I know what you want [m/f, 30s, cnc, aftercare]

Today. Today is the day I’m finally going to act. I’ve been watching you for weeks. You’ve been teasing me for weeks. Coy smiles, batting eyelashes, flirty giggles. You want me just as much as I want you. I can tell.

I know you’re staying in a hotel. Some time away for peace and quiet to work. Confining yourself to a different room, but with more freedom. I can just imagine you parading around scantily clad, curtains poorly closed, showing off to anyone who could be watching. I’m willing to bet you hope I’d be watching. Well you’re right. I’ve seen your invitation.

Following you up would have been the hardest part for me. Had I not watched you come and go for the last few days. Watched the number the elevator stopped on after you’ve gotten in. I’m fairly certain you’re on the third floor. And as I wait around the corner, keeping my eye on the doors, they open up and reveal you, I count this as a sign that today is the day I’m destined to make you mine.
Look at you, bra barely covered by your low cut top. One tug and they’d be exposed. Jeans barely able to stay up around your hips. How are you not begging for it?

I silently follow you down the hallway, keeping some distance, but not too much to miss my chance. You’re lost in your own little world, a coping mechanism to shut out the real world around you. You open the door and let it swing shut behind you, except it doesn’t. My foot slips in, catching it before I’m shut out. Slipping into the bathroom before you can see me.
I don’t wait too long. Enough to listen to you unzip your jeans, put aside your phone. Something falls to the floor with a soft thump. I slip out, your back to me as you’re gathering stuff from your bag. Bra removed, just in your slutty top and knickers. Teasing me all the more.

You turn and spot me, eyes wide in confusion and shock. You ask me what am I doing here and I smile in response. Closing in and tugging at your top. I can see your breasts as I peer down, they’re begging to be freed, played with.
“you know why I’m here” I tell you, tugging once more and letting your right breast burst free. It’s plump and beautiful. “I can take a hint”.
You play coy, pretending to protect your modesty, but your left breast slips free far too easily. I like this top.
“stop it” your voice rises and I have to remind you there are other guests staying here. This does not deter you. Such an attention whore. I have to place my hand over your mouth as I push you up against the window, tits exposed, wresting an arm behind your back.
“seeing as you like to show off,” I say, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, stoking your face, “I thought you’d like it if whoever down there can see our little performance.” you resist, trying to get away. “or was that all for me?”
“what are you talking about? I barely know you.” I hear panic in your voice. Maybe you’re just a tease and this exposure is far more than you’d ever dare. My twitching cock tells me that I like this form of punishment though.
“liar.” I breathe in your ear. “you know exactly what you’ve been doing, leading me on, begging for me to take action all this time.” your struggling gets stronger at this point. Shame. I was looking forward to showing the world as I make you mine. “behave and we can take this somewhere private” I pull out handcuffs from my pocket and restrain your hands behind your back. “good girl” finally I get to feel those perfect breasts. So soft, cushiony, your nipples erect already. From the cold glass? Or from the excitement?
“please stop” your cry sounds genuine, but I know you don’t mean it. I tease your nipples between my fingers and thumbs, tugging, twisting, rubbing, my lips exploring your neck, and I hear those gasps, those moans you try to hide.

“ssh baby,” I tell you as I play, “you want this. Almost as much as I do”
“no.” you whimper. But you do. You know you do. The way your body responds. I know you’re soaked. And I’ll prove it.
I pry your legs apart with my knee and you panic. I keep one nipple, your right one, locked between my finger and thumb, twisting tightly as I warn you to be quiet. That noise you make… Fuck. A strangled groan of pain and pleasure, shutting up your pleas so easily. My spare hand eases your knickers down and just like that you’re exposed to the outside, just like the whore you are has always wanted. They stop at your knees as you try to close your legs, but it’s OK, I don’t need you wide open for me yet.
I glide a finger over your clit, slick with your juices. My cock twitches again. I knew you’d be enjoying this. “you’re begging for it,” I tell you as I push two fingers in you, reveling in your tightness and coating them in your wetness. You don’t like me fingering you, I can tell, yet your body betrays you beautifully.
“taste your betrayal” I rub my fingers over your lips, twisting your nipple again to force your mouth open. “suck” I demand, twisting harder. You sob as you do. Oh fuck. Those lips were made for sucking. I keep my fingers in your mouth, keeping you quiet, releasing your nipple to reach down and pull your knickers back up. Rubbing your clit through them, letting them absorb your sweet nectar. I bet you taste amazing.
I rub until I feel wetness. I try to sample your taste on my fingers, but there isn’t enough. Never mind, I’ll get to soon. I pull your knickers off, bringing them up to your mouth. They replace my fingers. “everytime you try to deny that you want this,” I tell you “you can taste how soaked you are. How ready you are for me”. The world has seen enough of what’s mine, I decide, pulling you over to the bed and throwing you down onto your back. Your boobs bounce wonderfully.

