Foxy Temptations [MF] [CNC] [Kemonomimi]

I had just been told I needed to stay late at the office for the umpteenth night in a row, and when I watched my boss stroll out and go on her merry way, I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a large part of me that considered walking out after her and giving a big middle finger to this place. But I knew better than to give into such an impulse. This job was good, it was just this project which had been a pain in the ass for the last couple of weeks. As I stared at the seemingly never-ending document of hastily and poorly written copy in front of me, it felt like my very soul was being drained from me and I could hardly remember why I got into the editing field.

My long, fuzzy ears twitched and stood up straight when I heard my phone ding. I turned it over to check what the notification was from. Speaking of sucking my soul out. I thought, unable to help but smile as I saw it was a message from my lovely wife.

‘Babe~ What do you want for dinner? :3’ I let out a sigh as I picked my phone up, leaning back in my chair as my small, fluffy tail wriggled and I typed back my reply.

‘Don’t worry about me. Working late again. I’ll pick something up on the way home. Sorry, my love.’ I went to set my phone back down but stopped as I saw those three little dots appear on the screen. Though after a moment of waiting for my wife’s reply, they disappeared and did not return. I shrugged and got back to work, only to be interrupted by another text from my wife a few minutes later. I checked it again, and this time my cheeks blushed a red that was as dark as my ears and hair.

The message read: ‘Even if it’s your favourite?’ But the source of my embarrassment—and what made me quickly hide my screen while my eyes darted around the near-empty office just to double check no one saw—was the image attached to the message: a nude photo of my stunning vixen wife, in our bed, with the camera centred on her bare slit as two of her slender fingers held her lips apart.

The image succeeded in getting a rise out of me immediately, my pants felt much tighter as a tent grew in their crotch. My heart raced as I couldn’t take my eyes off her smooth, creamy skin; all her shapely, plump curves; her four, thick, bushy, inviting tails, which were the softest things that had ever graced my touch; her pale, round, back-breaking breasts, with the prettiest pink nipples that begged to be bitten and sucked on; or most frustrating of all, the smirk on her face, one fang sticking out from the corner of her pouty, glossy lips, the epitome of smugness, and those devilish eyes that were screaming at me to hurry up and fuck her.

It reminded me of two things: one, she was so fucking perfect, and two, it’d been way too long since I’d gotten to fuck my wife like she deserved.

‘Darling… I really appreciate just how sexy you are… but I’m at work right now, and that is quite literally NSFW.’

‘Oh darling~’ I could practically hear her seductive giggle ring out in my head. ‘Did my little picture get my bunny hubby all worked up while he’s at work?’

‘I’m sorry I’m working late again. I know it’s been a while since we’ve gotten to be together properly, but please. Not right now.’

‘So mean. You never give me your big carrot anymore, daddy~ -3- do you… do you not find me hot anymore? ;-;’

I growled and shifted in my seat, growing even more frustrated and uncomfortable as I had to adjust the front of my pants. ‘I never said that. You know you’re the sexiest slut ever. But I have to focus on work otherwise we won’t meet our deadlines.’ I put my phone down and ignored the set of dings that came through in the minutes after doing so.

And whilst it was slow going—as it was hard to properly concentrate on work with the image of my needy, naked wife still burned into my retinas—I did start to get back on track and make some more progress. Riiiight until my ringtone burst the bubble of silence within the office like a series of fireworks going off. I jumped a bit and fumbled with my phone, apologising to Doris as the older dog-woman glared at me from across the room, and then answered my phone, pressing it to my ear.

‘Ohh!~ Fuck me harder daddy! Give me that fat bunny cock and pound my naughty pussy until I’m overflowing with your cum!~’ my wife’s voice pierced my ears and her moans sent sparks down my spine and directly to the tip of my aching cock.

‘O-Olli!… Wh-What the fuck are you doing?’ I quietly hissed into my phone, ears pointing up again and shivering.

‘Mmm hehe~ What does it sound like I’m doing, hubby~’ she said as she let out another chorus of moans. I squirmed more and more, one hand now pressing down on my bulge, fearing that my cock might rip through the fabric at this point.

‘I-I’m at work… please. I-I’ll be back home later tonight, but the more you distract me the longer this job is gonna take to get done.’

‘Mmmm… okay~ But. I’m not gonna wait for you~ I’ll just get the fun started and well, if you make it back in time, you can join in too~’

I gulped, silently listening to her moans for a while before finding my voice again. ‘F-Fine. I-I’ll be home soon.’ I hung up as she was giggling. I was now determined to finish editing the rest of this document in record time, my boner and thoughts of what I could be doing to my wife now acting as motivation rather than a distraction.


I double and tripled checked the document once I thought it was finished, going over it repeatedly just to make sure I’d cleaned up every error and made the wording as clear and sharp as possible before I finally sent it off to my boss’s E-Mail. I slumped back in my chair and sighed loudly. I was alone in the office by now, and when I looked at my phone again, it was well past eleven o’clock. I cursed under my breath as I shut off my computer and made my way out of the office. While I was getting into my car, I sent Olli a text to tell her that I was on my way home finally—she didn’t respond.

