How I lost my virginity to a girl who caught me masturbating in the woods. Chapter 10. Crystal and I get a weekend alone. [M/F 18]

After Crystal made us dinner, we ate in front of the fire, on top of a coffee table, while watching a movie on the TV.

“I am bummed your parents come back tomorrow. I like living with you, Crystal.”

“Don’t talk about it…I don’t want to think about you going home.”

“Well, at least they get back late in the day.”

“I am going to see if they will let us have a sleepover sometime.”

“That would be awesome.”

“They know we are having sex, so I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Your dad is not pleased that we are having sex.”

“Well, he is going to have to get over it, because I plan to continue that activity with you…” and she leaned over to kiss me.

We cleaned up the dishes and snuggled up on the couch under a blanket, watching the movie. Crystal started leaning on my shoulder, then she moved her head into my lap and then I heard her adorable little snoring. I looked down and she was sound asleep. I think the adrenaline had worn off from her saving me from the icy pond, plus all of that physical exertion, and she was out. I was feeling very tired too, but I did not want to wake her. So, I turned off the TV and carried her upstairs.

She woke up as we were going up the stairs, “What’s happening, oh you’re carrying me, that’s sweet. I guess I fell asleep.” I got her upstairs and she got ready for bed, then collapsed into bed and was fully asleep again, by the time I finished getting ready for bed. It was a very cold night and I swear my body still had a slight chill from the ice water. Crystal was wearing flannel pajama pants and a big tshirt. I was just wearing some boxers and snuggled up to her. She stirred just enough to shove herself right into spooning position in front of me and I gently rubbed her ass through the flannel pants and she quietly murmured, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Crystal,” but I think she might have already been back asleep.

The next morning, we both woke up around the same time. I got up to pee and brush my teeth, then she got up and she winced a little.

“What’s wrong kitten?”

“My back is super tight. I think I strained it a little pulling you out yesterday. Also, did you just call me kitten? Is that your pet name for me?” and she grinned.

I was a little embarrassed. “Yes, because you sound like a little kitten when you snore and you’re adorable.”

“I love that pet name. I will be your kitten,” smiling at me.

She came back after brushing her teeth and I said, “Let me give you a back massage. It’s the least I can do for you saving me.”

She laid face down on her bed and I straddled her butt, massaging her shoulders and then her lower back.

“You’re pretty good at that. I think I shoved all the stress of almost seeing you die, right into my lower back.”

I started pulling up her tshirt, “I feel like this shirt is in the way,” and she helped me get it off, so I was massaging her soft, bare skin. “Your back is sexy Crystal, you’ve got some muscles back here.”

“Thanks, I guess…I didn’t know you had a back fetish…giggle.”

I slid so that I was straddling her legs and started massaging her ass through her flannel pants.

“Is this massage for me or for you…”

“Gotta massage those glutes, could be the source of your lower back pain.”

“You’re making that up…”

“It sounded good though, right,” and I pulled down her flannel pants to expose her panty covered ass.

“This part seems unnecessary…giggle.”

I kissed her upper back, then her lower back, “Well that feels nice, babe,” and then I moved down and kissed the exposed parts of her butt cheeks and she laughed. I moved off of her, so I could yank the flannel pants all the way off. Her body was quaking from laughing. I massaged her bare legs, my hands wandering up her inner thighs and grazed her crotch through her underwear. I could feel her labia through the panties, as I continued massaging her upper thighs.

I put a hand between her legs, so that I was no longer just incidentally touching her crotch, but I was rubbing her clit through her panties. She started making little noises and moving her hips around. My other hand was feeling her ass cheeks, sometimes moving underneath her underwear. I moved my hand between her cheeks on the outside of her underwear and put a little pressure on her anus as I rubbed her clit. I saw her hands grip the bedsheets and she made some moaning noises. I continued doing that and she said in a strained voice, “This is a good massage…”

I got up to take off my boxers, and release my raging boner. Crystal got up on all fours and started doing cat cow stretches.

“What are you doing Crystal?”

“Just stretching my back.”

I stood there open mouthed in awe and then said, “In my 18 years on this planet, I have never seen…anything….as sexy as you doing this in just your panties.”

She turned beet red and put her head down laughing, as she continued. I moved behind her, grabbing the waist band of her underwear and pulled them down. She moved her legs to get them off. I licked her pussy from behind and she turned her head to look at me a little red in the face. I licked her some more and she collapsed her face down onto the bed, with her ass up. I gave her little puckered anus a brief lick and she giggled. She said, “I like when you do that,” and then buried her face in her pillow giggling nervously. So, I rimmed her a little, while fingering her pussy. Then I moved up on my knees behind her.

“Hey Crystal?”


“We’ve never fucked…uh…you know…doggystyle,” and we were pretty much already in that position.

