[M]e and my [F]avorite camping partner (Part 1). 20’s

I’ve been thinking about Sadie a lot lately (ex girlfriend, athletic slim, blonde with excellent wide hips and a plump butt)



and I’ve been struggling to get a story out about her that I was satisfied with, but at some point I have to write something whether I’m happy with it or not?

So, when I was a younger man, and more active, sometimes I would go camping on some friends’ land. My favorite time to go is late winter. Where I live we don’t have HARSH winters, but we have miserable summers, and a lot of ticks and tickborne disease. So… if you catch the weather right, you can play outside without really having to worry about the bugs. Just start a fire, wear plenty of layers, and whenever possible, bring your delightful outdoorsy girlfriend that likes to latch onto you when she’s cold.

We had the whole weekend planned. Had all of our gear and a spiffy tent, canteens to drink instant coffee mixed with hot chocolate, and absolutely no condoms.

… spoiler alert, we preferred to fuck raw.

Once we were miles away from society, and parked, I pointed out the fire pit, where I thought the tent should go, how much water we had, my handy-dandy hatchet, hand warmers in case we really need em, and what I had packed to eat (campy snacks!). Sadie was … staring right into my eyes, and not paying a lick of attention to me. She had this distant aspect to her, like something I was saying or doing had captured her attention. I thought maybe I had something on my face

“What?!?? What’s wrong? Did we forget something?” I thought for sure something was wrong. It was 40 minutes to an hour back to town, but it’s whatever if I forgot boots or something stupid.

“no it’s just… you’re kind of hot when you know what you’re doing.” she said still in a bit of a daze.

“I always know what I’m doing!” I said snarkily. But I knew what she was talking about, Sadie was a very strong willed and intense young woman, but she enjoyed having me in charge in certain contexts.

“You know what I mean…” she said keeping eye contact for another second. She blinked hard, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s get set up, and get something to eat!”

I’ve learned over the years that “spiffy” tents are hard to set up, but conditions were great. The ground wasn’t too hard or wet. There was plenty of dry wood to start a fire. The tent was up after some minor frustration, and we had a cozy fire for hot water, and eats!

If you’ve never spent a couple hours with your partner’s head on your shoulder staring into a fire, I recommend it. We were starting to nod off after a short bit, so I kissed Sadie on the top of her head, and we headed off into bed.

Our spiffy tent was not NEARLY warm enough, so Sadie, being the brilliant outdoorswoman that she is suggested we get our bodies close. She was naked down to her socks in seconds, and pulling my sweater off and pants down in the next moments. I wrapped Sadie’s shoulders up in our blankets as she straddled me

She was 100% correct. This was an excellent way to warm up. She placed her lips against mine, and guided me inside her. I felt the familiar stuttering gasp escape her as she took me deep, and heard her satisfied moan muffled into my mouth.

I pulled the blankets down tighter around us as she slid her hips up and down. It was limiting her motion, but within a couple minutes of deep wet kisses, and Sadie riding my cock, we were quite cozy.

We had a lot of eye contact, even in the dim gloom inside the tent, and I got to hold my hands on her firm, scientifically perfect ass as she bounced, working her fit, sculpted body. She rode hard, grinded, and pounded her hips down trying to make herself cum in the limited range of fucking we had while still keeping covered and toasty.

Now… when I’m not in total control, I can get a little nervous, or stuck in my own thoughts. It can make me hold out a bit, and take me a bit to catch up with the multiple orgasms of an energetic woman like Sadie.

Sadie, was working up a pleasant sweat underneath the covers, I was doing my part to match rhythm, lift her, and pull her to get deeper and harder… I felt bad because she was working her heart out, and she came at least a couple times that I could feel, or detected from full body clenches and shuddering breaths… She just kept pounding. Like she desperately wanted to wring every last drop of cum out of me before turning in.

I appreciated that. I loved her for that. And a thousand other reasons not related to sweaty tent-fucking. I put my hand on the small of her back, and held firm to get her to slow down. Ran my hand through her hair.

“You don’t have to work so hard.” I said barely over a mumble. Folks, it’s okay to stop fucking and check in with your lover. I wanted to make sure she was okay here. “You wanna stop?”

She shook her head “no”

“do you NEED to stop”

she shook her head yes, and rested her body flat against mine for a few seconds.

I couldn’t tell if she was crying because it was dark, but her body was shaky against mine. I rubbed her back and neck and told her how everything was fine.

I’m a little ashamed to admit I was still hard when she dismounted, but her body always felt so good and soothing when she was close, and I asked if it was okay if I took care of the matter of my hard on. She simply kissed my cheek and neck, told me something very personal about how she feels about me, and helped me stroke my cock underneath our pile of sleeping bags and blankets.

My cock was soaked from her pussy, and I could feel her breath against me as she wrapped her fingers around. We made lewd wet sounds with her hand pumping my cock, and our kisses. I was grateful to be so far away from the civilized world, so we could be ourselves, and a little noisy. Sadie leaned in close in a tangle of legs, and arms as she stroked the tip and top half and I worked the base.

There’s something very intoxicating about having enough space for a co-op handjob. I came with a shuddering breath, and an involuntary hip thrust. We were under covers for once, but I knew I had coated Sadie’s hand, my stomach, and possibly some of her chest.

She planted a very light caring peck on my cheek and continued to rub my cum into the length of my cock the way she had watched me do it the few times we had masturbated together.

I watched in the dark of our tent as she took her cum soaked hand and curled her lips with precision and painstaking care around her palm, knuckles, and fingers so as to not waste a single drop of me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/111r38v/me_and_my_favorite_camping_partner_part_1_20s


  1. Sometimes you just need to clear your head and take a trip to the great outdoors.

    Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment or give gentle critique!

  2. Everyone needs a good ol romantic sweaty hot by the campfire tent sex once in their life. lol.

  3. Very hot! Loved the added line of not packing a single condom. The story of the first time you came in Sadie was delicious too. I revel in how good it feels to let go without protection in the moment then have a mini panic about ramifications. Was Sadie on birth control this whole time?

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