Pencil Skirt Part 3 (f20m30s) [humil, kink, public, dubcon, office, toys, bdsm, dreams]

Mr. Mortson shoves me against the wall in the copier room. He slams his lips into mine, lifts me up by my ass and forces himself into me. I cry out, gaining the attention of Ms. James, who enters and says, “Oh my!” I look at her, open my mouth to explain some bull about how it’s not what it looks like – but I’m taken aback by Mr. Mortson cumming in my pussy. I cry out, raking his back with my nails. My face is flushed, people are watching, I’m the office slut- I don’t think I mind it? “Mr. Mortson!” I cry out-


I sit up with a shock. That was a dream?! I sigh and shut off my alarm. It’s 5am. Plenty of time to get ready, hit the gym, and get to the office by 9am. I sit up all the way and reach for my phone, beginning to open Facebook to scroll, when the feeling I didn’t expect hits me.

I’m horny? At 5am?

I suppose the dream did a number on me.

I shake it off, 5am is too early. I get myself out of bed, find some workout clothes, and head out for my morning run.

Five years ago I would have laughed if you told me I was this person. I hated running. Since I started working for Mortson, I have found a lot of joy in starting my day like this. It makes me feel invigorated and energized. I don’t get it either, but it works.


I come back in from my run, lock the door, pop off my shoes and head to the kitchen. I throw together a quick fruit smoothie and sip on my way to the shower. I stop to put my cat Spoons on the way. He’s a good cat.

Finally, I head the bathroom, set my smoothie down, and strip. I set the water to warm. While I wait for it to heat up, I catch myself in the mirror. My breasts look perkier than normal, maybe clamps normally do that? My mind flashes back to last night, and I feel the buzz between my legs again. Note to delf: buy one of those things whenever I figure out what exactly it was! That was the best orgasm of my life!

With a blink, I’m brought back to reality, where my fingers are working at my clit absent-mindedly. I stop moving, shocked by this, but then let my fingers dive deeper into my body. Dipping into the wet space between my legs and coaxing a gasp from my own mouth. At some point, my leg popped up on the sink counter, and I’m knuckle deep in myself. I’m crying out as my fingers ravage my own insides, I feel a peak come and go, and I slow down gently. Spoons mews behind me, and I glance back at him laughing.

“Don’t be a perv Spoons. I’ll give you breakfast when I’m all clean.”


“Good morning, Ms. Tackett.” It’s the first voice I hear when I step out of the elevator. All sorts of things happen to my body as I look up and lock eyes with him. Being forced into office sex slavery with him really brings out his eyes.

“G-good morning, si- Mr. Mortson.” I mutter our awkwardly. He smiles at me.

“Come to my office, I would like you to see some files.” I gulp. Files? That drawer? I shiver. I sit my bag and blazer down at my tiny desk and enter his office, the door closing behind me. “I obviously cannot make you sign a legally binding contract about our deal, as I’m sure what we are both doing is against the rules, but I wanted to talk that through with you now that you have a clear head and see what you were thinking. Would you prefer some form of documentation?” He asks.

“Oh, no no, I just, you know with you, with you being a lawyer and all, I just thought maybe, maybe you’d want papers, but yeah that’s silly of me to, to think about given the the circumstances.” I’m so nervous. He touches me on her shoulder, hand going down my back.

“Oh my nervous little slut, this is a safe space. You don’t need to be nervous.” I’m very nervous. “Let’s add an amendment to the deal because I love seeing your fear and pleasure, but I don’t want you feeling trapped. As long as we agree the information never leaves our brains, we can both walk away from this deal at any time. So if you walk away, you lose this job but you won’t have to be my slut anymore. That way, I’m not forcing you to stay forever in a life of sin you may not want soon. Is that okay?”

“Yes, that actually makes me feel better knowing I have an out if I need it.” I say, looking up at him.

“Perfect! This makes me feel better too. Maybe you won’t be quite so nervous.” I nod. “Okay, so I have a few tasks for you today, Ms. Tackett.” I sigh in relief. This is much more normal office work. “First, give me your panties.” I look up at him in shock. His hand is open and extended towards me.

“But what if I bend-” he shakes his hand as it’s extended. “Yes, sir.” I pull my panties off and hand them to him. He smiles and places them in his metal box drawer, where he also pulls out an egg-shaped item.

