A relaxing Valentine’s Evening [MF] [Creampie] [D/S] [Wholesome] [Aftercare]

(First off, again, sorry about any formatting or grammatical errors I may have made. I love feedback too, so it would be amazing if you told me what you think. I am a little rusty so I hope you still enjoy it. Also, if you would like to request a story of your own, feel free to send me a DM or chat! Other than that, I hope you all enjoy!)

You hear my car pull into our driveway and your heartbeat flutters. Your nerves settling like a ball in your stomach, but they are overwhelmed by the desire you feel for the one you love.

You stand up and walk towards the front door, your hair bounces softly on your shoulders as you step lightly through the house. The sound of your heartbeat thundering in your ears as the silk nightgown brushes pleasantly against your skin. The purple gown shimmering in the dim lights of the house, as you await for me to walk through the door.

You hear the key slide into the lock and turn. Your pussy clenches, eager and ready for the pounding it is going to receive. The smile on your face, unremoveable as I walk through the door and lock eyes with you, before I cast my gaze over your body, admiring every curve.

You rub your thighs together, pussy warming under my gaze, some juices beginning to leak out. “Welcome home honey…” You say, your voice full of lust as my eyes find yours again. You gasp at the love and raw desire in my eyes.

I stride over to you, my hand cupping the back of your head as I pull you into a kiss. My free hand sliding along the fabric, diving between your legs to rub your clit. You whimper as you feel my strong fingers teasing you through your lingerie. My tongue dances with you in your mouth, as i pull you flush against my body, your warm breasts pushing against my chest.

My hands then begin to run through your hair, pulling your head a little further back, making you moan and your back arch. My hands rest on your ass as i break the kiss, our breaths mingling against our swollen lips. “Go to our room, and get on the bed on your hands and knees for me.” My words come out as a rough growl, a tone demanding compliance. You shiver, your pussy drooling, as i then give you a firm spank on your ass, making you yelp.

The slight burning pain fizzles away till nothing remains but the warmth of pleasure, your pussy alight and warming your soul. Turning, you walk away towards the bedroom. You sashay your hips, knowing my eyes would be transfixed on your juicy ass as you stepped towards the room.

You step into the darkened bedroom, turning on the bedside lamp only, before crawling onto the bed to obey my command. Your heartrate pounds, and your pussy throbs in tandem. You hear my footsteps echo through the house, the water running briefly, before the steps approach the door.

You begin to slowly wiggle your ass, teasing me, knowing my eyes are surveying your perfect body. Your pussy burns for attention, soaking the thin fabric of your panties as you wiggle your ass for me. “Fuck me babe… Own me…” You whisper out, looking over your shoulder and locking eyes with me.

You watch as I walk across the room, casting your gaze over my bare chest, fixating on what is hidden beneath the boxers. “Eyes forward babe…” My voice fills the room, making you quickly obey. Your pussy has become a waterfall, as my hands grasp your soft ass.

My hands squeeze your cheeks, massaging them, sending shivers up your spine as i flip up the nightie. The cool air of the night sends chills along your now exposed skin. The purple thong you wore underneath, all that is protecting your pussy.

My hands slide down, rubbing your clit through the soaked fabric. “Some one is eager.” I whisper into your ear, before playfully biting your neck. My lips, trailing along your back as my hands pull the ruined panties down, exposing your glistening pussy.

Gently, I push your head forward till it is buried in the pillow, making your ass rise that little bit higher. My lips trail off as i reach your ass. I gently blow onto your pussy, the cool air making you shiver as it touches your most precious area.

My hands grasp your thighs, pulling them slightly further apart, allowing your pussy to open a little. Rivulets of your juices drip to the bed, as i run my finger down your pussy lips, and begin to rub your clit in slow circles. My rough, warm hand pressing against your swollen clit, the pleasure igniting in your mind.

Round and round my finger rubs your clit, making you shiver and moan. “Please…” you whisper out. Your voice laden with wanton desire. I chuckle, leaning forward to kiss your pussy, my tongue swiping as much of your juices as i can. You jump as my lips touch your pussy and you grind your pussy against my face, doing anything to cum. “Please what babe?” I ask, spanking both your ass cheeks firmly, before kissing the red handprints left behind.

