The Seed of Bounty. [M20] [F30] [MF] [Orc on Elf] [Dark Fantasy] [Breeding Magic] [Consensual Non-Con] [Impregnation] [Cuckold]

Deep in the bowels of the earth, there was no sound. This echoing silence rang foreign in Alura’s elongated ears. The dark places had no trees, no musical birds, and no light. The only noise was sweaty hips smacking into her rippling backside and the hoots of her green captors.

Grimy dirt ground roughly into her palms and knees. The brutes had kept her bent over almost exclusively, of course uncultured animals like them preferred to mate in this savage manner. The stinking creature was standing and hauling her hips off the ground to meet his hungry long thrusts. Her mind began to blur again as he quickened his pace.

Orc cocks were different, and not in the good way. They stank, were overly thick in the middle, and had maddening little bumps in some places that made concentrating all the more difficult. But it wasn’t just physical.

Elves had special senses, and Alura could smell more than the reek of body odor in the stifling cave. It was magic, old magic, power so old that even the one’s that possessed it didn’t know they had it. To them, she was just a dumb elf who’d ‘accidentally’ stumbled into their midst. But Alura was known for many things, and mistakes were not one of them. They thought she was their newest breeding slave, but in reality, she was a thief.

“Blood and guts! Elf pussy is best,” her current rider bellowed.

His hands gripped her tighter and his thrusts became short and deep, keeping as much of himself inside her as he could. As soon as cum came dripping from her gold-lined pussy, his kin would shove him out of the way and slide inside her to get their turn. And so he took his time, streatching her agonizingly slowly and letting each of the strange bumps to rub against that spot in her pussy that made her legs quake.

As far as Orcs went, he held his seed well, but he would cum soon. Orcs weren’t the only one’s with secret magic.

Alura murmured a spell under her breath, almost ruining it when she felt the long green intruder push up against the bottom of her velvety sheath. But she got the spell off, and his cock twitched as her magic soaked into his thick skin.

“Best pussy, Elf pussy!”

Nearby, a towering female glared at the orc, but then again they always did that.

Her belly was rounded, and by the way she hung around this male, Alura guessed it was likely his seed growing in her womb.

Alura turned away. It wasn’t personal. This was about the survival of her people.

But the orcess came over anyway. Alura heard the she-beast smack her man in the head with a blow that would have killed a human man.

“Take too long, she steal your soul, Ub.”

The male waived her away, laughing,

“She’s about to get more that that! Now leave, Xek.”

Alura groaned as she was suddenly lifted up, the iron hard cock inside her pushing against her sex in places elf men simply could never reach. Ub wrapped his arms around her, almost crushing her rib in a lusty mating hug.

Her bare toes dangled over the ground, curling when he reached his deepest with the thick and bumpy cock of his.

His stinking breath was in her ear as he ground his hips into her plump ass.

“Think me stupid.”

Alura yelped as he thrust into her violently.

She shook her head and whimpered, this time it not being an act.

“Ub know.”

He made her yelp again.

“But Ub don’t care.”

His cock began pulsing and expanding, locking his thick meat inside her for what was about to do to her vulnerable womb.

“You can have it.”

And then he took her pointed ear into his mouth and bit her ear.

Alura gasped involuntarily, knees locking together, head throwing back in a cascade of dirty golden waves. Her hips moved on their own as she massaged the beast’s cock without really meaning too.

Between her magic and her writhing pussy, Ub lost control. He squeezed the air out of her lungs and nibbled at her ear so hard it almost hurt. His cock was a fountan of boiling magic. Power as old as stars shot into her body like fire, splashing her very soul with arcane magic.

It seeped into her being, kindling insider her fertile pussy and exploded with pleasure.

Hot rivulets of cum trickled down her trembling inner thighs and rolled of the seizing pair of green balls between them.

Ub emptied himself in her, and even thought that was exactly what she intended to happen, she was not prepared for the experience of his magical seed.

He pumped his cum into her long and slow, flexing his muscles each time she extracted a hot pulse of cum from his aching balls.

Only now did she realize that she was leaning her head back onto his massive shoulder, breathing in his distinctive musk like a long lost lover. Bu then she blinked and turned away.

Xek grunted with what might have been jealousy as she considered the river of cum flowing around her mates cock.

“You no squirt for me like this.”

Ub grunted back, a little more forcefully.

“You make Ak squirt like this.”

Ub relaxed and let Alura slide off his considerable length. After he was out, she noted a certain void inside her belly, but not a physical one.

Was it magic? Either way, she sensed she got what her people needed and fell to the cave floor, her legs unresponsive.

Off to the side, a skinny looking grunt was stocking his obscenely large member to life. He was weak, and he was always last. But today, he wouldn’t even get Ub’s sloppy seconds.

With a snap of her fingers, a series of enchanted tattoos glowed to life on her skin.

Xek shouted in alarm and skuttled away, shielding her rounded belly. There was no need for her alarm, this wasn’t a hostile spell, it was a transportation magic.

Ub looked at her as her limbs began to fade into magic light.

The process was so quick she was surprised he even noticed, it was like he saw it coming. For an orc, he was rather observant.

He said a single word, a name, but she was sure who it was supposed to be.

“Tek,” he said.

And then the spell approached her surprised face, transporting her through space with the feeling of being swung around by ancient spells.

The sound of trees came back to her ears and the kiss of soft winds carrying perfumes of spring night. Alabaster bought waved over head in the breeze, welcoming her home. The spell had transported her to somewhere in the high gardens, and had drained the reserves of her power along with it. Her violet eyes fluttered closed, content to be home and safe once again. Voices of alarm shouted in the distance, not the guttural droning of orc speech, but soft and lovely elfish.

As she drifted off to sleep, for some reason, her hand went to her belly, feeling the soft layer of fat that covered it.

She woke up with her husband’s concerned face hovering over her, his ears red at the tips with strong feelings.

“You could have told me,” he said quietly.

She smiled but said nothing. They both knew he would have been against her going, this had to be done, for the sake of their people.

His eyes wandered over the multitude of bite marks and scratches on her skin, but focused the most on her bruised left ear. He reached out to touch it but she caught his hand and squeezed it gently.

“You know I don’t like my ears being touched.”

He frowned at the bruise.

“Somebody did.”

He quickly smiled, never one to start a fight. He was sweet that way, a perfect elven man that was as harmonious as the leaves that danced on the castle walls.

He looked down at her belly and sighed.

“I suppose there was no way around it then.”

She nodded and patted his hand reassuringly.

“The magic has already cured me, and now that I’ve tasted it, I can spread the cure to other elves.”

“And you’re keeping it,” he said.

She blinked at his concerned narrow face.

“The cure? Of course.”

He looked away, his ears reddening.

“You know what I meant.”

Her hands jumped to her middle, thumbs caressing whatever was inside there.

“I… I don’t know.”

Meshina placed his hands on her belly to and smiled genuinely.

“And you don’t have to, my love.”

He stood, a sudden rush of energy filling his thin limbs.

“But if you do… A boy will be Alanum, a girl, Borisa.”

She frowned.

“Not after my mother, please.”

He hurried to her side, kneeling at bedside. He was almost reverential now, searching her eyes. Now Alura could see the need in his eyes. He wanted to be lead, wanted her to show him what he needed to do. All Meshina wanted to do was help.

“Whatever you want my love,” he said breathlessly.

She caressed his face, almost like an exasperated mother would comfort a frightened child.

“Whatever is best for our people,” she said. “That is all I care about.”

Thank you for reading.
