Laying in latex [F]

He reached for a box under his desk. I haven’t seen that box in a while. As a matter of fact, I have seen what’s in it but I haven’t seen him wearing any of it yet. He takes out a latex suit that will cover him from his neck to his ankles. It is a yellow colour, kind of transparent, with a zipper on the area between his legs.

He puts it on. The suit fits him perfectly. It is nice and tight around his body. He lies down next to me. I can smell the latex. He looks at me, an expecting but anxious look on his face. I’m not judging. I kind of like it. I trace my hand over his latex-clad body. It slides over smoothly. Oh, yes, I like it.

His cock is starting to grow underneath the suit. I let my hand slide over it, giving it a few little slaps. Oh, it really is coming to life now. He tries to reach for the zipper to set it free but I don’t let him.

“No, no, no. Let me play with it like this,” I say in a teasing tone. “Actually, it is just like a little clit now. Should I rub it like a little clitty?”

I start to rub his cock over the latex. I feel the heat under my hand. He starts to swell more and more. I can even see a wetness forming underneath the latex. I glance at his face. Oh, he is feeling it, alright.

“Mistress, please,” he whimpers.

“Please, what?” I ask him.

“Please, can I come?”

“No,” I tell him as I stop.

He grunts and bucks his hips. I just stare at him, wondering what he is going to do. He reaches for the zipper again. This time I let him. He takes out his hardness and starts to jerk it like crazy. But he knows he doesn’t have my permission so he has to stop way too soon. I trained him well. I can see how horny he has gotten. I wrap my hand around his length and slowly pump it up and down. He moves his hips, trying to make me go faster. Nope. I set the pace. You will have to do with what I give to you. As I see he accepts that fact, I move my hand quicker. It doesn’t take long before I get him close to his orgasm again.

“Mistress, can I come?”


But now I start to feel more devious. I frantically pump in a way that I know will send him over the edge if I keep at it too long, but let go after just a few seconds. As his breathing settles again, I repeat. I give him some extreme sensations in intervals, keeping him from coming. With each time he becomes more and more desperate for his release. Until it is almost enough to drive him mad.

“Mistress, please. Please, can I come?”


“Oh, please. I am so horny.”

“Nope. You already came yesterday. And this morning,” I tell him. “It’s lunch time. Go get dressed.”

“But…” he starts, but is smart enough not to finish it.

“Yes, mistress,” he says as he gets up to get dressed. “Thank you, mistress.”
