When She Fucked Her Sister [FF]

My wife, Anne, grew up bisexual in a very conservative household. She was very confused by her feelings and very hesitant to express herself sexually. Because of that she would fluctuate between being very shy and acting out almost dangerously.

Once she went away to college she started to settle down and figure out her true identify. But it took her some time. She experimented with men and even had some encounters where women watched, but she didn’t have much time to explore that part of herself. She also didn’t really go away to college. She moved out and stayed in a house with far too many roommates. She was only a half hour drive from home.

Anne’s younger sister, Diane, started coming over a lot, just to escape their parents. By Anne’s second year, after her sister had graduated but before she decided on a college, Diane was spending almost every second day there. It was challenging for Anne. She’d never been very close with her sister but she wanted to provide the escape.

One early summer afternoon Anne came home from class early. Her prof had canceled, theoretically calling in sick, but Anne suspected that it was more about the gorgeous day. She unlocked the door to her room and stepped in.

Diane was lying on Anne’s bed, completely naked. The sun was shining through the curtains and cast intricate patterns of light on her nude body. She had huge headphones on, to block out the sounds from the rest of the house, and she was masturbating frantically. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut as her fingers worked between her legs. Beside her was a vintage Playboy Anne had collected, Claudia Christian splashed out across the pages.
Anne was shocked. But also enthralled. Diane was gorgeous. She was short, but very fit. She had breasts that weren’t overly large, but looked big on her slender frame. She was pale and lightly freckled. In many ways she looked exactly like Anne.

Anne knew that she should step out, give her sister privacy, but the sight was too intoxicating. She could smell Diane’s delicate scent in the room, hear the wetness of her pussy. Anne felt herself get wet in response. She sat down lightly on the windowsill at the base of the bed to watch.

Diane settled into a slower rhythm. She held herself open with one hand and slowly circled her clit with her fingers. Every few seconds she would slowly dip her fingers into her pussy, get them wet and then continue to circle her clit. She would sigh softly as she did so. Anne’s eyes were fixated on her sister’s pussy. Anne always shaved her pubic hair into a little landing strip, Diane had a very light bush of brown pubic hair. Anne’s inner lips were small and tight, Diane’s were a bit larger and protrude a bit past her outer lips. She was soaking wet. Anne was fascinated. She felt her nipples grow hard and her hand started to move between her own legs. She never noticed when Diane opened her eyes.

Diane shouted in surprised. She curled her legs up and covered her pussy with one hand. Her other arm went across her breasts, trying to hide them from view.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Diane was shaking.

“It’s my room!” Anne retorted. But she blushed deeply. Even if it was her room, she knew she shouldn’t have stayed. Diane was still covering herself, but she kept glancing frantically at the Playboy, as if she was waiting for the first opportunity to dive onto it and hide it away. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Anne followed her gaze.

“Are you gay, Diane?” She asked. She tried to keep her voice neutral. She knew the struggles that Diane could have faced about her sexuality and she didn’t want to make them worse.

“No.” Diane sounded simultaneously defiant and embarrassed.


“No.” There was a long pause. “Well, maybe.”

“Have you ever been with a woman before?” Anne asked her sister. Diane shook her head no, hiding her face behind her long hair. It pulled at Anne’s heartstrings. The last thing she wanted was this to be traumatic for her sister. For Diane to fall in to that trap of thinking that sex was dirty or shameful.

“Never.” Diane answered.

“Would you like to be?” Anne felt a longing growing in her. One coming from both a place of caring and a place of lust.

“Yes.” Diane looked away. She wasn’t used to having frank conversations about her sexuality with anyone, let alone her sister.”

“Would you like to be with me?” Anne asked, very softly. It was almost a whisper. “For your first time? For my first time?”

Diane looked at Anne in surprise. She brushed back her hair and stared at her sister. Slowly, she nodded, yes. Anne’s heart skipped a beat, then sped up. Her whole body felt flush. She felt lightheaded. She walked over to the bed and sat beside her sister. Diane flinched a little when Anne sat down. Anne met her sister’s gaze and slowly, gently, laid a hand on her sister’s bare stomach. Diane twitched. Anne stayed steady. She didn’t move, just softly laid her hand against Diane’s skin and held Diane’s gaze. Anne tried to stay calm, despite the fact that her heart felt like it would explode.

