Out of place together (FM, female first person perspective)

He grinned when our eyes met. I just smiled back awkwardly with my face becoming redder with each passing second. I think he took my smile as encouragement because he moved closer towards me. We were face to face and less than an arm’s length apart. His eyes lowered from my blushing face and lingered on my chest. I felt my nipples swell against the fabric of my dress and my pussy become more and more wet.

‘This is going to be fun,’ I thought to myself. ‘I wonder what he thinks about my body…’

“Hey there cutie,” the stranger said in a husky tone. I felt my cheeks instantly flush.

“Hey yourself,” I responded in a small voice.

“You’re looking good tonight.” His voice was smooth and velvety, full of innuendo. He was close enough that I could smell him, light and fruity with a hint of aftershave. It was the first thing I noticed about him—his smell.

I wanted to taste him…feel him. I wanted everything he had.”Do you need help getting home?” he asked, brushing his body against me. “I could give you a ride home.”

“Thank you, but I live right over there,” I said, pointing towards the bar. “I’m going to get a drink.”He nodded and watched me as I walked towards the bar.

I ordered a Margarita and waited for my turn with the cashier. I was a little disappointed that the bartender didn’t ask for ID but, then again I wasn’t underage so it didn’t really matter. It was my first time here and I wanted to make a good first impression. As cheesy as it sounds, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this. Even if it was just for one night. When my turn finally came, I gave the bartender my credit card and told him I’d pay for my drink and his.

‘Now or never, Celeste,’ I told myself. ‘Go get him, tiger.’

“Can I buy you a drink?” the stranger asked as he stood next to me. I looked at him questioningly and he laughed.

“It’s on me. I’m buying.” I say.

“What does that mean?” he asks.

“It means I’m buying.” I said, turning to face him and flashing him my most innocent smile.

“Do I look innocent to you?” I asked. “Because if I do, the dress didn’t work.”

He chuckled and put an arm around me. I let my head lean over against his shoulder, and closed my eyes. ‘Oh, what the heck. Why not? Might as well have some fun with this stranger before he gets bored and leaves.’ I thought to myself. I felt his hand travel down my back and then pull away.

‘Wait a minute. What was that?’ I wondered. Maybe he’d seen something he liked. Maybe I didn’t mind that. I felt a little buzz as his hand once again traveled down my back, but this time it lingered right above my ass. My face was feeling warm, yet I was only mildly relieved when the bartender interrupted to hand me my drink.

‘Odd. I usually don’t get drunk on tequila, but this stuff is kicking my ass,’ I thought. Must be the heat of the night. Or the fact that I have no control over my body’s raging war with my dress.

I took a sip of my drink and immediately thought, ‘Ugh. Tastes like watered down piss. Not even worth the effort.’ I didn’t finish my drink and left it on the bar.

“So, how does a girl like you end up in a place like this?” he asked with a grin on his face.

I felt my cheeks flush again. I didn’t know how to answer that question. I thought to myself, ‘Everyone here is on the same page. Except this guy. He’s treating me like some kind of bookmark.’ A pretty, sexy, little bookmark. I let my head fall backwards and smiled at him.

“Well, I was trying to find a party, but my friends are a little slow. So, I ended up here by myself. That happens sometimes,’ I lied. I wanted to seem cool.

He rubbed his chin, and said, “Truth be told, I got dragged out here by some friends. They told me how to dress, and where to meet them. We ended up here. I’m feeling a little out of place, honestly.”

I understood. I felt the same way. The only reason I was wearing this dress was because my friends insisted I do so. ‘They know I like it…right?’ I’d asked myself. I knew they did, but that was the problem. They knew I liked it, but they also knew I would never wear it on my own. It was too sexy. Yet here I was.

‘I was too scared to go out alone, so they forced me to go out with them. And every other time I’ve let this happen, it’s turned into a vicious cycle because I get scared right back into my shell,’ I realized. I resolved to make sure I left my shell far behind tonight. I looked down at my body, draped by a dress that was made for a woman who wanted to be ravished. I felt free.

I decided to exercise some of that freedom by saying, “You know, I’ve got to admit…I’m not as cool as I look.” I admitted sheepishly.

He looked relieved, actually. Then he asked, “So I was right? This isn’t your scene?”

I looked down at my body again, and smiled. “Yeah, you were right. It’s not my scene,” I said, turning back to him and batting my eyelashes. “But what about you? Are you glad you’re here?”

I was pleasantly surprised when he answered, “Hey, it’s not every day two people get to be out of place together. Why don’t we make the most of it?” That was my cue to play along, if I dared.

I did.

I played along when I felt his hand back on my waist. His fingers trailed down my body, and paused above my ass again before slowly starting to drift lower. I continued playing along as a finger hooked inside the hem of my dress, and gently rubbed in between it and the crack of my ass.

‘God, I hope this guy is gonna finish what he’s starting,’ I thought to myself. I was surprising myself more and more, the further I strayed from my usual comfort zone. I played along as his palm finally reached the bottom of my dress, and his fingers gently probed between my thighs.

‘Nope, no panties tonight,’ I thought.The tip of his middle finger found my wetness, creating a pleasurable little jolt. I liked this game. I felt my skin becoming more and more sensitive. I felt goosebumps all over my arms and my legs. His finger slowly drew away, and I longed for it to return.

‘Nooo, why did he stop?’ I wondered. Then it dawned on me, ‘Oh yeah…we’re in public. Okay, think: how do you transition from a bar to a bedroom? Come on, you’re a clever girl. Figure it out,’ I told myself. But I knew I was making it harder than it needed to be. ‘Okay, make it simple. How do you tell a man you want to smash?’

His finger returned and I suddenly heard myself blurt out, “Do you wanna smash?” I turned beet red.