I root around in your bag, looking for something to secure you to the bed, and I come across your toys. You kinky slut. There’s no doubt in my mind that you wanted this. You probably dreamt about it, using your toys to help draw out orgasm after orgasm over the fantasy of it. I use your blindfold to fasten one of your legs to the bed and a silk ribbon you have to fasten the other. I don’t want to blindfold you, I want to see your tears running down your pretty face.
“I was going to make love to you, breed you, make you mine,” I place a dab of lube on my finger and rub it over your clit. Your cries are muffled. “but I think I want to make sure you’re ready for me.” you hear the buzzing and your eyes widen. Your bullet takes some maneuvering to stay inside of you, given how wet you are. Needy desperate little whore. Your hips buck, but I’m not done. I wasn’t sure if I needed one, but I’m glad I bought a belt. I use it to strap your wand against your thigh, positioned over your lubed clit.
Your eyes slit. Despite yourself, you’re over whelmed with pleasure. And I film every bit of it, until my cock is ready to burst.

I free your legs, yanking the bullet out, my clothes flying off of me. I’ll leave the wand to stimulate you as I claim you. I’m so good to you. I position your legs and slide in. My god you are absolutely dripping, it feels like heaven on my cock. You’re so tight. This is where I belong. “you’re mine” I tell you as I start to thrust, a hand slipping around your neck. Your protests are muffled by your sodden gag. I wonder if you’re enjoying your juices forced across your tongue.
I try to last as long as I can, your tits enticingly shimmying with the rhythm of me making love to you. I’ll admit, I increase the tempo and pound you hard not gentle, punishment for all the teasing. I moan your name, promising you that I’ll make you submit, that I want to hear you beg me, beg me for release. I remind you of who you belong to, who owns you, the proof of it coming thick and fast as I breed you, filling you with my cum. There’s alot. I’ve saved myself for this moment for a while. “you want this,” I chide, “you know you do”.
Your pussy looks beautiful with my cum spilling out of it. I take a picture to savour the sight.

I climb up the bed to your face, my wet cock glistening with our juices resting on your face as I pull out your gag. The cum almost matches the tear tracks. “suck” I demand again, reaching back to twist your nipple. You’re a fast learner though, tentatively taking me in your mouth before I can hurt you. “such a good girl” I groan as you suck. It feels amazing.
“please,” you beg as I pull away. “please say you’re done.”
“sorry Babygirl, daddy isn’t done with you yet. Ever. You’re mine, remember? You’re going to beg me to let you orgasm, I told you” I slap your face, punishment for not listening, and your gasp is music to my ears.

I use my finger to mix our cum, toying with pushing it in and out of your, soaking your clit. You beg me to stop, using meaningless words to cover your moans. To disguise your greediness. You want more. You didn’t get enough earlier. I feel you get close and stop. “beg me” I tell you, slowly coaxing your climax, but not enough to let it happen. You stubbornly refuse. You like playing hard to get. Have it your way.
I edge you a few times, enough to hear the frustration in your nos. I will break you. I find your sweet spot and build it up, your legs are shaking. I stop at the right moment. “beg me. Slut” my patience is wearing thin with you. But it’s worked. You’re broken.
“please” the word is strangled, forced out with a sob. I need more than that though. I tell you as much, gently keeping you on the brink. “please I need… Let me… Please make me orgasm”
Your moans are worth the wait as I crook my finger and entice orgasm after orgasm. Your entire body rocks. I’m ready to fuck you again, but I have a job to finish. I lose count of how many I force out of you, making you moan, scream and once again beg. I love you begging.
“please stop. Please, I can’t… *moan*… Please”
I draw out another and stop. I’m not finished with you yet and I don’t want you missing the finale.

My tongue soothes your clit and I enjoy the jolt of your body whenever I hit the right spot. You taste incredible. I kiss up your body, working my way to your lips, pausing to suckle on your nipple. My cock pulsates when you gasp as I bite down.
You don’t kiss me back. I’m disappointed. I thought we were past these games. I slap you again, but it’s a pinch to the thigh that gets you to kiss me like I’m your oxygen. I could get lost in kissing you. But I need to be inside you again and I know your dripping wet pussy is begging for it too.
My moans drown out your pleas for me to stop. I’m giving you enough attention. I’m ready to cum quickly again, it ruins my fun a little, but I give you what you apparently want. I pull out and even earn a thank you.
You’re welcome Babygirl, little did you know I didn’t want to breed you this time. I get into position and I coat your glorious tits with my cum, enjoying your shriek of horror.
“you’re mine” I say definitively, taking a final picture of my handiwork. I send it to your phone. “now you’ll always have reminder of that”. I get dressed and leave you covered and full. Broken.

You come back in after a few minutes. My hands get released and you wipe my eyes and hold me close. “are you OK?” you whisper, kissing my forehead. I nod.
You remind me that you don’t want to hurt me. That you would never force yourself upon me. I know. I know you wouldn’t, it was just a scene, and I tell you that, kissing you deeply.
You help me to the bathroom, letting me go to the toilet and clean as much as I can before helping me clean the rest in the shower. Your touches are gentle, our kisses sweet and tender.

Once done, you wrap me up in a towel and your arms, holding me close to your chest. I cling to you. You reassure me that you love me, that you don’t want to hurt me and ask again if I’m OK. If it was OK. I assure you I’m fine and tell you it was perfect. That you’re perfect.
“are you OK?” I check and you nod. I can tell you’re not quite, maybe you’re still unsure. It’s new to both of us. “we don’t have to do it, not if you’re uncomfortable with it” I tell you. You know this. In time we’ll find our footing more and more. As long as we’re both comfortable.
We kiss a bit longer, making sure we’re both alright and loved, and then we fall asleep snuggled in one another’s arms.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/113c40d/i_know_what_you_want_mf_30s_cnc_aftercare