[FFuta, 18+, transfemme, transformation] Sarah’s Harem part 8

“Hey Lisa, it’s me. Oh, no, it’s been great! Yah, who knew a dick would make sex so much fun. Right? So much. Anyways, I wanted to ask, do you still have the book? No it’s not for me, I’m actually really happy with my cock. It’s actually for one of my girlfriends. Yeah, plural. Oh, stop, it’s all thanks to you. Is there a ritual to turn someone fully into a girl? Yah, she wants to transition completely and I thought if I could grow a penis, surely we could give her boobs and ladybits. Awesome, see you tomorrow at noon? Thank you, she’s going to be ecstatic! Love you, bye!”

Sarah hung up, heart thundering. Lisa could help Alex. She’s gonna freak!

Moments later, Sarah was sitting with Alex on her couch.

“So, there’s an actual way to make me… me?” Alex asked, tears stinging her eyes.

“Yeah! Not only that, from what I gathered, everything will work, and you can even choose what you’ll look like.”

“Wow.” Alex was silent for a few seconds. “Could I be like you? With a penis and a vagina?”

“I don’t see why not, I mean it’s magic right?” Sarah placed a hand on her knee. “Don’t worry, everything will work out. Who knows, we might even get a little naughty and you can feel what it’s like to get fucked in your pussy.”

Alex shifted, face blushing. “God, that sounds so hot.” She gave Sarah a peck on the lips. “I’m so glad I met you, Sarah. This is a dream come true.” Alex’s hand slid up Sarah’s thigh.

Giggling, she said, “hold on tiger. Lisa said no sex before the ritual. I guess it throws off the magic.”

Slightly deflated, Alex sighed. “Can we at least makeout? God I want to kiss you all over.”

“I don’t see why not,” and Sarah engulfed her girlfriend in a warm hug, planting sweet kisses across her nose and cheeks. She loved giving those teasing kisses, ones so close to the lips but not quite. Alex whimpered, trying to steal a full on smooch on the lips, but Sarah was too quick.

Despite the sex rule, Sarah’s cock hardened defiantly, desperate for attention. She didn’t want to fuck one of her other girls, it wasn’t fair to Alex, but she needed to cum. God she needed it so bad.

Hell, Alex probably needed it more. She had a path to be herself for the first time in her life, if it was Sarah, she’d be so horny just from the idea. Then again, Sarah was horny for most things, especially around her girls.

“Fuck,” Alex gasped. “God I want you so bad Sarah. Are you sure we can’t have a little fun?”

“Lisa said pretty sternly, no sex. She didn’t elaborate what counted but I don’t want to mess things up so close.”

Alex had a pained look before perking up again. “Could you ask Lisa to push it out? How much time do I need to wait anyways?”

“Yah, I could ask her,” Sarah said, texting a quick message.

“Sex meaning cumming inside, on, near, someone else. Masturbations a bit iffy, but wouldn’t risk it. 24 hours at least, though the longer, the better,” came the reply. “If you need to postpone, the next time I have time is in like 2 weeks.”

“Two weeks? Man, I don’t know if I could wait that long,” Alex said.

“Well, there are the options. Sex now or ritual tomorrow,” Sarah said.

Alex sighed. “Alright, but first thing we do afterwards is bang. I don’t want to waste a second once I have my stuff.”

Sarah smiled. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna have so much sex, you’re not gonna be able to stand right,” she whispered, finally kissing her girl on the lips.

Alex could hardly sleep through the night, especially without touching herself. Her dream was coming true. She would be a real girl. She would have real boobs, a real vagina, and she could have normal sex with Sarah, well more normal… mkre normal for her? It was all so confusing and super arousing so she pushed it out of her mind. She focused on the next day, when Alex would be complete.

Morning didn’t come fast enough. Alex laid in her bed, having woken up a few hours before sunrise.

