[mf] the secretary

When you think “Secretary” what comes to mind? An older, nearing retirement, pleasant yet tired woman?
The same as above, minus the pleasantries?
How about the sitcom hottie, unattainable for a variety of reasons, distractingly attractive, and sweet as candy?

I like the third, and thankfully it makes for a better story.

The secretary was a hard working woman, playing with the cards she was delt, and winning small hands enough to keep in the game. But she wanted a taste of real victory, something she could claim was achieved of her own will, strength, & determination. What she wanted most of all, was to feel to herself the way that the world projected to her. She didn’t feel sexy, she didn’t accept the enviousness of other women as rational. The way she saw it, the ladies had nothing to be jealous of, and the men were just being nice or they didn’t mean what they said.

The secretary had a wandering eye. She was a good girl, but part of her wanted her to be bad. She never admitted it fully to herself, repressed it, but deep down inside she knew she was a slut. Legitimately, a slut at heart, and as delightful as you would expect her to be as a mother of two and supportive wife (who felt that the best she could offer was to fill that role.) But she wanted more, and she needed to feel rewarded and satisfied for her commitment to being the wife and mother any man could only dream of having.

The secretary watched her co-workers on the security cameras.

One of them was necking with his subordinate whenever no one was looking.
One of them was jerking off in the annex.
One of them was just sitting, but his cock was so big she could see it’s outline on his pants as he was at his computer.
Sometimes it would grow. Sometimes it would twitch.
When it did, the secretary would stare longingly at the screen, and she would begin to rub her hips into her chair, holding her legs closed tightly together. She created friction, in her lap, with her now swelling lips as she rocked her hips in a circle.
A few minutes of this and she needed to step away, her pussy was wet and her seat was at risk of getting damp. Not that it would have stained, it was a black seat, but people might noticed her achingly erotic scent her juices left in the fabric.

The secretary cleaned herself up and reached for the bathroom door to leave. She looked down for a once over as she opened it towards herself…and there he was. She glanced down and saw the head of his cock pressed against the fabric, detailing a rigid crown.

The secretary took a quick breath and without thinking, lunged forward and placed one hand on his chest, softening the impact, and the other on his bulging cock. She groped it, overfilling in her hand, and lifted it slightly. She felt the weight of his heavy balls, jiggling them ever so slightly, and looked him in the eyes.

The secretary whispered “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” And winked at him with a little smile.

The secretary went back to her desk.
The secretary watched him go back to his.
The secretary watched him fondle himself for the next two hours.

The secretary smiled.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1111phk/mf_the_secretary