The Concert [MF Some Light Dom Themes]

As she is getting ready for work she hears that familiar chirp from her phone sitting on her night stand and walks over to read the message.

*So are you excited for the concert tonight?*

She responds *yes I’m so stoked, I havent seen these guys in years it brings back so many fun memories from back in the day!*

She puts the phone down and starts walking to her closet to pick out what to hear for the day and hears that chirp from her phone again and sees

* I’m glad you are excited for tonight, can you do me a favor though? Pick out a pretty dress to wear tonight, I love how you always look in dresses and I’d love to see you in one oh and umm, pick out a sexy set of panties and bra, like a thong*

She thinks to herself, ok that’s a bit out of character for him he never tells me what to wear but also, kinda hot? She replies

*Okay I’ll see what I can find, you picking me up at 8?*

another ding and he replies:

*Yep, I’ll let you know when I’m out front!*

She goes to work that day and the thought of him telling her what to wear tonight keeps coming back to her. It’s so out of character for him I wonder why he said that? I mean it was pretty hot being told what he wants me to wear tonight, the thought makes her feel a bit tingly down there.

8 pm finally arrives, she’s wearing a pretty sundress, with a flowery pattern, short, knee length. It’s not what she would usually pick out for a concert but the idea that her boyfriend asked her to wear a dress makes it somehow better? More fun and not too weird. She picked out a black low cut bra and matching thongs to wear under it. She sees him pull up to the curb and gets in the car.

” Wow I love that dress I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in that dress before, you look amazing tonight! Hes wearing some nice jeans and a band. She could smell a hint of his cologne. Its dark and woodsy. He looks at her and smiles. Hes got these dimples that make her melt a little but every time she sees him smile.

They arrive at the concert and he grabs her hand as they walk into the venue.. His grip is firm, she can feel the strength in his hand, it makes her think about how powerful he is, how easily he could just do what he wanted to with her. There a lot of people here. They have to menuveuer their way around everyone to get to their seats near the front row. Her boyfriend scoots his way right behind her. His hands around her waist, it felt reassuring, feeling hik right there behind him. Shd could smell his cologne again and feel his warm breath on her neck. He was pressed pretty tightly against her. His crotch pressing against her backside. She thought for s second ” ohh, okay, he actually feels like he’s getting hard”. she dismisses the thought, ” that’s just silly we are surrounded by thoussnds of people, there is no way he’s turned on right now”

The music starts, the thundering drums, sharp licks of the electric guitar and the lead singer’s voice fill the venue. Its electrifying, it’s everything she was looking forward to tonight, and she gets to expericence it with her favorite person.

As the music plays she can feel her boyfriend behind her, his hands they move from her waist to her thighs. she can feel his fingertips tracing then gently. With the venue being so packed with people she can feel him pressed hard against her back and she once again notices that he actually is aroused. She can feel his cock getting harder through his jeans as it pressed against the soft fabric of her sundress.

His hands are still gently crasssing the front of her thighs, to the rhythem of the music. she can feel herself starting to get wet. It feels wrong to be getting so turned on with all these people around but it also really turned her on.

She now feels his hands under her skirt, tracing the lines of her thong, over her hips, then slowly down her front. she gasps a little and she can’t believe what’s happening right now. She looks to her left and right and everyone is too enthralled by the concert to notice what her bf is doing.

She feels his hands caressing her clit over her panties, she can feel her panties getting wet. She feels his lips on her neck. The music carries on, the silly snooth voice of the singer crooning about a love he once had, a slow rhythem that her boyfriend’s hand matches. He puts his lips to her ear so she can hear clearly what he is saying over the music.

“I am going to make you mine right here”. She feels his hands slide her now wet panties off, he lets them drop to the ground. His fingers now touching her bare pussy, getting soaked. She leans foward a little, his hands rythemicaly working her clit she spreads her legs a bit more.

She thinks ” this is happening, I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on then I am right now”

She reaches behind her and can feel how hard he now is and she notices the zipper is open. She gingerly puts. Few fingers into the open hole and cns immediately feel his cock. He’s not wearing anything under his jeans. She suddenly feels herself being pushed forward more. She feels his cock now hard as steel pressed against her ass. The tip of his cock working it’s way down to her lips, which she then feels push into her just enough to spread her lips. The tip of his dick gets very wet.

He pulls her back so his lips are against her ear and says ” I’m going to fuck you right here, right now. I am going to fill you with cum so everyone here knows who you belong to”

He pushes her forward again and she can feel his hard throbbing cock agaisnt her pussy lips again. He enters her slowly. Fillijgbher up inch by inch. all she can do is lean forward and take her pussy getting filled.

He pumps her slowly, the crowd is cheering as he does it. it’s like they are there just for them, cheering them on as they fuck.

He continues to fill her, it feels exhilarating to be taken like this so publicly and yet no one seems to notice. His rythem is hiring her in just the right spot. she can feel herself dripping down her leg, she can feel his cock twitichbg and getting harder. ” Holt fuck, we might just cum at the same time”. He pumps a little faster now, she can feel her pussy tightening up she knows she’s close.

She closes her eyes and let’s the sound of the music and the crowd fill her as he fills her. The orgasm hits her so hard it makes her legs weak. she can feel his hot cum filing her and ad he pulls out it drips down her leg a little…He slides s finger down her leg and catches some and puts his finger in her mouth making her taste it.

As she is licking his finger off, tasting each other on his finger. he leans into her ear once more and says ” you’re mine”

*This is my first try at a story hope everyone likes it!*
