The team-building retreat (Part 1). [myfirststory], [M40, G30-35], [teasing], [cheating].

Edit: Grammar/Typos.

I was getting late to work. That was really out of character for me. I was punctual, reliable and dependable. But I overslept for some reason. I still managed to make my hair look acceptable after a quick shower and I put on a clean ironed shirt and a tan suit.

I rushed in from the cold January weather. My snow covered oxfords got immediately wet as the snow melted in the warm air that welcomed me. My shoes squealed with each step up the stairs. It annoyed me more than it should. It was somehow out of character for me. I had my briefcase under my left arm and combed my hair with the fingers on the right hand as I walked into the office on the second floor. I expected to see Rebecca in the front desk but to my surprise, another woman was in her chair. I immediately felt awkward. Again, out of character. I was not my best self like I want to be when I meet new people. They say that first impressions stick. When my schedule change like coming late to work, I get a little less composed, even if it is just a matter of minutes.

The first impression I had on the new receptionist was something I’d never felt before. I guess it was a similar feeling like a teenage crush but more transcendental. I felt it in each atom in me. Maybe it was the surprise of seeing a new face and the fact that I was late, but my heart started to beat noticeably faster. That was not like me. I was cool, I was stoic. I could handle big presentations and give talks in front of hundreds of people without feeling the slightest increase in stress.

She was sitting, but her presence filled the room. It was almost like she was glowing. Her big beautiful eyes looked at mine and she said something I didn’t hear. I just saw her beautiful lips move.
“Mr. Bergstrom?” she repeated.
I brushed the snow of my briefcase and muttered a yes.

She stood up and shook my hand.

“I am Julia Hampton, the new receptionist.”
As my big manly hand touched her silky smooth hand I noticed a beautiful smile. She was a little awkward but in an adorable way. I saw a gleam in her eyes. I knew I still got “it”. Even though I was getting older. I was 40 but she was 5-10 years younger. It was hard to tell. But I felt confident. She liked me. I was tall with broad shoulders and my pecks were visible through the shirt. Since the shirt was a little wet from melted snow I guess my abs were also showing. I also knew that my piercing blue eyes were something that women liked.

But then I snapped out of it. I reminded myself I was married. This was not me. But on the other hand, this feeling was so strong. And for some reason I knew it was mutual. But I blew air in my cheeks awkwardly and just said “welcome to work” and walked in my office and locked the door. I sat down and sighed. Her face was still printed in my mind. It was so perfect. I felt I got hard. That never happens just by thinking of a face. The longer her face lingered in my mind, the harder it got. It was big and almost pulsing in my pants with the little room in my trousers. It felt good and bad at the same time. For a split second that face changed in my mind. Her mouth opened up a little bit and her eyes rolled back and I could hear a little cute moan in my head. I felt like I was going to explode. But I could not let it happen. I just could not think this way about a co-worker. I tried to think of something else. WORK! Shit, I thought, I had to draft a contract by noon so I immediately went working and the thought of Miss Hampton faded.

The days went by. I always tried to suppress my feelings but it was hard. I knew she acted differently around me. She was flirting all the time but I had to remain professional. But one day, everything changed. My boss told us that our team was going to team building weekend stay at a hotel. The day it was announced was also the day I knew that me and Miss Hampton had something between us. I was working late that day and there were just the two of us in the building. She was finishing some planning for the boss for the team building. She came to my desk with some papers and looked me in the eyes like she was excited but faking worries.

“Mr. Bergstrom” she said, “I made a mistake and don’t think our boss will be happy”

She leaned over to me. I could smell her perfume and it tantalized me. I also felt her smelling me. A very gentle gust from her nose kissed my neck. I knew I still had that shower fresh smell with mild natural masculine work sweat. I leaned a little bit towards the papers but also intentionally closer to her so our cheeks touched a little. She didn’t move away but kept talking and pointed to the papers she had put on my desk. Her skin felt so good against my skin. I briefly saw an image in my head with her beautiful face in my hands as I stroked my hands gently toward the back of her head. I blinked my eyes to get that image out before I would get hard and she would notice.

“I ordered the rooms yesterday and I just noticed I accidentally ordered one less than we need. And now everything is fully booked,” she said. Her voice was like music. I imagined how she would sound with my big rock hard cock inside of her. Again, I blinked to try to erase that thought and I counted in my head without answering. She was right. There isn’t room for all of us.

“So the boss won’t be mad, could you help me” she asked in a submissive manner. I felt like I had to save her. I felt like a protector. I wanted to wrap my hands around her and tell her it will be fine. But then again, it also felt intensional, like she wanted to make this mistake. But on the other hand, the boss had fired people for less.

She laid her hand on my knee and looked me in the eyes. That was it. I knew it. Fuck my marriage, fuck my integrity and fuck my principles. If she wants me, she can have me. I felt like the universe wanted it.

“Hear me out” she said, “could we pretend there are enough rooms and not tell our boss from the mistake”

I replied: “Yes, but who should find room elsewhere?”

“Well,” she said, “if it is ok with you then I thought that I could pretend I have a room and after the main event I can go into your room and sleep on the couch there”

I did not think. I made a move. Her hand was on my knee and I put my hand on her hand.

“Sure,” I said. Nothing else added, just “Sure”. I gently stroked the back of her hand as I took my hand off hers.

She stood fully up and let go of my knee. “Perfect” she said and took the paper off the table.

She walked aways and dropped the paper on the floor and uttered an “oops”.

She picked up the paper slowly without bending her knees. She was obviously fit and flexible. I knew this was a show for me. She obviously dropped it on purpose. I saw under her skirt. Her ass was incredible and she wasn’t wearing any panties. This was so delicious that I felt my mouth watering. I just wanted to jump there and eat her out where she stood, throw everything off the table and make her feel what she deserve. But I decided to be patient.

She looked back briefly with a naughty smile and said “I am looking forward,” before she left the office.
