Discussing an Open Marriage Turned Into Something WILD! [mf] [creampie] [oral] [facial]

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My husband and I had discussed an open marriage. Things had … gotten stale. I was sad. He was sad. We loved each other but there was no spark. We didn’t want to divorce. But … we didn’t really want to fuck anymore.

We tried. Oh, we tried. We watched porn. We got drunk. We roleplayed. We tried kinks. Nothing worked. In the bedroom, we just grew apart.

Outside of the bedroom, we still had a great time. We traveled. We tried new restaurants. We watched all the hot shows and would stay up all night discussing them. Maybe we just shifted more into a roommate style relationship.

He’d come home and rant and rave about whatever happened during his day and I’d do the same. And then we’d chill on the couch. Sometimes he’d walk in on me masturbating and he’d apologize and dip out of the room. Like a roommate would do! Not a husband! A husband, at least I’d hope, would walk in on his wife, fingers deep in her cunt, and jump into the bed! Not mine.

And then, the big discussion.

“Should we have an open marriage?”

We talked things over. We read articles online. We talked some more. We didn’t know what to do. We watched cuck porn. That wasn’t for us. But he did sort of perk up at the idea of watching me with another guy.

We decided to shelf the convo since we were going to Miami for a week and we didn’t want any heavy convos to ruin our vacay.

We arrived, checked in, spent the day at the beach, went out for a nice dinner, and then found ourselves back at the hotel with not much to do.

“It is kinda chilly out tonight,” he said. “Wanna … go to the hot tub?”

“Oh? Yeah!” I said.

We grabbed a few beers, threw on our swimsuits and went downstairs. But to our dismay, there was another guy in the hot tub already. We looked at one another and shrugged.

“Maybe he’ll leave,” my husband said.

We got into the tub and said hello.

He was on his phone and didn’t even notice us until we said hi.

“Oh!” He said. “Oh, shit. Hello. Sorry. I – I didn’t hear you with the jets and all of that.”

We smiled. He was cute. Maybe early late 20s? Nice body. My husband was watching me eye this guy up and down.

“How’s your evening?” the young man asked.

“Great,” I said. “We got in this morning, spent the day at the beach, got dinner, and now we’re here!”

“Sounds like a perfect day,” he said.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Oh … well … I’m in Miami,” he said with a chuckle. “My girlfriend and I broke up last month but we already had this trip on the books and everything was paid for. She didn’t want to go anymore, so … I’m flying solo.”

“Sorry to hear you two broke up,” I said.

It was like my husband wasn’t even there.

The young man smiled.

“I’m Ashley,” I said.

“Nick,” he said.

We shook hands. He ruffled his brow slightly. I could tell he wanted to know what the story was with us. But he was being respectful. And that made my cunt throb.

“How long are you guys here?” He asked.

“A week,” my husband said.

“Nice,” Nick said. “Same. Well. Five days.”

Things got quiet real quick. I had a thousand other things I wanted to ask Nick. But I hesitated. And Nick hesitated. His eyes started to dart around. I could tell he was going to excuse himself shortly. I didn’t want him to leave. But I didn’t know what to do with my husband sitting right there.

“Nick,” my husband said suddenly. “Question for you and there’s no real way to dance around it.”

My eyes popped. Don’t you dare ask Nick something personal about his ex. It’s his business, not ours. Don’t pry. It’s RUDE. I was trying to send telepathic messages to my husband. I shot him a look.

“What’s up?” Nick asked.

“Do you have any interest in fucking my wife?”

I spit out the beer I had taken a sip of.

“JEsus Christ,” I shouted, wiping the beer from my mouth.

“Uh,” Nick said. He was caught off guard. “I … she’s … you’re … you’re very pretty, but … I don’t … I don’t know you and?”

I looked at my husband.

He looked at me and smirked.

“Let’s try it,” my husband said. “If Nick is interested.”

We looked at Nick. I gulped. I didn’t know how I felt about this. Was my husband loaning me out to a stranger?? This made me feel so … cheap? Was I just a whore? A whore he could just offer up to strangers? I started to get irritated. Angry, even.

“I mean,” Nick said. “If this is something ya’ll do … Yeah. I’m in. Your wife is hot. Sorry. Is that okay?”

“It’s fine,” my husband said.

It was?? It was … yeah. Yes. It was. It was okay. Nick thought I was hot. I opened my mouth. My heart was racing. I glanced at my husband. He nodded. The nod said, *Do whatever you want to do. Don’t ask.*

I swam across the hot tub to Nick. I licked my lips. I touched his thigh. Muscular. My heart was racing. My hand danced up his thigh and under his swimsuit. Nick’s cock was rock hard. My heart was racing. I wrapped my hand around his shaft. The water was so aggressive and frothy that nobody could have seen me stroke him. But my husband knew.

Nick’s cock was big. Thick. I was drooling at the thought of sucking him off.

“Let’s go upstairs,” I said.

“Could you uh … hand me a towel,” Nick said.

I exited the hot tub and tossed a towel to Nick. My husband looked at me.

“I’ll take one, too …” he said.

I smiled. My husband was aroused?! This was so hot. I tossed him a towel, too. We made our way into the hotel lobby and took the elevator to our floor. My heart. Was. RACING.

We got off on our floor. We walked down the hallway. My heart was racing. My husband opened the door to our suite.

“Nice room,” Nick said as he walked inside.

My heart was racing.

“You okay?” My husband asked, whispering in my ear.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “Yeah.”

My husband turned on the light on my side of the bed and then walked over to the chair in the room and sat down in the relative darkness. Nick stripped out of his suit. I stripped out of my bikini. We stood. Naked. Facing one another. My heart was racing.