The line for the Maccas drive-through was thankfully short, and my double-cheeseburger meal had been devoured before I walked into our cosy little home, slipping my shoes off as I closed the front door behind me.

‘Princess, I’m home~’ I called out, but there was no response. There hadn’t even been any lights on inside the house, only the one outside above the porch. I frowned and made my way through the darkened halls and towards our bedroom. The door was cracked open just a touch, and I pushed it open wider, hoping to find my dreamy wife laying upon our bed provocatively as she waited for me. But there was no such luck tonight. Instead, I only found her laying there peacefully as she was already asleep.

I sighed and gently closed the door, keeping quiet so as not to disturb her sleep. I undid my tie and began to take off my buttoned shirt as my eyes looked over her serene form, illuminated by the moonlight shining in through a small gap in the curtains. God, she’s beautiful. I’d never seen a prettier sight. But, as I looked at her, dressed in just a thin, sheer nightgown, the skirt of which had ridden up her legs as she laid mostly on her stomach, one leg raised and bent slightly, I couldn’t help but think back to how she had looked earlier that night, naked and so inviting in this very bed when I was trapped in the prison that was my workplace—my arousal, among other things, started growing again.

I made my way closer, staying quiet. If I wake her, she’ll just deny me again won’t she? I could see it in my head so clearly. Her tired eyes would slowly open as she leaned up with an exaggerated yawn. She’d look me over, feigning innocence over teasing me earlier and laugh at me—her phantom, sultry giggle rung through my head once more—before turning over and curling up under a cocoon of blankets and tails, and then she’d go back to sleep as if nothing happened.

I wouldn’t stand for that. No way could I just let her get away with all her teasing scot-free. I growled softly and stood in front of her relaxed, oblivious face. I unbuckled my belt, slipping it off and then I lowered my pants and boxers just enough to let my flaccid cock out into the open. I wrapped a hand around my length and began to jerk off in front of my sleeping wife’s face. At first, I was content to just blow my load all over her tranquil face as punishment, maybe get some in her hair and over those adorable, fluffy ears, I was sure that’d teach her a lesson about teasing me and not finishing her wifely duties of taking care of her hubby’s enraged cock. But the more I stroked myself, and the harder I got, I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied with masturbation alone, even if I got to coat my favourite target in the end.

I held back my moans with gritted teeth as I kept my eyes on her face—her nose twitched slightly as my leaking tip was just inches from her, there was no way my musk wasn’t invading her every breath. Mm, is she drooling because of my scent? Or just cause she’s asleep? I wonder if her dreams have taken a dirty turn~ I smiled as I breathed a little heavier, hand working my shaft faster; I couldn’t take it any longer. I carefully and slowly pressed my tip against her lips, swiping up some of her drool, and letting it coat my cock before I stepped back and shuffled over to the foot of the bed.

As quietly as possible, I stripped down fully and then climbed onto the bed, keeping as much of my weight off it as I could while I got behind my wife. My hands lightly gripped the hem of the skirt of her nightgown, flipping it up away from her thick, juicy thighs and equally thick, and juicy rear, revealing her perfect cheeks and tight, hot slit to me—my slutty vixen hadn’t worn any underwear to bed tonight.

Her four tails bristled and twitched slightly as the skirt came to rest against them, but other than that, she didn’t stir. I licked my lips before shifting closer, now resting on my knees as I straddled the backs of her thighs, making sure not to actually touch her just yet. I spit down onto my now fully erect and swollen cock as I lined the tip up with the tight entrance of her cunt and started to slowly push into her wet folds, my fat head slowly spreading her open enough to let me pop inside.

As I penetrated her, she woke with a jolt. Her insides stretched open further as I plunged in deeper before my hips finally slammed into her thick bubble-butt with a heavy, fleshy smack. Her cervix had been pierced by that familiar, molten hot fuckrod she knew so well; my cock was harder than steel as it throbbed inside of her and pressed against the back of her womb.

Before she could let out a moaning scream, my hand clamped around her mouth tightly. I lowered my full weight upon her back, pinning her helplessly to the bed as I mounted my victim, claiming my wife as my toy for the night. I growled loudly and deeply, leaning over her more and pressing my body down against hers harder as my hips ground into her ass. I nipped one of her ears, not too hard but just enough that she got my threatening message. My other arm bundled all of her tails together and hugged them against my body tightly.

‘This is just what a slutty tease like you deserves, you have no one to blame for this but yourself, you bimbo cock-sleeve!’ I was angry, that much was clear to her even before she heard my growling voice. It was clear from the tightness of my grip around your body—I wasn’t holding her close like a lover, I was stopping my prey from moving. It was clear from the savagery of my bites—I wasn’t playfully nibbling at her neck or ears, or giving her sweet lovebites, I was latching onto her aggressively with bared teeth that could rip chunks from her if she tried to yank herself free. And when I started to move my hips, it was clear I wasn’t going to make love to my wife or even fuck her a bit harder than the usual roughness she liked, no, I was going to rape her until her fertile womb was flooded with my baby buns and she was forced into motherhood.

