[F] Slippery when wet

With spring slowly approaching, the snow is finally on the verge of melting but has been leaving behind quite a bit of ice. At the start of the year, I was determined to walk 3000 km by the end of it, but I couldn’t be bothered with all the ice after slipping and falling down. However, with the results of all the melting throughout the week, I was determined to give it another shot, and I was gonna make it worthwhile in case of a worst-case scenario. With the weather being decent, it also played to my naughty advantage.

For this adventure of mine, all I had on were my sensible snow boots, a pair of black leggings that I recently found out turn sheer when under tension, and my oversized winter coat. No underwear whatsoever, and to top it all off, I put in my lush. Setting all my distance trackers, connecting my lush to what we call our “play phone,” and found a fun-looking pulsating pattern. I had no intention of taking the “play phone” with me since that way; I’d have no way to stop the vibrations unless it disconnected, which thankfully it didn’t.

Once that was all set, I hit the streets prior to sunrise, wondering how far I’d get before reaching my big O. Before I even had the door locked, I could tell this was going to be a challenge based on the pulsating sensations between my legs. Still, I pressed on, and the perk of walking so early was that no one else was awake, meaning I didn’t have to suppress my moans or my “oh fuck”s nearly as much. However, I did have to take momentary breaks to lean against fences or objects to collect myself or make subtle adjustments. Everything was going well until I had just passed the kilometre-and-a-half mark. Midstep, I lost my composure, and an orgasm erupted out of nowhere, bringing me to an immediate cliche anime girl-like squat, riding out my orgasm right then and there on the sidewalk, beside what’s typically a busy road on weekdays. My toy continued to pulsate the entire time, almost in sync with the orgasmic waves.

After the first one settled, and my breathing had sorta relaxed, I reached between my legs to check my toy and was surprised to feel how wet my leggings had got. I had a choice to make at that point: turn back and go home or keep pushing forward. I chose what I still believe was the more fun option. I kept going. Knowing that I was quickly racing toward another orgasm, I picked up my pace in hopes of getting to one of my favourite places in our community, which also has a good view of the sunrise. My legs were quivering by the time I got there, but I made it. The spot is a small tree area in the community with a pathway through it and a cute little bridge, but amongst the trees are some large rocks and occasional homeless people but after checking, I confirmed I was alone.

Currently it’s only like minus one celsius this morning, and the sun was cresting on the horizon, so I took my jacket off, which has a soft flannel lining on the inside that feels great when it rubs against my nips and exposed my breasts to the cold air. The chill was instantly titillating as it gave me goosebumps before I placed my jacket on the rocks, then pulled my leggings down to my calves. In the morning glow, I could see my thighs glistening from my wetness, and my leggings were quite soaked as I took a seat on the rock and started drawing circles on my drenched clit, while watching the red streaks of the sun race across the clouds. It was peaceful, and I really started to get into the moment. Laying down on my jacket and bringing my feet up onto the rock, the fingers on my free hand started tweaking my chilled nips, the cold air gave the wetness on my fingers a decent chill, that it was almost like a moderate form of ice play, and the Lush was hitting the perfect spot internally.

I quickly lost control of my moans as they got louder when I wasn’t biting my lower lip to desperately keep my mouth shut while enjoying this lustful ecstasy. At one point, I even grabbed the tail of the Lush and used it like a regular vibrator by moving it in and out, and in the quiet moments, I started to hear the sloshing building up inside me. I couldn’t hold myself back for long after that point. I closed my eyes and raised my legs into the air, trying to spread them like a V, pinching my cold clit while the Lush brought me over the edge. Losing all control, I couldn’t suppress my moans any longer, while simultaneously, as a last resort for my body to try and warm itself up, the heat of my orgasm raced through my nerves. In doing so, though, I squirted hard and ejected the Lush out of me into a small snow pile before the vibrations helped it find its way to some ice, almost as if it was trying to escape; meanwhile, the sun had also come up.

No longer under the protection of the darkness, I needed to recover my toy and get myself put back together since through the treeline, consisting of leafless trees; I could see cars beginning to come down the road. Hopping off the rock with my leggings still around my angles, I didn’t account for my squirt on the ice. It made things surprisingly more slippery, as I ungracefully fell on my ass, as the ice met my clit, sending an insane chill through me. However, I did manage to get the lush, which seemed clean, as it bounced around on the ice, then I awkwardly got up, showing the world all my naughty bits in the process. With my surroundings now illuminated, I checked the lush and gave it a quick spit wash before slipping it back inside, which my internals didn’t take long to warm up. Then I pulled up my cold and entirely soaked leggings, followed by my jacket, which also had a decent-sized wet spot on it. Yet at this point, I didn’t care. I just needed to make it back home and get my likely bruised and cold caboose in the shower.

However, luck was not on my side. Less than half a kilometre before I was home, another intense wave overtook me taking me back down into a squatting position. Traffic had become quite active beside me, and in front of me, I saw our neighbours come to a stop before joining the flow of traffic, likely to get groceries. I was so embarrassed since I made eye contact, but I couldn’t move as I nearly cried trying to suppress my orgasm when another burst of squirt escaped me, and when I stood up, I could feel my legs becoming even more soaked. I squatted for nearly two minutes before I got up and finally made it the rest of the way.

Fumbling with my keys while crossing my legs, I couldn’t get it in the keyhole for the life of me, but when I finally did and got on the other side. I didn’t even have the door closed as I started stripping down. I threw my boots off and hung my jacket to dry over a vent. I then shimmied out of my soaked leggings, bundling them in my hand before facing the door and giving the world one last look at my naked body. I shut it quickly, although I was tempted to put my nips against the glass just for an extra adrenaline boost, but decided to hold off, then went to shower before sitting down to write all of this. At the end of the day, this naughty walk cost me a bit of a jarred wrist which is mostly gone, and what’ll likely become a bruised butt cheek for Hubby to massage later. So weirdly kind of a win-win, and I’m now four kilometres closer to three thousand.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10ztk1p/f_slippery_when_wet