but as my pace picked up–the room filling with the wet slapping sounds of my flesh against hers–I became more aggressive. Her moans became airy wisps and I could feel her cunt squeeze tighter and tighter around my erection. She was dripping. Absolutely *dripping*. I could feel her wetness beginning to slide down my ballsack.

There was a part of me that wanted to prolong our encounter. This was the *first* time we were actually fucking, after all. But I knew I couldn’t last. Sure, Ella has sucked me off countless times, but there’s always been that pent-up lust, that desire for *more*. And here I was, just like that, inside her, pounding away, my cock tensing up that final bit as I prepared to cum.

And she was right there alongside me. With my hands preoccupied with *other* portions of her body, one of her free hands had slipped between her thighs. She was rubbing her clit aggressively, bucking her body wildly against me as she approached orgasm.

“Can I–fuck–can I cum inside you?”

My hand was still around Ella’s throat, so, though she tried to speak, her attempt only produced a wonderful vibration against my fingertips. I was a split-second from orgasm when she simply nodded her head frantically, her blonde hair whipping against my face.

I burst.

And so did she.

She squeezed her legs together, trapping my convulsing cock inside her while her body shuddered with release. My fingers dug so hard into her hips that I was certain there would be bruises on her otherwise plush and pale backside.

It was one, two, three, and–finally–four, hard contractions as I emptied my sperm inside Ella’s warm pussy. She was clenching me tight, her whole body flexing until her orgasm faded away.

“Fu…fuck,” she tried to catch her breath while my cock shot its final sticky burst of semen against her cervix.

She looked back at me, her hair matted with sweat, “Well…that was *great*.”

I leaned against her, steadying my body as I dealt with that aftershock of sensitivity. “Hell yeah it was. Maybe you’ll want to do this again…”

Her soft lips broke into a small smile, “Only if you’re going to help me cum like *that*.”

My cock, now mostly flaccid, slipped free as she untensed her legs. It bounced against the back of her thigh, just below her ass cheek, and stuck there. A thin trail of cum ran against her soft skin.

“Wanna help clean me up?” I grinned.

She laughed, “Always.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/114m88e/well_it_turns_out_that_my_oralobsessed_best


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