My bf is an asshole, so I [F22] fuck his kind friend [M25] like a whore. [Cheating]

My boyfriend Don got lucky with me. I was curious and wanted to see for myself if things were true with him. His parents are stupidly well off and he’s not bad looking, works out the mirror muscles too much and skips leg day and basically only talks to chicks that he’s attracted to. Yeah Don, I fucking know you do it. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been fucking behind my back too but I honestly didn’t care, or wouldn’t if he didn’t talk shit about cheating all the time. But I digress. Enough about him for now.

Call me Jess and I have to say I know I’m a work of art. I hit hit the gym, where I met Don, every other day and really go for a look. I dye my hair blond and try to keep things simple. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up so being fit was always more important to me than getting dressed up.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t rock a mean dress.

So Ted is this guy that is Don’s friend and really, really quiet. Shy quiet. Have to pry him open with a can opener quiet. He comes around to hang out because he doesn’t have a whole lot of friends and there’s been plenty of times when he’s feeling down and basically chills at our place, downs a few beers and we all hit the sack. We’re pretty chill, and Ted makes up for it by cleaning and basically staying out of the way. He’s the type that you can easily look over and not take a second look but I know he’s had a few girlfriends over the past few years but they never stuck.

This would actually be pretty sweet if Don wasn’t such a dick to the guy all the time about him cleaning up and helping out around the house. For a while I had this kink of being told to clean the place and really get roughed up while doing it, 1950’s kind of house wife thing and all that (raised Christian) and didn’t mind doing the work. Don sucked at it and would just bitch the entire time if he had to do any kind of house work.

Ted though would just quietly help. If Don said stop, he’d just go hang out and drink. I bring this up because this was kind of when something snapped for me. I was cleaning the kitchen and Ted was loading the dishwasher when Don came over with a beer, slapped my ass and told me to keep up the good work and told Tod to join him on a game. PS5 I think? I think he has a bunch of them but we have a set up for a few people to play on different screens.

That moment, every memory of Don being shitty to waiters, or people at the gym who were fat, or Ted for not having a girlfriend and calling him gay for it and just… A lot had been building up for a while but I liked the stability so I wouldn’t say anything. But for some reason the sting on my ass wasn’t fun this time, it struck a nerve.

That night he fucked me in the ass per the usual. I swear he’s fucked me more in my ass than anything else and I’ve had to put my foot down on several occasions to demand more lube. (Guys, seriously, FFS I don’t care how much you think you’re using use more.) Hand behind my back, pulling my hair, I love it when he calls me his pretty little bitch and just goes hard. Pounding me hard enough to get my tits to jiggle and keeping a good rhythm is his trait. God I can not get enough of that kind of quality pounding. Feeling his balls slap against my clit, arching me back, thighs pressed against the bed, I know he does it to make me moan loud enough for Ted to hear and I honestly love it.

Waking up the next morning feeling absolutely disgusting I hopped in the shower to clean up and shave to get ready for a, hopefully, great day when I remembered that Don was going to some event for most of the day about his truck. He spent more time on his truck than me I fucking swear.

Now I know Don isn’t just the jealous type, he would punch a hole in the wall if he found out I flashed anyone or anything. Yeah, anger management issues. He gets angry when you bring it up too. I used it to make sure I could get angry fucked on demand basically.

So to say I never walk around in a towel or anything too revealing is an understatement. Today however, I flicked my hair around my face, wrapped my towel and made sure it was one of the worst tucks I’ve ever done and casually walked out.

I was honestly nervous. My heart raced a bit listening to make sure it was just Ted playing in the living room and Don wasn’t around. When I could see the truck keys missing from the key rack and Ted do a double take on the couch, I felt a bit better about what I was going to do.

I yawned a long, “Moooorrrrningggg” acting like I had just woken up from a night of drinking, really streeeeetched my arms and pulled my hair back, facing him. Pretending I didn’t know my towel had just slipped off my 32C cup tits and letting the sun from the window leave absolutely nothing in shadow.

I took my sweet ass time pulling my hair back, breathing in, eyes closed a moment with a smile, knowing he was probably the only other man to see me naked in a long ass time. Come to think of it, I don’t remember the last time Don saw me full frontal. So I acted shocked when I asked how his morning was and opened my eyes, seeing him stair at me like I was a god damn work of fucking art.

