Working Late [FM][Coercion][Cheating]

*** Please be careful reading this. Some people may find this uncomfortable. This is just a fantasy of mine, but it does involve some very blurred lines and cheating. This is just a fantasy I enjoy and wanted to share, but I wouldn’t want to trigger anything in anyone. ***

I didn’t want it … at first. I didn’t want to cheat on my boyfriend. Especially not with him. He was my boss, gave off definite pervert vibes, and was probably twice my age.

He was just so insistent, so condescending

He’d always say really gross things, with this creepy smile on his face. He’d say things like “Give me a few minutes and I bet I could put a smile on that face” and “I sure hope your boyfriend is giving you what you need.”

Sometimes when I’d make a mistake he’d say “Well, at least you’re pretty.” And one time I said something wrong and he said “Not the sharpest tool in the shed are we? You must be really good in bed to keep your boyfriend interested.”

I should have reported him. But I really need my job and honestly I don’t trust HR, so I tried to laugh it off and be around him as little as possible.

He just wouldn’t stop. He started calling me into his office for the littlest things. He’d talk down to me about my work, make some comment about my body, and send me back to my desk.

After a while I guess he got more brave. He started touching me every time he was close. First my arm and shoulders. Then he’d put his hand on my lower back as he walked by. A couple times he slapped my ass. I turned beat red and he just laughed at me as he closed his office door behind me.

One day he told me I had to stay late to finish a project. It made me really angry, especially because he didn’t tell anyone else they had to stay. But I text my boyfriend that I was working late and tried to get things done as quick as possible.

My boss waited until pretty much everyone had left the office before he IM’d me and told me to come to his office. When I got there he told me to close the door behind me and take a seat. I felt really uncomfortable having the door closed, especially with so few people in the office, but I didn’t want to make a scene so I did it.

He came around from his desk and sat in the chair beside me and started talking. He was saying all these stereotypical sleazy boss things.

“I think you have a lot of potential. I could really see you going far with this company, but I’m not seeing the effort from you that I want. I need you to try harder. If you really want to keep working here, maybe even move up in the company, you need to show me that you can put in the effort. You need to show me that you really want it.”

I wasn’t even surprised when he put his hand on my leg. And I wasn’t surprised when he slid his hand further and further up my thigh. He continued to talk down to me as he pushed his hand between my legs and let his fingers brush against my pussy through my pants.

I tried to push his hand away, but I’m not very strong. If someone would have walked in it probably would have looked like I was holding his hand while he rubbed my pussy.

“You do like your job, don’t you?” He asked. “You like it here, right?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“You want to move up in the company? Maybe try new positions?”

I didn’t say anything.

“I can open up all kinds of opportunities for you, if you want. All you have to do is say the word … just tell me you want it.”

It was gross. Despicable. No woman should ever have to put up with stuff like that.

But the truth is my body was turned on. Even while my brain was disgusted, my body was responding to him. An irrational part of my brain was worried he would feel through my pants how wet I was getting.

“I want it,” I said quietly.

“Good,” he said as he sat back in his chair. He unbuckled his pants and pushed them, along with his underwear, to his knees. His dick stood straight up and was pulsing a little. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down onto his lap.

I took his tip in my mouth.

I started bobbing my head a little, letting my saliva coat his tip.

“You can do better than that, I know it,” he said. He started pushing and pulling on my head, guiding me at the pace he wanted.

He was so hard in my mouth and I could taste a little of his precum. I think my brain just kind of shut off and my instincts took over.

I started pushing my head down further, taking more of him in my mouth. Every little bit I’d circle my tongue over his tip before bobbing my head back down.

“That’s it,” he said. “I knew the first time I saw you that you were a natural cock sucker.”

He started thrusting his hips a little, meeting me as he pushed my head down. He thrust harder and harder until he pushed himself into my throat. He held me there, his dick filling my throat as tears filled my eyes and I tried not to gag.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “Take it. Take it like a good slut.”

I gasped for breath when he finally let me up. My whole body was tingling, like electricity was running through me. I couldn’t help it. I can’t help how my body responds when someone talks to me like that.

I barely even hesitated when he told me to take off my pants. I kicked off my shoes and slid my pants and underwear to the floor. He reached around me and grabbed my ass with both hands

“This is your best asset, you know that right?” He said.

Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me toward him. I climbed on top of him, straddling him on the chair. He held his dick with one hand, positioning himself, and pushed me down on him.

I’m ashamed of how wet I was. I literally felt it dripping down my leg. But even still, I’m really tight and he had to push me up and down before I could take all of him.

I couldn’t help but gasp as I felt him slide completely inside me.

He groaned, “Such a tight little pussy.”

He grabbed my ass with both hands and started lifting me up and pushing me down, making me ride him.

He felt so big inside me, stretching me out. And I felt so dirty letting this older man that I didn’t even like use me like that. He kept calling me names and every once in a while he’d slap my ass.

Before I knew it he wasn’t even guiding me anymore. I was bouncing on his dick, lost in the feeling of him inside me and the wrongness of what I was doing.

He slid his hands up my sides, under my shirt and started pawing at my breasts. I’m pretty small, and rarely wear a bra, he just grabbed my boobs then started lightly pinching my nipples. I moaned when he did it. I couldn’t help it.

“That’s right,” he said. “Moan for me like a little whore. You like this dick in you, don’t you? You’re just a cock hungry little slut.”

My mind just went blank. I was basically slamming myself down on his cock. I could feel the tension growing in his body. I wanted to feel him deeper and deeper.

“Fuck, get off. I’m going to cum. Fuck,” he groaned.

I don’t know what came over me. I threw my arms around his neck, and started grinding myself into him. “Cum inside me. Please. Please cum in me,” I moaned.

“Fuuuuck,” he groaned. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down harder onto him, thrusting inside me as hard as he could.

I felt him start pulsing inside me, and felt his warm cum filling me up. I came. Hard. I clenched my teeth trying to stifle my cry as pleasure exploded through me. I kept grinding myself against him, my body twitching almost violently. And then I crashed, slumping against his body, completely spent.

He let me lay there against him for a moment, both of us panting trying to catch our breaths. Then he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me to my feet.

Neither of us said a word as I got dressed and he pulled his pants back up. He stood and kind of leered over me. Then he stepped to the door and opened it.

“You can go on home,” he said. “And why don’t you come in a little late tomorrow? I have a feeling I’m going to need you to work late again anyways.”



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