I dropped myself to my knees and took Nick’s shaft in my hand. His balls were massive. Full of cum, I imagined. I looked towards my husband, but he was sitting in the darkness. I almost couldn’t see him. And I think that was the point. I gulped.

I wrapped my lips around a stranger’s cock. I took him an inch at a time. Easing his cock into my mouth. I was drooling. Heavily.

“I want you,” I whispered.

Nick grabbed a handful of my hair and guided his cock down my throat. I gagged. He pulled out and a long, thick string of saliva dangled. I slurped it up and spat it on his cock. I sucked, bobbing up and down, taking him a little deeper.

“Your mouth feels so good,” he moaned.

I stroked his shaft and sucked his balls. They were SO big. SO full. It had been a long time for Nick. At least that’s what I imagined. And it had been SUCH a long time for me … I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I had a cock in my mouth.

Isn’t that sad?

And I LOVED sucking cock.

So, you can imagine, I went to town on Nick’s cock. I slurped and moaned, rubbing my clit as I gagged and spat and gagged and stroked.

“Deeper,” Nick begged.

I took him deeper. More saliva dripped onto my tits.

“Fuck, you’re so hot.”

Nick reached down and hoisted me up, throwing me onto the bed. I sat up and looked at him. Nick spread my legs and got between them, kissing my thighs.

My cunt was soaked.

Nick slid a finger inside of me and started slurping and licking my pussy. He softly chewed on my lips. I moaned. He licked my clit. I twisted my nipples.

“Tongue me,” I begged.

Nick spat on my pussy and licked it up. He focused on my clit while he pumped his fingers in and out. Faster and faster. His tongue. It felt so good. He was slowly licking my clit.

“Fuuuuck,” I moaned. “I’m so close.”

Nick kept slurping. My pussy was so wet. So creamy. Nick pulled a finger from my cunt and pushed it into my my mouth. I licked, tasting myself. He kept his tongue on me. I was trembling. My legs were shaking.

“Do it,” Nick moaned.

“Don’t stop,” I begged. “I’m so close. I’m … I’m so c-close. Lick me. Please. D-don’t stop. I’m … I’m cumming. I’m gonna cum. Nick. I’m gonna cum!”

Nick kept the pressure on my clit. I was shaking. Trembling. And then, a wave rushed over me. My whole body tensed up. I grabbed the sheets. I arched back.

“I’m cumminggg!!” I screamed as Nick licked.

I collapsed into the bed and pushed Nick’s face away from me, trembling. Shaking.

“That felt so good,” I moaned.

Nick stood up. His cock was bouncing. It was throbbing. It was SO! HARD! I wanted it inside of me. I needed it inside of me. Nick crawled on top of me. He sucked my nipples. He guided himself inside of my pussy. I hadn’t had a cock inside of me in AGES. I moaned. I touched my clit. Nick pumped himself into me.

“You feel so good,” I whispered. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Happy tears. I hadn’t felt this good in ages. This desired. This WANTED. Nick thrusted. He kissed my neck. He licked my ear. I giggled. My cunt tightened around his shaft.

“Fuck me from behind,” I begged.

I flipped over, face down, ass up. Nick slapped my ass and pushed himself inside of me. He had his hands on my hips. He grunted. He slapped my cheeks. He spat on my asshole.

“Finger it,” I purred.

Nick slipped his finger inside of my asshole. My eyes popped. I can’t even tell you the last time I had a finger in my ass. It felt euphoric. Nick pumped. Harder. Harder. Harder. I could feel his pelvis slamming against my ass. He pulled his finger from my hole and put it in my mouth. I licked. Nick fishhooked my mouth and pulled my hair with his other hand. He slammed his cock into me.

“HARDER!” I shouted.

Nick slammed harder.


Nick was grunted. Pumping. I could feel him somehow get harder. I couldn’t believe it. I wanted it so bad. I wanted his sperm. I wanted it inside of me.

“Cum inside of me,” I begged.

“R-really?” Nick asked.

“Fill me up. Blow your load in my cunt. Do it. Fill me!”

Nick was thrusting. I could feel his sweat drip onto my ass. He was grabbing, squeezing. I was trembling.

“I’m gonna cum!” Nick groaned.

“Do it. Please. Please. Cum in my pussy. Cum inside of me!”

Nick arched back and ejaculated deep inside of me. A stranger. A stranger ejaculated inside of me. No condom. No protection. I felt so desired. So hot. Nick pulled his still throbbing cock from me and collapsed into the bed next to me. I dropped to my stomach and kissed him on the cheek.

“Wow,” I said. “Wow.”

“Well,” Nick said. “That was … unexpected. I uh … I think I’ll get out of your hair now, but … I’d love to hang out again this week if you want?”

“I want,” I said, laughing.

Nick rolled out of the bed and put on his swimsuit. He wrapped a towel around his waist and dipped out of the room.

“Have a good night,” he said as he closed the door.

“Well,” I said, still gasping for breath. “That was … something.”

“Give me your face,” my husband said suddenly.

“Give you my what?” I asked. I clicked on the light on my husband’s side of the bed and glanced at him. He was ROCK hard. Had he been masturbating the entire time?!

I rolled out of the bed and dropped to my knees. I held my hand between my legs to catch all of Nick’s seed. My palm filled up. Quickly.

“Is that his cum?” My husband asked.

I nodded.

“Dump it on your face,” my husband said.

I held my cum filled hand up and slowly tilted it, oozing his semen onto my own face as my husband furiously masturbated. He stepped forward and emptied his balls, giving me a thick surprise facial. I reacted with shock. I felt his semen blast me. Rope after rope shot across my face and into my mouth and into my hair.

“Fuuuck,” he grunted.

“That uh … that escalated,” I said with a laugh.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11485uz/discussing_an_open_marriage_turned_into_something


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