I dropped down, got my towel, put it up to my body letting one of my tits hang out by “accident” and apologized profusely before excusing myself to the kitchen to make coffee. He laughed and said he didn’t know it was his birthday and thanked me.

Which I know shouldn’t be a big deal but, just how he said, ‘thank you’ really just, it felt nice. I wasn’t really planning on going crazy porno on him, just some light flirting but as I stood in the kitchen, I really fucking liked that. A lot.

I debated how I wanted to play it out. I fantasized a moment about being super confident and just walking in there and sucking him off but I honestly chickened out. It was kind of a lot but he did see me naked.

I asked if he wanted coffee and several minutes later I came out with a cup in each hand, one for him, one for me and I sat next to him. In a towel. Watching him try not to look at me. He even moved his legs and adjusted to hide the fact he was full mast which was adorable. It was really fucking adorable. No macho crap or trying to whip his dick out, just trying to be a good friend and chill.

I asked if he liked what he saw after some small talk about old scrolls, the game they were playing a bunch, when he said yes I could feel my heart skip a beat trying to really go through with my idea. “Well, since you’ve already seen me naked it’s not a big deal then.” And pulled my towel to the side.

It was liberating. Just, sitting there, naked. It was like I claimed some little bit of freedom for myself in my own fucking apartment and Ted here was more than happy about it. He did the, glance for a few seconds then look away bit as we drank until I said it’s okay to stair, I liked it.

Watching his eyes gobble me up like I was a freshly unwrapped present was so damn exciting. I wondered how often he thought about me which, based on what I’ve read on Reddit it would be every damn second of the day. I checked the time and we had several hours, several, to do whatever the hell we wanted. What I wanted.

He looked confused when I asked for a shot of cream in my coffee then froze and laughed. He got the stupid joke, looked me over and said, ” are you sure?”

I nodded, gave him a wink and moved between his legs. I used to suck Don off when he played games and I know I can give damn good head. I would play this game of trying to tell if he was focused on the game and I would playfully distract him and try to get him to fuck up whatever he was doing. The bastard legit slapped me a few times and got angry at me for whatever and I would just laugh about it. Looking back, big red flag.

Well I had all of Ted’s attention. He was smaller but still good to play with. I wasn’t going to be gagging on him which honestly was a relief. Far as I could tell he looked clean and didn’t smell like ass which was a big step up. Guys, please wash your fucking asses. It’s not gay. I don’t know why that’s even a thing. That’s where my standards were at this point, he washed his fucking ass and didn’t smell like shit and I was thankful.

Fucking Christ.

I sucked. My fingers teased up his thighs and played with his sack, taking all of him in my mouth and gave that head a good, gentle start. he laid back and I fucking swear he said, “wow.” I loved it. I reached down between my legs to give myself a bit of play and started humming a bit as I gave this man the most sensual, meaningful blow I could.

I’m pretty sure if he died at that moment, he would have died very, very happy.

Sadly, this poor man who I swear was harder than oak just could not last. I hadn’t even begun to suck this mans balls dry and I felt him stiffen up and try to say, “‘I’m cumming…” and freaked out about cumming in my mouth. I just grabbed him and went hard to make sure it was a good on and swallowed every drop of him.

I wanted to make sure he knew I loved it so I dragged my tongue over every inch of him. His head, dick, balls… and for some reason now was the moment I realized he shaved. He also didn’t taste like days old sweat. Fucking Christ Don needs to take fucking notes because I really liked this and told him to to keep it out. He did.

I went and made breakfast. Naked. My fucking God I was naked and I honest to God was l getting a thrill out of it. Wondering about if company just showed up what would I do? or if I had to answer the door? I quietly hoped it would happen but I was glad it didn’t.

By the time I had served him a plate of eggs over easy and sausage he was getting a semi again. “That for me?” I joked nodding at him. “Anytime.” He smiled back. More at ease now, happy, really fucking happy. We ate in playful silence as I was still butt ass naked and watched his dick kind of go hard, then kind of limp and hard again, it was fun to watch. Cute in fact.

After breakfast I asked what he wanted, mouth, pussy or ass. He said pussy and that he wanted to fuck on our bed. I was more than happy to oblige.

