Forever Hung (Part 12) [sci-fi] [slow burn] [all characters over 21] [MF]

“Maddie?” I asked as we walked, her wide skirt nearly brushing each side of the hallway. “Is it you?”
She smiled over her shoulder but didn’t answer.
When we reached my door, she leaned against the wall. She ran her fingers over my arm as I turned my key.
I flipped on my light and she walked toward the bed. She glanced around the room as if this were her first time inside, but of course both Maddie and Madison had seen my bedroom before.
Still wearing her mask with the red feathers, the girl turned to me.
“Will you unzip me, Charlie?”
I approached her . I ran my hand across her shoulder blades. I took the zipper and slipped it slowly down along her spine. A band of bright red lace laid across her back.
“Can you step back, please?” She asked over her shoulder, holding the dress to her chest.
I did as she asked, backing away without taking my eyes off her as I loosened my tie. And when she was satisfied that I was distant enough to take her all in, she pushed the top down to her waist and let the rest of the dress fall.
She stood with her back to me wearing a bright red strapless bra, the same color as the feathers of her mask, the same color as her lips. A thin silver chain hung around her hips, and below that she wore a pearl thong, a tiny black bow tied where the string of pearls met the matching red lace.
She stepped out of the dress, her red heels emerging from the black fabric, and leaned forward, holding her hands against the edge of the bed so that she was bent ever so slightly.
I approached, unable to look away from that little black bow, the delicate, firm beads plunging out of sight between her soft mounds.
She looked over her shoulder. “I heard you’re obsessed with this, Charlie,” she said, slowly shifting her behind side to side.
I dropped to my knees and kissed just below the lace on each side of the thong.
“Maybe I’ve said too much,” she said.
I moved lower, letting my lips savor each patch of soft skin as it gave beneath the pressure of each kiss.
“Or it’s a ruse,” I said. “Maybe you’re Maddie pretending to be Madison.”
I nibbled gently along the pucker of her cheeks, where her supple rear first began to rise away from the back of her thighs.
She moaned softly. “You are obsessed,” she said.
She wiggled, slightly ticklish. I held her hips to keep her still, then slid my tongue across the pearls just below the bow. She bent lower and I moved my tongue deeper, tracing the strand of pearls into her crevasse where they disappeared from sight.
“Charlie,” she moaned. I put pressure on the beads with my tongue. “Charlie,” she moaned louder. She reached back to rub a hand through my hair. She pulled my face more tightly against her bottom even as she pushed back with her pelvis against my tongue. She let out a short shriek, then gasped.
Moving my tongue lower, I found that the single strand of pearls became two, one draped like a summer curtain along each side of her wet lips.
I turned my body so that I sat on the floor, my back against the bed, and leaned back to lick between her legs. The pearls rolled against each side of my tongue.
“Charlie,” she moaned. “Don’t make me cum.”
I tasted her. I removed my jacket.
“Charlie, don’t,” she whispered, grinding against my mouth.
I removed my tie, unbuttoned my shirt. I licked slowly, pressing a strand between the sweet folds of her lips.
“Charlie no, no, no.” She spread her legs wider.
I removed my shirt. I rolled two pearls against her clit.
“I can’t…”
Then I took the lace band of her thong in my hands. I gripped it tightly, so she couldn’t wriggle away. Then I pulled the pearls taut as I licked. Her chest collapsed against the bed. She moaned into the mattress. I took her clit between my lips, along with two of the beads, and swirled them together as I rolled the single strand of pearls back and forth between her ass cheeks.
Her pelvis quivered against my mouth. Her legs tightened, and she suddenly thrust her hands between her legs to hold my head in place, to keep my tongue in place. Silent as she shook, she eventually gasped for breath as if surfacing from the Aegean, panting as she whispered my name.
I stood and spun her around. She fell against me, catching herself with both hands flat on my chest, and smiled beneath her mask.
“I told you not to let me cum,” she panted.
“You’re so sensitive,” I said.
She kissed me and squeezed her hands against my chest.
“You’ll just have to do it again.” She shuffled to one side, her heels clicking against the floor as she turned me to sit on the edge of the bed.
She pushed me back against the mattress. She undid my pants and, after struggling to pull the band of my underwear past my erect cock, she ran a fingertip along my length as if seeing it for the first time.
“This might be our only night together,” she said.
She straddled me. I felt the tip of my cock pass between the two strands of pearls and she began to ease herself onto me, though she had to pause midway down my cock to catch her breath.
“Charlie, god,” she groaned as she pulled the rest of me between her legs. “I assumed,” she began, but instead of finishing her sentence she started to glide her pelvis against mine, the double pearls sliding up and down along my shaft.
“Such an actress, Maddie,” I moaned, watching the light glint off her thin waist chain.
She leaned down, the lace of her bra brushing against my chest as she took my earlobe between her lips.
“The Blue Horn. Last semester,” she said, struggling to speak between breaths. “I fucked that guy in the bathroom.”
I threw one arm around her waist, holding her to me as I kissed her through her mask, and with my other hand I hooked my thumb beneath the top of the pearl thong, rolling the beads up and down between her ass cheeks as I launched my hips against hers.
“Don’t you dare cum, Madison,” I said, suddenly desperate to make her beg, to keep her awake until dawn. “This might be our only night together.”