Slowly Diane relaxed. She lay back against the bed and dropped her arm from her breasts, exposing her pale pink nipples. She nestled into the bed and let her legs fall open. She lazily closed her eyes and took a long breath.

Anne moved slightly and Diane’s eyes snapped open warily. Anne leaned over and gently moved to kiss her sister, moving ever so slowly, so that if Diane wanted to pull back she could. Instead Diane met her with lips slightly open, moist and ready. Anne’s heart pounded as she kissed her sister. Diane’s lips were soft and smooth. Her breath was slightly sweet and very shallow. Anne extended her tongue and thrilled when Diane’s tongue met hers back. They kissed long and deeply, a kiss that quickly became more passionate. Their tongues darted back and forth, tasting, pushing and teasing. Diane bit lightly at Anne’s tongue and Anne grazed her sister’s lips with her teeth.

Anne started to let her hand wander her sister’s body, softly caressing her stomach, then roving from the very top of Diane’s pubic hair to the soft swell of Diane’s breasts, then back again. Diane slowly warmed up to her sister touch. Her hips started to move, almost involuntarily, and she moaned softly against Anne’s lips. Anne moved her hand up and cupped Diane’s breast, teasing her nipple until it was rigid beneath her fingers. Diana moaned more loudly. She cupped Anne’s hand beneath her own, then slowly, but firmly, guided her sister’s hand down, between her legs. Anne let herself be guided, thrilling at the feel of her sister’s insistence. Anne grazed her fingers across Diane’s clit, then slid between her lips. Diane was soaking. She thrust up hard against Anne’s fingers.

Anne felt an ache between her legs, a longing in her chest. She was impatient, too impatient for everything she wanted to do. She broke away from Diane’s lips. Diane looked at her, puzzled. Anne just smiled. She bent down and kissed Diane’s hard nipple, suckling on it briefly, then biting it once, gently. Diane giggled.

Anne kissed her sisters belly, then the top of her pubic hair. Diane gasped she sensed her sisters direction. She spread her legs wide as Anne slid off the end of the bed. Diane reached down and spread her lips as her sister looked on. Her pussy was soft, wet and enticing.

Anne leaned forward and tasted her sister for the first time. Tasted a woman for the first time. It wasn’t what she’d expected. An intoxicating mix of musky and sweet. She took a long, slow lick. Diane thrust towards her sister’s face. Anne slowly slide two fingers into Diane’s pussy, going deep. Diane bucked. Anne started to lick her sister, loving the taste, loving the way her sister moved beneath her. Anne moved her fingers softly in and out. Her tongue circled Diane’s clit. Diane started to pant. Her legs closed arounds Anne’s head, her thighs pressing against Anne’s ears. Anne varied her speed and direction, slowly licking random shapes across her sister’s pussy. Diane’s hands moved away from her pussy, grabbed Anne’s head, pulled her sister in close.

“Oh fuck.” Diane started to whisper. “Oh fuck. Eat me. Fuck, eat me.”

Anne’s world narrowed. All she could taste, feel and smell was her sister’s pussy. She was more aroused than she ever remembered being. Diane thrust upwards, clasped her legs even tighter. She pulled Anne’s face tight against her, bucked upwards. She shuddered and bucked again, then shook as waves of pleasure washed over her. She thrust hard, once, clasped her legs hard and came against her sister’s tongue. She held Anne’s face in place as she rubbed herself hard against her sister’s mouth. She let out a deep sigh and collapsed against the bed.

Anne licked her softly once more and climbed up on the bed beside her sister. Diane smiled up at her. She gently plucked a single pubic hair off her sister’s lips, then pulled her in for a kiss.

“That was amazing. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Anne replied, smiling widely. She laid down and cuddled against her sister.

The next time that Diane masturbated, she made absolutely sure that Anne caught her.

[The Chronology of Anne](https://old.reddit.com/user/LordUnderTheMountain/comments/10hbtpd/the_chronology_of_anne/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1105flt/when_she_fucked_her_sister_ff