Den of Depravity! [group sex] [oral] [facial]

**I appreciate you all putting up with my shameless plugs on here. I have a few e-books on Amazon (search me up: Samantha Lightfoot). If you have Kindle Premium, they’re free (but I still get paid) and if you want to buy one, they’re only $2.99. It would mean the world to me if you would check them out. Finances are pretty tight these days, so … I appreciate you all.**

When I first moved to NYC, I couldn’t afford shit. I found some roomies on craigslist. And I’m gonna be honest, it wasn’t the best environment for me. Lots of drugs. Lots of alcohol. They were all very young. I was 21. Ten people in a two bedroom on the Lower East Side. Rent was already cheap, but divide it amongst 10 roomies and it was insanely affordable.

People slept in the same beds. Others would take a couch. There were sofa cushions everywhere. People slept where they could. They were so comfortable they would brush their teeth while other people were using the toilet. It was an experience. Some of the people who lived there would beg for money. Others would steal and resell stuff at pawn shops to cover their share of the rent. A few people had real jobs – not just for the income, but so they could steal from their employers.

One person worked at a local bakery. Every night they were instructed to throw the leftovers in the trash. They’d “take out the trash” at close every night while a roomie waited nearby to take home all of the bread and cakes. Another worked at a diner and frequently stole food for us to share. If they got fired, they’d just find work at another bakery or diner the next day.

And then there was the sex. Everyone was up for grabs. Everyone slept with everyone. I’d hate to break out a blacklight in that apartment. I imagined there was sperm everywhere.

The first night I arrived, I walked in and found a woman giving another guy a blowjob on the sofa while someone else sat next to them eating a day old baguette. Insane. He was writhing and moaning and then he ejaculated and collapsed into the sofa next to his baguette eating roomie while the woman wiped her mouth and swallowed.

“Can I get next?” The baguette guy asked.

“C’mere,” she said.

“Bread me!” Another roomie shouted.

A baguette went airborne and flew across the living room to someone else as the woman relocated to the other side of the couch. The guy who was just eating a baguette was pulling his pants down. He had an erection! The woman casually leaded over and put her face in his lap, sucking on him while everyone else went about their business.

I was in shock.

“You must be the new girl,” someone said to me.

“Mm-hmm,” I said.

“Well, that’s Melissa and she doesn’t pay rent. So … this is how she contributes.”

“By giving men oral sex?” I asked.

“I mean, yeah. But. Anything. For anyone. You included, babe! She licks a mean clit.”

“Uh …”

“You’re shy now, but you’ll get real comfortable REAL quick. Lemme give you the tour. Your bedroom is wherever you can find a place to sleep. The beds kinda work on a first come first serve method. If you can find room, you can get in. This is the kitchen. Everything is up for grabs. Just like Melissa’s … entire body haha.”

“I heard that!” Melissa shouted in between gagging on her roomies cock.

“This is the first bathroom,” the woman said, opening the door without knocking.

A woman was sitting on the toilet. Peeing.

“Hey. This is the new girl. What’s your name again?”

“Samantha,” I said.

“Aw that’s my aunt’s name,” the woman said as she wiped her pussy and flushed the toilet.

I gulped. This was going to be an adjustment.

“It’s a little tight here, so we don’t bother with like, manners or any of that shit. Just go where you want. Do what you want. Eat what you want. Fuck who you want.”

I nodded. I’d also be looking for a better living situation real quick. I put my suitcase in a corner of the apartment and took out my toothbrush. While I brushed, a man was in the shower and another man was URINATING in the toilet next to me.

I tried to look myself in the eyes in the mirror. But … I was so distracted. Two naked men. And they were both CUTE. I was eyeing the guy who was pissing. His cock was so perfect. He caught me glancing and smirked.

“Hi,” he said. “I’m Aram.”

“Samantha,” I said, spitting the toothpaste into the sink.

“Scotty,” the guy said from the shower.

“Hi,” I said.

I was sandwiched between these two super cute guys. NAKED guys. My eyes darted around.

Oh fuck. I was always a slut but I was still kinda prudish.

“Fuck it,” I said, kissing the guy who was standing at the toilet.

I reached behind me for Scott, finding his cock and stroking it. We all stripped naked and moved into the shower. I got to my knees and shared their cocks, sucking both of them when the bathroom door opened. It was the woman who gave me the tour earlier!

“Ah!” She said laughing. “I see you’re making yourself at home already. Get it girl!”

I giggled while I swapped back and forth between Aram and Scott, gagging, spitting, stroking. It didn’t take long for Aram to cum. He nutted right in my mouth and I drank it. I moved to Scott, focusing on his cock.

“Nice to meet you,” Aram said as he left the bathroom. I gave him a wave goodbye as I took Scott’s entire shaft down my throat. I gagged and let out some thick spit all over his cock.

“That’s good,” he said. “I love the way you give head. Nice and wet.”

I began to masturbate.

“Melissa!” Scott shouted.

She came running.

“Hey! Whoa! New girl! Get it!!” Melissa shouted.

“Melissa. I think the new girl needs some head,” Scott said.

Melissa got on her back and slid under me like a mechanic would slide under a car. She pressed her mouth to my cunt and licked, focusing on my clit while I sucked Scott off.

“I’m cumming!” Scott grunted.

“Face or mouth?” I asked.

“Face!” He said as he yanked his cock from my mouth and masturbated over me while Melissa ate me out. “I’m cumming!”

A few thick ropes darted across my face. His cum was thick and sticky. Some of it went into my mouth. It was sweet.

“Mm,” I moaned as I licked up as much as I could.

Scott turned around and went back to showering. He shampooed his HAIR while Melissa licked my cunt.

“I’m so close,” I purred.

“Mmm yes baby cum for me,” Melissa said as she slipped a finger in my pink pussy. She fingered me while she tongued my clit. It took no time at all. I came, trembling and shaking as I collapsed against the shower tile.

“Fuckkk,” I moaned.

Melissa stood up and nodded proudly. She grabbed a towel and dried off her face from a mixture of my cunt juices and the shower water.

“Melissa?!” A voice shouted from the living room.

“I’m coming!” She said eagerly as she sprinted out of the bathroom.

This house was a den of depravity. And I was a convert.