The bartender gave me a strange look, but resumed washing glasses without more than a shake of his head. He’d obviously seen worse.

This guy who hadn’t even told me his name shrugged his shoulders and said, “That’s why I offered you a ride earlier. I just had a good feeling about you.”

I took him by the hand and started towards the doors.


I didn’t have to wait long before we were on our way up the stairs.

“So where are your friends?” I asked him as we made our way out of the club.

He stopped for a moment, considering his answer. “Actually, I don’t know,” he replied, “Where are yours?”

I shrugged. That was the furthest thing from my mind. As he inserted the key and turned it in the lock I found myself momentarily distracted. I snapped back to reality as his hand pressed against my lower back, gently ushering me inside.

“Pardon the mess-,” he started. But I had deftly stepped in front of him and pounced. I leapt up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me as I planted my lips firmly against his, my hands gripping his strong shoulders. I could feel the coarse fabric of his jeans against my swollen clit. I broke the kiss just long enough to say, “My dress is too short. We’d better take it off.”

He carried me over to the couch and sat me down. I expected him to rip off my dress right there, but he didn’t. Instead, he wordlessly knelt before me and spread my knees with authority. I let myself give in, falling back against the couch as his face descended on my dripping vagina.

‘My God, he smells good. And why is he so hungry for my-,” my thoughts were interrupted by a searing silkiness teasing the edges of my folds. He looked up at me, watching my face slacken as I found myself surrendering to somebody’s tongue for the first time.

I felt warm and tingly all over. I felt my cheeks flush hot, and I bit my lip as he tasted me. Then I moaned as his lips seemed to swallow my pussy whole. I felt his tongue slip its way between my labia as it sought the source of my intoxicating juices. I tried to control my breathing, but I failed miserably. My hips bucked as his mouth worked its way up and down my wet little divide. I felt the soft cushions of the couch embrace my shaking limbs as I gave in to his sweet torture. I felt the silkiness of his tongue lap at my pulsing clit, and I cried out my longing as his hot mouth continued to devour me.

I felt my orgasm building as his hot mouth found my clit. I felt an urge to scream his name as my hips bucked, but it dawned on me that I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t care. Fuck, fuck, fuck…I felt his warm mouth move away from my throbbing bundle of nerves, and I groaned as his the cool night air replaced it. I opened my eyes to find him halfway through removing his pants and boxers in one motion. After doing so, he knelt between my legs in front of the couch and started to tease my clit with the tip of his cock.

I could see a bead of pre-cum forming and briefly thought, ‘Watch out, that thing’s loaded…” before my mind went blank as he firmly pressed the glans of his dick inside me. I felt the ridge that ran around his dick catch on the edge of my inner folds. He left his cock there at first, gradually easing the pressure forward and backwards without actually moving. I couldn’t help myself as my hips started to buck on their own. Fuck, that felt good.

“I need more. Harder. Please-,” I murmured to him. He responded by pushing himself further inside me. I could feel my walls stretching to accommodate him. He was big, but not painfully so. ‘My God, he’s going to fuck me. Tonight could be the night. Tonight I might get what I wanted without having to say a word,’ I thought. My body would do the taking for me.

His hands held my thighs tightly as he paused again. I writhed beneath him, his dick only half inside me. It was agony to not have the rest. If I could just…

He slid almost all the way out. Just when I opened my mouth to complain he slid back in slightly deeper than before, eliciting a long slow groan from deep within me. A few more thrusts, and he was wedged deeply inside of me where he belonged. He lingered there and buried his face in my shoulder briefly before turning to gently bite the side of my neck. I thought to myself, ‘Oh, God. He’s not being shy about this. I might actually get knocked up tonight.’

I could feel his dick throbbing inside me as his heart beat. My pussy gave a little spasm as it finally surrendered to his size. I felt a warm liquid shoot deep inside me as my orgasm began. ‘Did he…just cum in me?’ I wondered as my pleasure built.

But he didn’t pull out. Instead he made a low groan and started to slowly thrust in and out of the hot mess my pussy had recently become. It was ecstasy. My orgasm continued to build as he moved. The longer he stayed inside me, the more I felt myself being pulled into a wild abandon. I felt my pussy become more and more wet. I’d had no idea THIS is what I had wanted.

I felt his cock give a decisive throb, followed by another flood of warmth deep within. ‘He…he did cum in me that time. I’m sure of it,” I thought as I rocked my hips back to invite him in. At long last, I felt the spasms of my orgasm lurking at the fringes of my senses. I felt something deep inside me beginning to crack. I’d already crossed all the lines that mattered. Why stop now? I dug my nails into his shoulders. I wanted his dick to fuck me mercilessly. I wanted to feel his hot cum shooting deep inside me again, and again. I was insatiable. I needed more.

I needed him to fuck me hard so I could finish.

“Harder!” I growled. He obliged with a grin on his face that I found sexy as hell.

“Like this?” he inquired.

I couldn’t speak as I lost control, falling over the edge. I felt every muscle in my body go stiff as I screamed my release. I cried out, “Yes, baby! Fuck me hard! Shoot your load in me! Give it to me! Give it to me now! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! SHOOT IT IN ME!” as well as a million other things I can’t remember saying, but I’m still sure escaped my mouth. He was getting excited as well. His dick was throbbing harder, and I knew in my guts that it was about to cum again. He grunted as he bucked his hips one last time. I felt his balls tighten, and I heard him muttering, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Instead of feeling the warmth deep within, this time I felt it spilling out of me. ‘I’m overflowing,’ I thought to myself. This is what I wanted. This is what I needed.

Now I know why they say women are crazy. I was crazy for wanting this. And I got it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10wqxes/out_of_place_together_fm_female_first_person


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