A little bit of kindness can make a man very happy [F]

Husband was feeling a little down lastnight when he came home from work, he’d been on a 14 hours shift and was exhausted when he got home, When got home I gave him a bath and played his favourite music with a few candles on and we had some wine. After he was clean and feeling refreshed the wine was hitting my in just the right spot if you could guess what that was

I told him to lay on the bed and id be back in a minute i just needed to go bathroom where i had left his favourite lingerie, I put it on quick as i could and came out to him asleep on the bed, Im so happy i at least got to wash him and show some love, men work super hard and its the little things that make them happy. i just wanted to make his day the best it could be while he works so hard.

We were supposed to go to the movies but he didnt wake up in time so when he got up I had the movie on the firestick ready for us and he got up and ran to the store to get me my favourite sweets, We got half way through the movie before i couldnt handle it anymore and had to have him all to myself. Us girls can make a man the happiest alive when we focus on the little things

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10yqra2/a_little_bit_of_kindness_can_make_a_man_very


  1. That’s super wholesome. Thanks for sharing! A partner taking the extra steps like you did feels so good and validating.

  2. Wholesome. Guys really just want to feel appreciated and given affection sometimes but we typically won’t ask for it. Love you for showing this kind of care and initiative with your man. Hope you have an awesome day.

  3. Something like this will make a guy feel loved and appreciated. Most will never get this, and all want it.

  4. Wow… happy for both of you.

    Sad because I realize how empty my marriage is. That would never happen in a million years to me.

  5. You both sound like loving and considerate partners, and overall good people. Thanks for sharing and keep supporting each other, and stay horny too!

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