She spent nearly an hour picking out her outfit, choosing the right skirt, top, panties -real panties that Britta bought her- and a cute bra. It was a pink kind of day today.

Her nails were looking a little ragged, so she spent some time touching them up.

Makeup took some time, she wanted to feel beautiful so she had a picture to strive for when time came.

Picking out her favorite sandals, she made her way out into the living room of Sarah’s apartment.

Christine was out there already, a bowl of cereal in hand. Spotting her girlfriend, Chris stopped mid spoon.

She whistled softly. “Damn Alex, you look amazing.” Alex blushed. Chris siddled up next to her, checking out the ensemble.

“Thanks, Chris,” stealing a kiss.

“Today’s the day?”

Alex nodded.

“‘I’m so happy that you’ll be comfortable in your own skin. You deserve this, Alex.” Another kiss.

“Being with you girls has been life changing. Living on my own, away from my parents was freeing, but I never felt like I could truly be myself until I met you four. I’m so glad I got up the courage to ask out Sarah, leading me to all of you. You’re all so supportive, and hot.”

Chris grinned at that. “You’re lucky I can’t pin you down and have my way with you, saying shit like that.”

Alex chuckled. “Don’t worry, if I survive the night with Sarah, you’ll be the next one I visit.”

“You better,” Chris said, pulling Alex in by the ass. “I’m dying to eat that pussy.”

The two of them locked lips.

“I hope you’re gonna save some of that for me after the ritual,” Sarah said from her door. She was wearing a bathrobe with the front open.

Both Alex and Christine giggled, pulling Sarah into the embrace.

A few hours later, with breakfast and clean clothes, Alex and Sarah made their way to Lisa’s house. She lived 15 minutes away from campus in a duplex she owned.

Stepping up to the door, Sarah knocked. Moments later, Lisa let them in, leading the two into a room near the back.

Lisa was a few inches shorter than Sarah, with chestnut hair and bright blue eyes.

Sarah had told them she’s had sex with Lisa a few times but couldn’t convince her to join the polycule. Something about a witch coven or something.

The room was lit with 2 dozen candles and in the middle of the floor was a rug painted with a big magic circle with a depiction of a naked woman.

“You’ll have to be naked for this, my dear, if you feel safe to do so,” Lisa said warmly. Alex nodded, dutifully undressing her carefully chosen outfit.

Once Alex had stripped down to her birthday suit, Lisa gestured for them to stand on either side of the rug as she retrieved some supplies.

Alex stood awkwardly, nervous about being naked in a stranger’s home but excited for what was about to happen.

Sarah gave her a reassuring smile. God she looked so beautiful and so strong. I want to be strong and beautiful like her, Alex thought.

Her musing were interrupted as Lisa returned carrying a basket and a large, leather bound book.

She began arranging various flowers and feminine statues around the circle. As she passed by Alex, she handed the naked girl a small piece of clay, whispering, “pour your soul into that clay. Give it your desire, your wants, needs. Show it what you wish to become so that you may live as your true self.”

And so, Alex visualized who she wanted to be. A real woman, with real parts. She imagined herself wearing all those pretty dresses she never could before. She saw herself naked, in front of Sarah, Chris, Amanda and Britta. She saw all four of them gawking at her and complimenting her. She saw them all in the throes of passion. But most importantly, she saw herself as she was meant to be: a woman.

Lisa started chanting. Sarah and Alex joined, and soon a breeze picked up in the room. Small dancing pink lights popped into existence between the three of them, eventually out shining the meager candles.

As Alex was bathed in pink light, she could feel her body tingle. Her nervous vibrated throughout her body, setting her senses ablaze. But it did not hurt. She was at peace.

The change didn’t take long, and it was over before she realized.

Alex nearly collapsed, Sarah swooping in to catch her. She was so dizzy. As she swooned, she looked down and saw her breasts. She had breasts.

Alex weeped for joy.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10vrjib/ffuta_18_transfemme_transformation_sarahs_harem