This man didn’t fuck me just yet. When I got on the bed he had stripped bare and and gotten on top of me, feeling every inch of me, kissing and squeezing and exploring every inch. He was soft and gentle about it. I told him he could be rougher with me and finally got better about really feeling my body. I was fit, treat me like it damn it.

So he fucking did. Not great, he clearly didn’t know what he was doing but I went with it and let him explore and go at his pace. Kissing down my neck he sucked on my tits and then continued down to lick and suck my nearly fresh from the shower pussy.

I swore I fed him. Literally minutes ago. You wouldn’t know it by the sounds and sucking and licking he was doing. Could have spent more time kissing my thighs and making sure his finger was lubricated and I was wet enough for him to enter but I pushed through the discomfort and tried to relax and get into it. He wasn’t bad, but he did listen and soon he was hitting the right spots and fucking listened about the rhythm.

He took that and ran with it. Eating me out, holding my hand and rubbed just right, letting me build up closer and closer and finally bringing me over. This boy looked up and thought he broke me, I pushed him down and told him to keep going and he did.

Fuck it was good. To be treated like this. Nerves were keeping me from really enjoying all of it but after cumming the second time I stopped caring. I had him on top of me, legs wrapped around him, fucking me, playing with my tits and kissing me like I meant something. Thank God I’m on birth control because when he had his second cumming in the morning I didn’t care. I wrapped my legs around him and let him fill me.

This was the first day. We fucked and fooled around a few more hours then settled back to normal and agreed to keep it on the downlow. Don didn’t seem to suspect a thing. I was feeling particularly feisty but all he did was grab my ass, kiss me and went the shower and said he wanted steak for dinner.

They played games. I cleaned up. He fucked my ass. I cleaned up and got myself a “snack” and that was that.

I paid a bit more attention to Don’s schedule and even made a bit of a fuss when he left as if it mattered. The first week was… exploring. Ted was pretty good about remaining chill and didn’t do anything until I initiated. I made sure though that his balls were never full and he fucked me however he liked which, was often pretty straight forward watching my tits bounced as he fucked me on my back in some way. He really liked what he called the mating press, basically my ass is kind of in the air and he’s holding my feet to my head. He gets damn deep like that and he certainly fills me up better.

By week two however, he had gotten a lot more rough. I was also asking for it. Literally told him to not be gentle. Soon as it was just us he would nearly rip my cloths off my body or just enough to have his way with me which I fucking loved. At some point he go these soft cuffs and wanted me to fight back a bit like he was raping me.

I was more than happy to play along. Don was out one night and I forgot Ted had the key because I was half asleep when he came home and basically raped me in the bed. I legit tried to fight back but he already had my hands cuffed, my mouth stuffed and him baring down on top of me before I realized it wasn’t a dream or fooling around with Don.

The bastard was lucky I couldn’t get to my gun to be honest lol but fuck it was intense.

He started getting daring, as if that wasn’t enough. Got me this love sense vibe I could keep in my cunt and he could control from his phone. Yes, that’s how often Don fucked my cunt, he doesn’t know about it. I have a few other toys now he just… doesn’t know about. Ted does though. Ted was getting great at playing my pussy like a god damn fiddle.

I have a friend I think I can trust with this that I’m going to talk about hooking up with Ted and basically being cover for us or something but I have no idea. Maybe? We’ll see. I don’t even know how to bring that up. She loves a lot of BDSM stuff but I think this would surprise her from me.

Don still doesn’t know. He’s still an asshole to people and I’m pretty sure he’s been fucking side chicks since there are times he just runs to the shower when he gets home. I did have a talk with him about maybe being swingers or something and he said he hated the idea and it wasn’t healthy for a good relationship. The bastard.

So now, I’m basically a free use slut for Ted and a butt slut for my bf. I’m honestly not sure what to do from here and I actually wonder if Don is going to propose to me which, fuck I don’t know. Getting buzzed by Ted as I write this as he’s sitting next to Don playing games is both amazing and wild.

Feels good writing this out. I hope you perverts enjoy the plight of my issues haha.



  1. Hot story but I couldn’t read this without picturing you dating Shane from The White Lotus based off how you describe Don lmao

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