[FM] I, a lifelong lesbian, had sex with a man and realized I’m straight leaning bi

I almost can’t believe it. At first it felt like a betrayal and like my identity was crashing down but now I accept it. Having sex with men feels so right. It feels so right to get on my knees and wrap my lips around his dick. Getting so wet as he tells me I’m a good girl and how I’m sucking his dick so good. Moaning in doggy as he drills me so good a dildo will never cut it for me ever again. I’ve always been butch and masc but the sex makes me feel so feminine. Makes me want to look and act feminine. It feels so good to sink into submissive bliss and have a big strong guy have his way with me. Feeling so tiny and weak and losing control of my body as he uses me. And god, it feels so good when he cums and pushes himself deep, and his dick pulsates inside me. I get it now. I used to be appalled at the idea of having sex with men and now all the layers of repression are falling in a mix of shame and pleasure. No woman has ever made me this wet. No woman has ever made me orgasm this hard. I can safely say I’m bi and honestly at this point I may be leaning straight because I don’t even think about girls anymore. Could just be the excitement of discovering dick, who knows.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10vod3l/fm_i_a_lifelong_lesbian_had_sex_with_a_man_and


  1. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😑 of all the things that never happened this is the neverest. This dude.

  2. Good for you! sexuality is a gradient, not binary, it can change with time, learn who you are, and do what feels right as long as it doesn’t hurt others 👍

  3. I’m glad ur figuring urself out! Sexuality can change over time, and we’re constantly in the process of discovering ourselves.

    Also- have you heard of the split attraction model? It seperates romantic and sexual attraction. Since some people can be romantically attracted to some genders, but sexually attracted to others. Or sexually attracted to some genders, but not romantically into anyone!

    Like, some women are homoromantic bisexuals. They can become sexually attracted to either ge Der, but are only romantically attracted (find themselves wanting to date) other women. Same goes for men.

    I’m biromantic bisexual, w no preference, so I don’t really need to use the split attraction model. But- I just wanted to let u knoe! It’s normal for people to make significant discoveries about themselves as they grow up. And you don’t deserve to feel any shame for it :)

  4. i just posted in a sub for lesbian, bi and queer women asking about something similar- i dated my ex who was a woman for 6 years and i’m not sure if i want to start sleeping with men again

    but i more easily experience sexual attraction to men, i think i just moreso experience emotional or romantic attraction to women

    but anyways everyone in that subreddit seemed appalled that i would ask that space about sleeping with men again

  5. Wow this read was pretty bad, writing skills are bad, plot is bad, delivery was bad but good try tho 😴

  6. My experience is many women who consider themselves lesbians have just had shitty encounters with men and have given up on them.

    If a good partner comes along, they realize they are pan or bi.

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