Business Trip [MF]

Business trips can be a mixed bag – most often they’re long days filled with meetings and obligations, but on occasion, they’re quite fun. Years ago, I was visiting a Miami suburb for two weeks, getting acclimated to a new site and new people. The first week falls squarely into that long day category. The second unexpectedly was much more fun.

Monday night of my second week, I set off to find some dinner and unwind by myself. I had no expectations. I settled on a nearby bar, keeping it simple for dinner and a few drinks. It was busy, but not crowded, when three girls sat to my left. We made early pleasantries – where are you from, what do you do, etc., etc. They worked nearby, and were out for happy hour, each quite attractive. We continued chatting, with the one seated next to me, Jessica, quite friendly. Ultimately her friends departed, but she chose to stay. She was quite attractive – dirty blonde hair, with perky breasts perched upon a runner’s body. The night wore on, and ultimately led back to my hotel, grabbing drinks to sip next to the pool. I sat on a lounge chair, with her placing herself between my legs, back pressed to my chest. I took this as an invitation at the deserted pool – I wrapped my hands around her waist, sliding north to cup her firm breasts. All she did was giggle and say “you’re bad” before craning her neck to kiss me. I whispered to her “do you want to go upstairs?”; she stood up and reached out a hand.

You may expect that once the doors closed, clothes were strewn everywhere, but that’s not at all how it went. Taking our time, we sat on the small sofa, making out, feeling each other to see how quickly we were willing to push it. Perhaps it didn’t take as long I recall, but eventually fingers were exploring bare skin. To her surprise, I quickly unhooked her bra with a quick snap of my fingers and a single hand. Those unexpectedly firm breasts on that runner’s frame now told their secret – they were clearly fake, her nipples already at attention. Fake or not, I did not care; I wanted to explore her entire body. I took her to the bed, topless, pants undone, but still firmly around her hips. Now on her back, I pulled them off, exposing simple yet sexy black underwear. I ran my fingers up and down her legs, brushing ever so slightly against her underwear, making her visibly shudder. She grabbed at me, pulling me in for a kiss, telling me “get naked, I want you inside me”. She certainly did not have to tell me twice. On her back, legs spread wide, I positioned myself on top of her, her firm tits against my skin, kissing her while the head of my throbbing cock pressed against her wet lips. Her body wanted it, her hips grinding against me, before she groaned “fuck me”.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune – a dirty blonde, spread wide under me, fake tits bouncing (barely) and I slowly sunk deep into her. I knew if I fucked her harder, I wouldn’t last, and I wanted to make sure she got hers. Knowing that, I took her and rolled over, forcing her to ride. I couldn’t help myself, and reach to grab her luscious tits and pinch her hard nipples. Clearly sensitive, all she whispered was “soft” as I tweaked them. I took a thumb and placed it to her lips, imploring her to suck it before firmly placing it against her clit, rubbing in a circle, watching her breath quicken and her moans get louder. It was getting harder and harder, literally, to keep myself together, especially as she moaned “fuck, you’re so big…I love what a man you are”. I could have cum right there, and she clearly felt me throb and moaned “yes, right there”. I couldn’t hold out any longer, and perhaps that’s just what she needed. As I rubbed her clit with my right thumb, my left hand grabbed her hip, hard, and held her down. She continued to grind as I exploded, and so did she, legs squeezing me, moaning, pushing my hand away from her sensitive clit.

As she laid next to me, both of us still naked, all she could muster is “I couldn’t decided if I wanted it harder, or wanted you to stop. But fuck that was great.” It was pushing midnight, and frankly, I had no idea if she had someone to get home to. She didn’t offer that information, and I did not care to ask. She did leave a simple note with her number, signed nothing more than “Jessica”, with a heart. The next morning, I sent a text saying “I hope you had fun, I know I did.” A reply came quickly – “My pussy is so sore, but I want more. What are you doing tonight?”


1 comment

  1. Great visual of when you first pushed into her, and very hot you made sure to stay in her to orgasm together. What happened the rest of the week?

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