[MFF] Playtime at the Beach with my Girlfriend and Her Friend (Part II)

[Part I is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10wvk55/mff_playtime_at_the_beach_with_my_girlfriend_and/)

So there we were, my girlfriend Lisa and I, with her little friend Gina sandwiched in between us in a big hotel room shower. The girls were naked from the waist up, just wearing bikini bottoms. I was still in my swim trunks, but they were getting uncomfortable from my cock trying to poke straight out and being impeded… mostly because I had just had my mouth all over Gina’s little tits as Lisa held them from behind.

The awkward, but delicious, tension we had been building all afternoon on the beach was now completely gone as we all knew what we wanted to happen. Gina had let us know how much she wanted to play with us and Lisa had told her how much she enjoyed watching me with her. I couldn’t believe this was happening for a second time… my girlfriend was letting me play with one of her friends and it made her incredibly horny to let me.

I pulled Gina into me with a hand on the back of her neck and the other in the small of her back, and started kissing her again. Then I did something I had wanted to do since we had first seen her in the booty shorts that afternoon… I slid both my hands down her back, over her hips, and on to her fabulously round butt cheeks.

Slowly feeling every inch of her curves, the combination of muscle and softness of her glutes felt amazing in my hands. As I gave them a hard squeeze, she moaned a little and then lifted one leg and pulled my thigh into her mons and started grinding on me as we kissed.

Lisa had come around behind me, put her hands on my hips and was kissing my upper back. She slid her hands into the waistband of my trunks and released the material from my cock, then started stroking me and rubbing me against Gina’s belly through the trunks.

“I think we need to get him out of these” Lisa told Gina around my shoulder. She slowly pulled the waistband down from the sides. Gina stood up straight, pulled the material away in the front, and let my cock pop free. Gina gave it a hungry stare and put the tip of her tongue to her front teeth

Lisa reached around and grabbed Gina’s hand, then drew it over to my shaft. Gina didn’t need any more encouragement… she gripped me and started stroking me slowly. She was watching the reaction on my face as she touched me, and the way she was touching her tongue tip to her upper lip was making me anticipate what was about to happen.

Lisa came around next to her, brought her face close to Gina’s and said “I want to watch you suck my boyfriend’s cock”. Gina got a huge grin on her face and said to Lisa “Tell me what to do”.

Lisa suddenly looked very intense as she told her “Kiss the tip”

Gina squatted down, grabbed my shaft, looked me right in the eyes, smiled, pursed her lips… then gave me the softest kiss at the very tip of my cock head.

“Put the your lips around the tip”

Gina slowly sucked the head between her lips and just held it there with soft suction, the tip of her tongue lightly teasing the underside.

As she was directing the action, Lisa leaned back against the wall and put her left arm across her breasts, cupping the right one in her hand and circled the nipple with her fingertips. Her right hand slipped down inside her bikini bottoms so she could stroke her clit.

“Lick the underside of the shaft.”

Gina opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, put the flat of it against the base of my cock, then slowly slid it up the shaft and back down again.

“Lick his balls”

Gina lifted my cock with her hand and slowly stroked it as she kissed one side of my testicles and then slid her tongue over them from side to side.

At this point I collapsed back into the wall next to Lisa. I could barely stand from the pleasure of Gina’s mouth on me and watching Lisa get herself off to us playing. Steadying myself against the wall, I then reached over and pulled the strings on Lisa’s bottoms and let them fall away. She looked down at Gina tonguing my balls and said

“Ok, now let him fuck your mouth”

Gina scooted forward, put one hand on my hip, took my the base of my cock in her other hand and slowly sucked me in to about halfway down. She pulled her mouth back up letting her lips glide over my shaft, and then continued sucking in and out slowly.

I pulled Lisa closer and she turned towards us, then leaned her shoulder against the wall. I put my hand on the back of her neck and brought her in for a deep kiss, then let my other hand slip down her stomach, over the landing strip of hair on her mons, and my fingertips slid over her labia to find her clit. Her clit was already very perky and her labia were slick with her juices from her working on herself.

I picked up where she had left off and started circling and flicking her clit with my middle finger. Gina was watching closely from just inches away and started picking up her pace, bobbing her mouth on my cock. She took a breath and said “Fuck that’s so hot, I love watching you finger her.”

I noticed Gina had also started rubbing herself through the front triangle of her thong as she went back to work on my cock. Lisa reached down and put one hand on top of Gina’s head and started gently pushing her deeper on my cock each time she took me deep into her mouth. Gina was making amazing “mmmmhmmm” sounds interspersed with a bit of gagging as Lisa forced her to take me deeper.

Lisa started to squirm and was holding on to my shoulder with one hand to support herself while keeping the other on Gina’s head. Lisa said “Oh fuck, both of you, don’t stop!” and then “unhhh unhhh, oh yes baby like that” as I circled her clit faster. A few more circles and she came hard for me, moaning and quivering in my hand, and then went weak in the knees.

I held her up with an arm behind her back as she recovered. Gina was laughing and kissing my cock and said “Oh shit that was fucking hot. I’ve never seen another woman cum before.”

Lisa crouched down next to her, looked Gina in the eye and with an amazing combination cute/sexy expression on her face (wrinkling her nose) said “Let’s share.” She took my cock from Gina’s mouth, gently nibbled the tip, then sucked me deep into her mouth a couple times.

She pulled it out and took me by the shaft and said “Want some?” to Gina and then rubbed the tip on Gina’s lips. Gina stuck out her tongue and Lisa slid my cock head across it, then Lisa leaned in and cupped the shaft with her lips. I was in absolute heaven as they used their lips and tongues to stroke me together.

Their tongues touched and they giggled awkwardly, then kissed gently and explored each other’s mouths a little bit. They turned their attention back to my cock and Lisa asked Gina “Can you deep throat?” She replied “Unh I don’t know. Not really.”

