Bringing new girl to the sex club (based on real life, dominate male, teasing, MFM, FF)

Your phone buzzes, you look at the message.

Chris: “We are going to the sex club tonight. You wanted to come next time we went. Pick you up tonight.”

You: “I don’t think I have anything to wear to a club like that?”

Chris: “We can fix that, we are on our way to get you now. Be ready.”

A little while later their car pulls up in front of your place. As you drive off with them Chris tells you that you and Nicole are going shopping for new slutty outfits for the club.

As you walk into the mall, Nicole will help you pick out something that will have everyone at the club drooling. She seems to know exactly which stores to head to. After a while you find a nice collection of short tight black dresses that you’d never dare to wear in public.

Nicole holds a few up to you as Chris approves or disapproves of each one. He selects three for you to try on.

Chris whispers something in Nicole’s ear before she leads you away to the changing room to try them on. You get caught off guard as Nicole enters the change room with you. She sees the shock on your face and tells you to relax with a wry smile on her face, she is going to see it all eventually later.

Still a bit shy, you try on each of the dresses, while Nicole looks them over to ensure they are hot enough and show off your curves. As you try on the last dress, Nicole says this is the one. You look at yourself in the mirror. The bottom of your butt cheeks are showing and the sides of your boobs are bare for all to enjoy. You say that you can’t wear this, but Nicole reassures you that you look amazing and Chris will be impressed.

As you stare at yourself in the mirror you start to see just how hot you are, Nicole tries on a few dresses as well. You turn around to see that she is completely naked as she changes, she wasn’t wearing a bra or underwear. She sees your reaction and motions to your panties and says those will have to go. You stand there motionless for a moment and she reaches over and pulls them down to your ankles. You instinctively step out of them and she hides them in her purse.

You both get dressed again and walk out with your chosen dresses. Nicole discretely pulls your panties out of her purse and passes them to Chris. He shoves them in his pocket and you head to the cash. Chris pays for the dresses and grabs the bag.

You look over at Nicole and her eyes are lit up, it’s time to buy shoes for these she exclaims. You wander the mall some more, in and out of shoe stores. Nicole finds herself a hot pair of high heeled, knee high, black leather boots. As you look for shoes for yourself, Nicole points out a pair of amazing sparkly silver heels. A bit more loud and flashy than you are used to, but Chris insists you will look amazing in them. Chris grabs the box from the sales lady as you remove your shoes to try them on. He removes one shoe from the box and grabs your foot. He stops to look at your cute painted toes, then he presses his thumb into the arch of your foot in a massaging motion. You feel the shivers all the way up to your shoulders as he makes circles up to the balls of your feet. You snap out of it as he stops to slide the shoe on to your foot like Cinderella’s slipper. After confirming they fit perfectly, you put your shoes back on while Chris gets these for you.

Before leaving the mall, you stop for dinner. As we arrive at the table, Chris takes a seat beside you in the booth, with Nicole across from you. During dinner you can feel Nicole playing footsie with you under the table. She starts to run her foot up and down your calf and eventually stops at your knee. After dessert Nicole reaches into her purse and pulls something out, she is purposely hiding it and passes it to Chris who immediately hides it under the table. He is running the object up and down Nicole’s leg, you think it’s making a sound, but it’s hard to hear over all the noise in the restaurant. After a while Nicole pushes your knee outward with her foot, spreading your legs. Chris starts to run the object up the inside of your thigh. It is now very obviously a small vibrator. He moves it up your thigh so slowly it feels like 10 minutes have passed when it’s probably been 10 seconds. You squirm a bit as you feel it get closer and closer to your clit. The instant it hits its mark you let out a quick moan that is disproportionately loud to the volume of the room. You catch yourself quickly and look around to see if anyone noticed. Chris passes the toy back to Nicole, pays the bill and you head back to their house to get ready for the rest of the evening.

On the ride you start to think about the activities at dinner and what excitement the club holds tonight. Back at the house while you are getting ready, you want him to jump you even before you guys head out. You are a bit more flirty now that some of your inhibitions have relaxed. Chris senses your desire and plays into it as you get ready. A bum squeeze here, a tit grab there, a little rub down below. You are very close to getting off, but he pulls back at the last second. He knows what he’s doing to you, you can tell by the coy smile on his face each time.

Hair and makeup done. Dresses and shoes on. Just as you are about to walk out the door, Chris grabs a bag and you’re curious as to what is in there. Then you see the handle of what you assume to be a crop sticking out of the top, too big to fit in the bag.

At the club Chris and Nicole seem to know a lot of people, the guy at the front desk, the girls in the locker room, the bartenders, it’s definitely not their first time here. Chris orders a round of drinks as Nicole leads you to a booth next to the dance floor.

After a couple of drinks and meeting a few people, the dance floor starts to fill up. Chris gets you both up to dance. It doesn’t take long before you’ve got the attention of both the men and the women dancing around you. A girl you only briefly met at the table gets up and starts grinding on you. You look over at Chris, shocked by her actions. Chris motions for Nicole to go to you and she grinds on the other side. Eventually they start to get handsy, at first it’s strange, but it quickly begins to feel erotic. The couple of drinks you’ve had and the vibe of the club make you feel more relaxed about the situation. You take this opportunity to feel this other new girl up.

Eventually things cool down and Chris wants to show you the other room. You head to your locker and hesitantly strip down to a towel. He leads you into a room with crosses, benches, and tables all designed to restrain someone. While still a bit shy to all this, you’ve fantasized about it and are very curious. You get up on the cross and spread out, getting a feel for this fun new furniture. Chris starts running his hands up and down your back, up into your hair and pulls you close to make sure you hear him. He asks you if you like the feeling of being on the cross and you nod eagerly. He reaches up and locks your hands in place with a pair of soft cuffs. You turn your head to see him pull the crop from his bag.

He whispers in your ear, “Just relax, I’ll start gently”.



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