[mf] Sleepover at Alexis’, things get dirty (part 3)

I start kissing her nipples, slowly moving down her body. As I get down past her bellybutton, her moans change from excitement to anticipation. “Mmmm oh, you want to taste my pussy? I want you to make me cum with your tongue! Don’t stop!” I trace my kisses along the inside of her lower abdomen and thigh, slowly pulling down her sweats completely. They are totally soaked. “No underwear? Did you have a plan for our sleepover tonight?”
“Actually, I already soaked them. I had to masturbate when we got home, or I would have fucked you silly.”
“That wouldn’t have been so bad…” I take my kisses from her thigh onto her clit.
“Ooooh, you’re not nice. I want to fuck so bad, but I need new birth control. Just eat my pussy, please… I need you to eat my pussy…”
I push her down into the bed, diving into her wetness with tongue and fingers, my other hand gently grasping around her neck. She begs for more.
“Yes! Choke me and make me cum! I need you to control me!”
My tongue flicks at hummingbird pace, my fingers sliding up and in, finding the spot and rhythm to push her over the edge. Alexis cries out, her voice cut off by my hand on her throat. “More! Yes! I need it!”
She explodes, my face soaked with the burst from her pleasure. She pulls her hands free from her flimsy shirt restraint, squeezing for more pressure at my grasp on her breath, pushing my head into her shuddering pelvis.

I slide back up next to her on the bed, both of us covered in her cum. “I’ve never had my pussy eaten like that.”
“Heh, sure. I bet you say that to all the guys.”
She turns to me, naked and glistening, her face flushed and full of energy.
“No, most guys just want to fuck me and be done with it. The most I get is a lick or two before they want to cum all over.”
“Glad I could help. It really was my pleasure. I get off on pussy in my face, while hearing all the screams and squeals.”
“Speaking of cum all over, I seem to recall you had a much better ending for our first jerk off in my apartment.” Her hand traces the length of my dick, her finger pausing to tease a little circle on the tip. “By the way, you do have a lovely penis. Much prettier than average, I must say.”
“Oh, I haven’t heard that before. Usually too dark to notice. You want to return the favor to my charming little elephant trunk?”
She laughs way too hard at my dumb joke, slapping my dick from side to side and making elephant noises. “It’s not little by the way. I was pretty sore after our fuck fest last year.”
“We could do a repeat of that, just add a little more stretching and a lot more lube.”
“Nah, I’m serious about the birth control thing. I had a few scares, so I’m getting my IUD replaced. Not that it wouldn’t be fun…” Alexis smiles fiendishly, and her hand starts to close its grasp around my stiffening shaft.
“Maybe you show me what you can do with your mouth? I recall you were quite enthusiastic for it before.”
“Bahaha, that was just sex-starved me. I’m no good at blowjobs, and I really don’t like swallowing.”
She starts stroking slowly, and she leans in close, and whispers in a low, sexy growl, “But I get off on seeing you squirm and beg for it.” She slides her hand down onto her slippery crotch, stroking me with her hand and moving her mouth into position over my throbbing cock. I give her what she wants, relaxing my body and groaning out my pleas, “Yes, do it. Put it in your mouth, I want to feel that soft tongue work its magic.” Each time I vocalize and ask her to do something, she fingers herself a bit deeper, and pushes my length deeper into her mouth. She’s gagging, but not stopping, pushing herself to make my pleasure her only goal.

She pulls my cock out of her mouth, jerking me with her saliva while still fingering herself. “I want you to tell me what makes you feel sexy. What do you want to do that will make you explode like you never have before…” Alexis is straddling my leg, wiggling side to side to stimulate herself, her long persistent strokes almost too much to hold back.
“I want to fuck you so bad.”
“Mmmmm… me too. Do you want my mouth?”
“Yes, I want to feel my cock fill your mouth. I want to fill you with cum.”
“I bet you do… what else would you do to me?”
“I want to take you to the bathroom of a quality restaurant, in between dinner and dessert, and leave you dripping with my cum.”
“Oh, that’s so hot.”
“I want to bend you over against a tree, and fuck you by the lake at sunset. I want to feel you orgasm with the wind in your hair and dirt on your knees.”
“Oh fuck yes, I want to fuck you on a mountain!”
“I want to cum all over your tits. And I want you to love every second of it, every drop.”
“I want your cum, all over me. Cum for me!”
She gets down on her knees, still fingers deep inside herself, and beckons for me to come to her. I stand in front of her, stroking my hard dick, unable to take any more of this without a release. She watches the speed of my grasp, pushing my hand away, and replacing it with her own. She grins and starts tonguing the tip, her frantic strokes urging me to release. “I’m cumming! I’m gonna cum on you!” Alexis takes the dick out of her mouth and points it down to her chest, just as I unleash all my seed I’ve been holding inside for far too long. It covers her neck, trailing in long rivers down her chest, her hand dripping with semen. She looks up and smiles, grabbing the dirty t-shirt and mopping herself up.
“Mmm, that’s what you needed, wasn’t it? We should do this more often.”
Alexis rolls over on the bed, covering herself up. “I actually feel kind of embarrassed… I really like when we get to have these little slut fests, but I always feel so dirty after. Like, I want to be dirty, but then when it’s over, I just need it to stop. Is that weird?”
She presses her head into my chest. We cuddle. It’s nice.
“But also, that thing where you choke me… so hot.”
“You mean that thing where you want me to choke you? Yeah, I agree.”
“And the way you build intensity with your tongue and fingers together, it’s unreal. Do you go down on a lot of women?”
We talked for hours, teasing each other a bit more, but mostly just laughing and connecting. I did have to leave in the morning, but it was different. It wasn’t goodbye, we both wanted to spend more time with each other. And Alexis really wanted me to come visit again when her IUD was back in.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/113ze2u/mf_sleepover_at_alexis_things_get_dirty_part_3