“Can I show you?” Lisa asked and Gina said “Fuck yeah” with a wicked little grin. Lisa then proceeded to give a master class on how to take me down her throat… showing her how to relax the muscles and suppress her gagging. I was getting very close to cumming as Lisa knew exactly how to work me.

She said “Now you try” and Gina sucked me in again and started pushing me against the back of her throat. Lisa took hold of her by the back of her head and pushed her forward. Gina gagged a couple times but kept at it, slobbering all over me in the process.

Lisa increased the pace she was fucking my cock with her friends mouth, and then started stroking the underside of my balls with her other hand. The sight of this and the incredible sensations made it so I couldn’t take any more and I exploded deep in Gina’s mouth. She spluttered and coughed, my cum dripping from her lips, but then smiled and said “Fuck, that was the hottest blowjob I’ve ever given” Lisa kissed her on the lips again and looked up and smiled at me as she licked off some of my cum.

I helped them both up off the shower floor and Lisa playfully said, “Hey you still aren’t naked!” to Gina. She said “Well I was wondering when you were going to notice”

I turned her around and pushed up against the wall, kissed my way down her back, then got down on my knees with my face at her ass-level. I got my fingertips around the strips of her thong and slowly pulled them down and away from her cheeks. She pushed her butt out at me and arched her back as I pulled off the thong, giving me a spectacular view of her completely shaven, pretty pink pussy and asshole.

I couldn’t resist that temptation and spread her cheeks with my hands, opening her up and then planting kisses and little licks all along her inner thighs, on her cheeks and the indentation around her asshole. I was teasing her… avoiding the most sensitive spots at first, but then started to use the flat of my tongue on the outside of her labia.

As I started tonguing her, Lisa asked her “Has anyone ever eaten out your ass?”

“Nooo” Gina replied looking over her shoulder with a slightly embarrassed look. “Would you like him to?” Lisa asked. Gina blushed and sheepishly said “yeeah”.

I replaced my tongue on her labia with a fingertip, applying gentle strokes to open her, as I moved the tip of my tongue upward… giving little flicks with it along the inside of her ass crack. I found her clit with the tip of my index finger and started gently flicking it just as I pushed my tongue against her butt hole. I had my other hand on one of her ass cheeks and was grabbing it to spread her open for me.

She let out an “oooo fuck that’s good” and arched even further for me. I went to work on her.. darting my tongue into her ass, rimming it with my tongue tip, and licking it with the flat of my tongue… all the while continuing to rub and circle her clit while I did it.

Lisa asked her “Do you like having my boyfriend’s tongue in your ass?”

“Fuck yes, this is so dirty, but it’s sooo fucking good” Gina squealed.

After a few minutes of me eating her she said “I don’t want you to stop, but I need to lay down” So we finally got out of the shower, grabbed towels and dried off then went to the queen sized bed. Lisa hopped on first, grabbed a couple pillows, sat cross-legged and put them in her lap. She patted them and told Gina “Come lay down on your back”.

Gina arranged herself on the bed, her head on the pillows and her bum near the edge of the mattress, with her knees up and spread. The sight alone was enough to put me into ecstasy: Lisa with her wet long dark hair, pale skin, deep dark eyes and perfectly shaped breasts holding Gina in her lap, with her bright blue eyes, super pointy nipples, taught little belly, and beautiful little pussy spread open for me to eat.

I knelt at the end of the bed and kissed Gina’s knee, then moved my mouth… kissing and licking… all the way down her inner thigh. I opened my lips slightly and ran them back and forth over her labia, and she shivered in response. Now we were out of the shower, I could fully smell and taste how delicious she was and lapped at her pussy with my whole tongue.

I slid my hands under her butt, pressed her hips into my face and kept alternating licking her labia, and tongue circling and sucking her clit. I noticed Lisa’s hands massaging Gina’s shoulders and tracing her collar bones as I ate her out. She let her hands drift lower down Gina’s chest until she was softly circling her nipples with her fingers.

Gina was now starting to squirm on the bed and I freed one hand from underneath her butt, and then started to push the tip of my middle finger between her pussy lips. I slowly slid it inside her as I was sucking on her clit, and then started fucking her slowly with it.

Lisa was now pinching both Gina’s nipples in a steady grip, and i kept increasing the speed of both my finger slipping in and out of her and my tongue and lips on her clit. Gina spluttered out in rapid fire “Oh my fucking god that’s good, don’t fucking stop” as she started thrashing her torso side to side and grabbed onto the bed cover with both hands.

She finally let out a guttural moan, rolled over to one side and spasmed hard, then grabbed my hand as the stimulation was too much. She quivered on the bed as we held her, and me and Lisa grinned at each other.

When she could finally speak she looked from Lisa, to me, and back again, as she said with her manic pixie energy “Oh fuck, I’ve never come like that before. That was fucking amazing!”

“Can I stay the night with you two?”

“Hell fucking yeah!” Lisa and I said almost simultaneously.

Gina said “I’m starving, I’ve hardly eaten anything all day. Let’s go get some food… but I want to get fucked soo bad. Can we fuck him together tonight Lisa?”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10yyw3s/mff_playtime_at_the_beach_with_my_girlfriend_and


  1. As I am recalling this I’m remembering how amazing this weekend was and how much the three of us did together in the roughly 24 hours we were there. Hope this isn’t ridiculously long for gonewildstories, but I find myself wanting to write down every detail, so I’m breaking into multiple parts.

  2. Awesome story so far!!! Excellent detail and anxiously awaiting the next part !!! Great work

  3. I usually don’t read really long stories here, but damn, man. This is hot as fuck and you’re telling the story beautifully. Don’t change a damn thing, just give us more.

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