She didn’t offer much of a struggle. There was some squirming from her, and her tails tested the might of my grip, trying to thrash themselves free to no avail. Her sharp canines dug into my palm, biting at the hand that muzzled her, as well as her claws digging into my forearm as she tried to yank me away, though neither of these was hard enough to even come close to drawing blood. My own teeth chomping down more strongly on much more vulnerable parts of her body soon put an end to that part of her resistance as well. And as for trying to throw me off of her, or wriggling out from under me, that was hopeless, her chubby, fuckable body was going nowhere fast. She soon gave up and surrendered to the situation, her body relaxing and going limp as her insides still occasionally convulsed around the massive prick invading her.

After she stopped struggling, I wasted no time and started to slam into her at a rapid pace, even with the powerful force behind each thrust I still wasn’t taking my time or letting her adjust to the brutal rhythm I quickly found myself in. It felt amazing! Something about the primal and feral nature of this rutting just felt so good! Her insides were softer than velvet as they clung to my dick like a vice, and she seemed wetter than ever before. Her thick cheeks quickly turned red from the repeated impact of my firm, muscular hips against her doughy cake, each thrust sending a ripple along her body. My full, heavy sack collided against her pussy, swinging into her like two large wrecking balls as they repeatedly smashed into and abused her clit.

The wooden frame of the bed creaked louder and rocked harder the more I continued my assault on my wife, the wooden headboard loudly pounded against the wall much like my tip pounded against the back of her womb. Her claws now dug into and tore up the sheets underneath her, her teeth once again biting into my hand as I continued to stifle the cries and moans that she couldn’t contain herself; I could feel tears trickle down and wash over the top of my hand. My other arm kept pulling on all her tails, yanking her ass back into my thrusts, and pulling her hips into a more elevated position. My teeth kept pinching down on her neck and shoulders in various places, leaving marks and even drawing blood at times.

It was almost perfect, the only thing wrong with it was that I couldn’t see her helpless face as I raped her in our marital bed, but I did my best to imagine the perverted, ecstatic look on her face throughout it, using her cries and tears as fuel for my imagined imagery. She couldn’t call for help, she couldn’t beg me for forgiveness, she couldn’t even tell me how thankful she was for being fucked silly like the dumb whore she is. But that was okay because it didn’t matter what she thought or felt at the time. Her enjoyment or pain, her feelings weren’t important. Right then, I wasn’t even seeing her as my wife; she was just a hole for me to use until I dumped my load inside her.

This new experience had filled me with such vigour that I was able to keep up this frenzied pace for over half an hour, and by the time my orgasm finally neared, I hadn’t slowed down at all, even as sweat poured off me, and my grunts and growls came out with laboured breaths. I continued to hump away like a savage, wild jackrabbit, throwing my full weight behind each and every thrust, always trying to pierce her deeper than the last one. Olli was delirious by that point, and barely clinging to consciousness. I’d lost count of the times she had reached a climax of her own, at the end I think she was just experiencing one long, continuous orgasm. But even on the brink of consciousness, she could still feel my cock growing just that extra bit more inside of her cunt, she could still recognise the familiar sign of my impending ejaculation as my cum started to build up within my shaft.

When the first viscous rope of cum splashed against the walls of her womb, my hips still didn’t slow, and throughout my orgasm, my rhythm never once even hitched. I howled out like a beast as my body tensed, muscles flexing as I continued to ram into my personal fuck-hole as deeply as possible. My backed-up load flooded Olli’s baby chamber and then some. My seed quickly spilt out of her, squeezing past the base of my cock and leaking from her well-used hole, my nuts splattering it over our thighs each time they slapped against her.

I came for what felt like an entire minute, and when I was finally done, there was a very noticeable bump in Olli’s belly, and she could feel the weight of the load dumped inside of her. There was also a thick puddle—made from the mixture of both my cum and hers—staining the sheets underneath us. After I had used her insides to milk out every drop from my sack and made sure I had no more sperm to give, my hips stopped moving, and then I slumped over her. My hand moved away from her mouth, and I let her tails go so I could instead wrap my arms around her body and hold her close. I cuddled her comfortingly and tightly against my sweaty, exhausted body, hers was much the same as we both lay there, panting as if we’d run an ultra-marathon through a desert.

I licked and kissed at the marks my various bites had left across her neck and back, cleaning her of any blood stuck to her beautiful form. Before we drifted back off to sleep, I whispered softly into her ear, saying something to her for the first time since I’d gotten home, after we’d transformed into mindless animals for our 30 minutes of vicious mating:

‘I love you, Olli.’

And she whispered back: ‘I love you too, Joey. My bnuy~’ I lay over her, entwining my fingers with hers as I held both her hands. Her tails coiled around us, forming a dome over our drained bodies, and together we drifted off.

That night I had the best sleep of my entire life.
