CEO [gangbangM’s30s/F25]

Sorry if there are grammer or spelling issues. I unfortunately don’t have someone to help with that after I jot these down.

Samantha stopped walking in front of two large glass doors. Men and women walking in and out of the large building. She was smiling from ear to ear about this job. She needed this. This is the break she finally needed to do better for herself. She walked into the building and noticed a large circle desk with a few women sitting there helping others or just chatting. After talking with one of the women and hearing an odd comment about how she was dressed, she was shown to the elevators. On her way up she was admiring herself in the mirror-like doors. She was wearing a black skirt that came up just above the knees, it was a little tighter than she liked but looked good all the same. She had on smaller fishnet tights and a purple blouse that was buttoned to the top and tucked into her skirt. She was happy with how she looked despite what the receptionist said. Why wouldn’t she look more professional? The doors opened to see a now red-faced and flustered apologizing Samantha to the CEO and 4 other men who were talking when the doors opened. She tried to step back into the elevator. The CEO stood to becken her back in. The elevator closing behind her she moved forward and noticed the 4 other men watching her closely. The Ceo motioned for her to stand by him introducing her to the others. His hand started to move up and down her back and then gripped her butt. She moved away with a sudden gasp and was shocked when she was pulled down into his lap. Her face was still beaming red and she could feel her belly flutter about. All while she noticed the men standing on their feet. Each one having a growing erection in their pants. Samantha had a feeling she knew what was going to happen and tried jumping up again but was disappointed to feel the CEO’s firm hands on both her arms keeping her from moving. She felt his bulge through her skirt and hit her swollen clit. What has she gotten herself into? One of the men moved in front of her, his bulge just at her lips. “Go on dear. Let’s see how well you can use that beautiful mouth of yours” the CEO smiled above her head. The man in front of her pulled down her skirt making her body bounce slightly. Her bra she now cursed for keeping unbuckles in the middle due to a broken buckle. Her breasts bounced out more under her blouse and all the men’s cocks got much harder. Her body felt hot and she could feel herself getting wet sitting on top of the CEO while his cock in his pants was hitting her now very swollen clit. The other 3 men stepped around her blocking her in one by one taking off their pants. She watched in amazement as each one bounced out. She felt her mouth water but tried to snap out of it. The man’s cock bounced right into her lips parting them just enough for him to push it in. She tried to resist and tried to get up, but was met with her blouse ripped open, her breast swinging out. “Bite down and you’ll lose that tongue of yours, pretty girl.” The man hissed out grabbing a fist full of hair. Samantha moaned back in response with his cock in her mouth as he slowly began to thrust his cock in and out Tears began running down her cheeks. The CEO whipped them from her eyes smiling at her. “No tears, beautiful. We are here for pleasure.” Samantha again tried to get up but was met with the force of two hands holding her down. The thrusting got faster and Samantha gagged some as hot seed flushed down her throat. Then the next man did the same. When suddenly she was stood up for a brief moment and her tights, underwear and any other clothing she was wearing, was ripped away. She could feel how wet she was getting. Her body was on fire and begging for something to put it out. Fear and pleasure filled her more as she was sat back down with the CEO’s large cock sliding inside of her. It throbbed and pulsed inside and she let out a pleasing moan. All the men smiled at her and the next one took his turn to face fuck her. The CEO didn’t thrust or anything, just let his cock sit inside her while she squirmed in his lap letting out moans and gasps. Her body felt limp and her throat hurt a little. After the last one finished the CEO stood her up and pressed her onto the glass table. Her breast squished into the cool glass cooling her body off. The CEO slowly began to thrust in and out of her, slowly from behind while the other men began to jerk themselves off to her moans. His pace quickened and Samantha could feel herself on the edge of bliss when he pulled out and forced her on her back. One man took the CEO’s place and began to trust in and out of her pussy one pushed into her ass making her gasp and screamed out some, and the other two placed her hands on their cocks for her to rub them. She was now in heaven. She loved every bit of feeling this way. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth open wide, feeling as full as she ever could feel. The CEO stood at her head watching her with a lust-filled gaze. “Do not cum until I say so. Do you understand?” Samantha nodded with a bliss-filled gaze. “You all enjoy her for a moment longer while I make a call. If any of you step out of line, not one single seed in her pussy at all, if I see any you’ll end up with a bullet in your skull.” The CEO walked out of view. Samantha felt her head fog over taking in each of the cocks filling her up. She just needed one more for her mouth. The men in her hands exploded their seed all over her and the CEO walked back into the room, his cock fully erect. He was still on the phone when he filled her mouth with his cock. “I hope you love the taste of you as much as I do. ” He smiled at her and then continued the conversation he was having on the phone. The two that were in her hands switched with the ones in her pussy and ass. How could these men be so full? Samantha’s mind began to slip some, feeling herself drift in and out of consciousness. She felt the seed of the other two men in her hands and felt the CEO pull out of her mouth as he finished his phone call. He moved to her pussy and began to trust in full and hard the other 4 men jerking it once more to her now screaming and moaning out body. She felt amazing. Her body coming to climax just as the CEO slammed into her once more to shoot his seed into her. All while the 4 men let their loads fly all over her. Her body fell limp to the table as the CEO stayed in her for just a moment more before she slipped into blackness. When she had awoken she was cleaned up with a suit jacket on her in the CEO’s chair. She heard him sending the other men off and smiled to see him walking up to her. “You did a wonderful job today. I think you will be the perfect girl for this job.