“Now, place this in your pussy.” I look shocked at him. “My door is set to auto lock behind me now. No one will walk in unless they have a key, and no one has a key. Now, put it in.” My face must be beet red, I’m so nervous. I pull my skirt up above my pussy, reach down and try to put it in. It feels so big.

“I think it’s too big.” I say softly.

“Then spit on it and get it in there.” I’m humiliated at this point, but I’m scared to say no. I’m also excited to see where this goes? Who am I?

I do as he suggested, spitting on it and trying again. I slide the egg up and down my lips, I realize now it’s made of plastic of some kind. Not a real egg, but some kind of plastic egg. Very interesting. I spread my legs further and it finally slips in. I push it up just a little higher so it doesn’t fall out. I start to pull my skirt down.

“Hold on, turn and put your hands on the chair arms.” I nod and do so, my head is resting on the seat back. A finger enters me, pushing the egg just a bit further back so it can’t go further. I gasp out. He gives me ass a little smack and says “stand.” I do so, and he spins me around, handing me back my panties. “I’ll go easy for day 1. That should stay in you all day until I take it out. Cum as much as you can or want, I don’t care. Just remember, only you and I know about this little gift.” I nod and pull my panties on, pulling my skirt over them. This is different than wearing a tampon, it’s deeper, I can’t do much without feeling it pressing on the back of my womb. The feeling is so full and incredible. “Okay, we have a briefing for a new case at 1pm. I need you to go and ACTUALLY write the memo for the staff on this one. Finish by 1pm, and you can sit in on the case briefing by the staff. Got it Tackett?” I nod. “Good, go get to work. And leave my door propped open.” It takes a moment for me to learn to walk with this egg in my pussy, it feels so strange but SO good. The walking makes it rub against my walls and makes me ache with need. At least I’ll be at my desk most of the day.

I sit in my chair and open up my laptop, I’m about to start working on the memo while looking at the case file. This case is short, it won’t take long to write the memo. 1pm was a wild deadline, that’d four hours to go! I’ll finish this in 30 minutes. I start reading scrolling, and typing the memo on company letterhead, the case is minimum and simple. We will win this one for sure.

I’m writing the third sentence when my phone dings. It’s a text. I pick it up and look at the message. “1pm will be more challenging than you think.” It’s from an unknown number, it much be Mortson’s personal cellphone number not his company phone. Makes sense. But why will 1pm be challenging? The case is simple!

That’s when the buzzing starts, I jump a little in my seat, startling some nearby employees. I smile awkwardly and reach as if I’m picking up something I dropped. The egg. Is. Vibrating. Inside. Me. Holy fuck. I put my fingers on my laptop keyboard, planning to start typing, but nothing is working. The vibrating is distracting. Okay, I see the challenge now.

I lift my coffee cup my lips, not to take a drunk by to hide the ecstasy I know is written on my face. This is torture. I stand up quietly and walk to the bathrooms, thank God they’re single stalled. I step in, turn the fans on, lock the door and let out a little gasp. I rush over, grab the sink with both hands, and ride out my first orgasm. My knees are clenched tightly and my eyes roll back, and they return I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirrors. My face is flushed but other than that you wouldn’t know I just had a killer orgasm. The toy is slowing down, and so I smooth out my skirt and take a breath. He’s going to do this all day, I need to learn how to cope.

I head back to my desk and work more on the memo, the buzzing has stopped but that won’t last long. I get a few sentences typed when it starts up again. I take a moment to close my eyes and process the sensation, and when I open them, he is standing in front of me. I jump. “Oh Mr. Mortson, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were- what can I do for you?” I ask him.

“Oh Ms. Tackett, you don’t look well, do you need to head home early?” He asks me. I glare up at him before I soften my look.

“Oh no I’m just fine sir, I think I’m just a little toasty. Did you need something from me?” I ask. He smiles devilishly, I’m not ready. It’s another part of this challenge.

“Yes actually! I need you to head over to North Cafe and grab me and the partners lunches if you don’t mind! It should be ready so it will only take about 30 minutes to walk there and back!” Walk? With this thing in?

“Oh well I was working on that Memo you gave me earlier-”

“And that is also very important, but Mr. Miles and his hunger tantrums haha!” He laughs. “You don’t want to get in the way of those, so you?” He looks down at me devilishly, he knows what he’s doing. This is part of the game.

“No Mr. Mortson. Is the order under your name?”

***Sorry this is short, I know some of you were itching for an update! Thought I’d share what I had!! :)