She turned her head, and said, “Fuck me,” giving her butt a little wiggle and laughed. I pushed my dick into her vagina and slowly worked the whole length into her. She was making little grunts as I thrusted into her. She pushed herself up again onto all fours and I grabbed her hips to pull her into me with each thrust. I saw that she reached with one hand to touch her clit as I fucked her, holding herself up with one arm. I felt her fingers touch the shaft of my dick from below, as she rubbed her clit, while my dick went in and out of her. I was looking down, admiring her back, her slim figure, her bare ass cheeks and watching my dick come in and out of her pussy.

She put her face back down on the pillow and was pushing herself into me in time with my thrusts. I could see that she still had one hand underneath her and between her legs, rubbing her clit and I felt her touch my balls on purpose while I was in her. I noticed her butthole, as I looked down and I decided to just rub it all little with my thumb. She quivered and made a gasp, shoving herself into my dick and moving her hips around. “You like that, Kitten?”

Crystal moaned, “mmmm…hmmmm,” and so I put a little more pressure on her asshole, as we fucked. I started fucking her faster and harder and she collapsed completely down in prone position. I continued fucking her pussy from behind, but was sort of laying on top of her back, fucking her into the mattress. Then I came with my dick deep inside her. She had her face turned to the side and I moved her hair out of her face to kiss her on the cheek. I started pulling my dick out and she said, “No, no, no…you’re mean…” But, I pulled out and laid next to her on my back, breathing heavy. Crystal slowly rolled over to lay snuggled up to me, with her head on her chest and a leg thrown over my legs.

“Hey, Kitten?”

“Yes, babe?”

“Can we finish bringing the stove out to my cabin today?”

It was quiet for a bit. Then a heavy sigh. “Yes, babe. But, you have to promise to be extra careful today,” and she looked up at me.

“I promise. We do not even need to go out onto that ice to get it and I know a way to get that big sled around the pond.”

“Okay, I guess it will be nice to have that stove in your little cabin.” She climbed out of bed, “I need to go pee and take a shower,” and she started heading to the bathroom.

I followed her into the bathroom and she said, “I am going to pee first…” looking at me like a should leave.

I was a little embarrassed and said, “Can I watch you pee? giggle”


“Um…last night…um…I liked it when you peed…while I was in your parents’ bathtub…”

Crystal gave me a dubious look.

“don’t look at me like I’m crazy…it was sort of hot.”

“Oookaay, I guess you can watch…” shaking her head. She sat on the toilet, giggling nervously and then I heard her peeing. I looked down and she opened her legs so I could see a little. She was laughing nervously.

We took a shower together and then got dressed and packed everything we would need for the day. After the incident with me falling through the ice the day before, we packed even more extra gear and warm clothing. We had kind of a lot of stuff for the fact that we were not doing an overnight, but that is what saved my life the day before. We drove and parked at the same spot, where we had parked the day before and snowshoed until we got to the icy pond, where I had fallen in. The sled was still there, with the stove strapped on top. We could still tell, where I had fallen through the ice and see the snow packed down, where Crystal had slithered out to rescue me.

I think we were both hit with the gravity of the situation from the day before again. I hugged Crystal and I could see that she just barely had some tears in her eyes. I said, “You saved my life,” and kissed her.

“I would do it again, but you better not make me,” and she kissed me. We hugged each other really tight and then I went about getting myself harnessed to the sled. Crystal walked ahead again, tramping down the snow, to make a trail for me. She came to a stop and said, “shhh”. She pointed at the ground and there were very large cat paw prints in the snow. I quietly took off the sled harness, as she put the rifle she was carrying up on her shoulder to look around through the scope. We dropped our packs there and quietly followed the fresh tracks a short distance. We just wanted to see the mountain lion, to know where it was and make sure it did not stalk us. Crystal finally spotted it, through the scope.

“Oh, wow, that is a pretty girl,” she whispered and she handed me the rifle to look, helping me find it. I looked through the scope and could see the face of the mountain lion, as it was hunched down, hiding in a bush. It growled at us loudly and then loped off. I guess that seeing two of us, it decided to back off. For the rest of the way to the cabin, we kept our heads on a swivel and Crystal kept the rifle in her hands, as I dragged the sled.

We got to my little cabin and cleared the snow out of the doorway. I had made a door for the cabin that was not on hinges, but just pulled out. We had enough time that day to install the woodstove and a pipe to the outside to vent the smoke. Crystal and I decided to have an inaugural fire to test it out and it was really cozy in the cabin, as we sat next to each other in front of the fire. We snuggled up next to each other and kissed.

Crystal said, “I think we should spend the night out here, in your cabin, next weekend.”

“That sounds awesome. I think we should stay out here in our cabin.”

“Our cabin, really, that’s sweet…” and she knocked me over onto the dirt and stone floor. “We might need to fix up this floor.”



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