You are on a knife’s edge, one more stroke and you will be overwhelmed by the orgasm waiting to strike. “Please fuck my pussy sir! It is yours to fuck and fill with your hot cum! Fuck me!” You practically scream the words as i begin to rub my cock against your soaked pussy.

You whimper, you want to cum so badly, it feels so close… You feel my hand wrap itself in your hair, my hot breath brushing the back of your neck. You can feel me looming over you, preparing to pound you. “All you had to do, was ask.” I say as I thrust my cock inside your soaked pussy.

I glide easily in, filling your pussy up perfectly, hitting all your correct spots, and you explode. White hot pleasure ignites your brain as you moan loudly, your body locking up as I begin to pound into your pussy. The sound of my hips crashing into your ass becomes all you can hear.

Every thrust makes the orgasm last longer, every thrust pounding the shape of my cock into your pussy. I use your hair as a handle, you can feel the tugging on your head, only adding to the pleasure your body is experiencing. “More…” You moan out, urging me to speed up my thrusts even more.

I slow my thrusts until my hips are barely moving. My cock, slowly gliding in and out of your tight, pussy. You whimper, thrusting your ass back against my cock, doing anything to try and cum again. Your body is on fire, as my hips slowly rock in and out of your pussy.

My hands grasp your tits, giving them a firm squeeze. My calloused skin, teasing your sensitive breasts as I massage them, squeeze them. “You don’t like going slow baby?” I ask innocently, my hips softly pressing to your own as i glide in and out or your tight hole.

You shake your head no, as your hips thrust against my own once more, begging me to go faster. “Please sir… My pussy wants to be pounded…” You moan aloud, your voice cracking from desire. My cock slowly slides out till only the head is in your pussy. You whimper, your hips shaking, pushing against me, trying anything to find pleasure, before suddenly i slam my hips back against your own.

Your pussy is full again,as the loud clapping fills the room. “Yes….” you moan out as your pussy stretches around my cock, accepting the pounding I am giving it.

I give your ass another firm spank, your skin slowly reddening under the relentless pounding I am giving your precious pussy. “So fucking tight…” I groan out, the need to cum surfacing as your pussy milks my cock through the unrelenting thrusting.

“I’m going to cum…” I say as i move both my hands to your soft hips, grasping your body and thrusting as hard as i dare. “Fill me! Fill my pussy with your thick cum!” Your pussy clenches and I erupt. Hot cum floods into your bare pussy, sliding deeper into your womb. You can feel the heat of it filling you, sending another orgasm crackling through your body.

The smell of sex and lust is heavy in the air, as our moans join the smells in a symphony of sex and passion. My hands squeeze and spank your ass as my hips clap against your own a few times more, before i slowly slide out. Your pussy gaping and some cum dripping from your well fucked hole.

I lay down next to you, pulling you into my arms, as you cup your now aching pussy, but it is a good sore, as our eyes lock. The love we feel evident in that moment, our lips gently meeting once more. “Honey,I’m home.” I joke and we both laugh a little at my terrible humour.

“Let’s get you clean.” I say as i carefully pick you up, removing the nightie fully, and carry you to our shower. The water soon thunders down, and I help you wash away the sweat and some cum. All the while, your pussy oozes cum, you can feel it drip out and you smile.

My hands massaging away the few aches on your body as i rinse the soap away. The water soothing our bodies, we step out and dry each other off. Once dry, I wrap my arms around you and pull you close, kissing your nose jokingly. “Thank you honey. I needed that after a long day. I loved your surprise. Happy Valentine’s day.”

My words fill you with warmth and love, as i lean forward and kiss you again. Our tongues have a slow, sensual dance in our mouths before i carry you out to the lounge room. Placing you on the couch, I order some food for delivery and wrap us both in a blanket, wrapping you in my arms once again, finding something to watch to help celebrate valentine’s day right.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1126ojx/a_relaxing_valentines_evening_mf_creampie_ds