the capture of the elven bride [rape] [creampie] [oc] [blowjob]

They said they’d give me a few minutes of privacy to pray/prepare myself before the wedding, however they opened the door so fast after i jumped out the window they were definitely lying, probably kept a few ears to the door to see if I’d cry. I mean I was, but not because I’d been captured and made a slave by the orcs, but because the fort was surrounded by thick rose bushes, whose thorns were easily the size of my ears. I heard the barking of the orc hounds behind me, and instantly knew I wasn’t going to make it to the river. The hounds the orcs used as both pets and for war. The thorns had cut me so much there was an easy trail to follow, and I could hear the hounds not only behind me but to my sides, they were going to cut me off! I finally made it through the woods, to find the cliff face with the boulder covered with moss waiting for me. My saviors waited below, along with my childhood friend Arya, the best archer of us all. But the hounds were at my heels now, and I had no energy left. I froze when I heard Naz yell “ENOUGH!” From behind me, right as an arrow the size of my entire arm flew by and embedded itself into the boulder. I did as she said, and didn’t move. The hounds did the same and stayed an arms reach away. I could hear the others orcs turning back for the fort, Naz must’ve said she could handle me herself. “Who the fuck do you think you are, embarrassing me on the night of our wedding?!” She roared in my face “answer me coward!” She was on top of me now, pulling my ruined clothes off and attending to my various wounds. I could hear the water below, but it was too loud for me to hear my friends below, and I doubt they could hear me. “You know why. I never agreed to this. I came to you of my own free will to speak peace between our peoples. Instead you laughed at me, and took all my dresses and burned them, making me wear your oversized clothes until today. And you call me a coward?!” As the end of the last word came out, her hand struck my face, sending me tumbling towards the edge. Yes, just a little further… she stepped in front of me, blocking my progress and peered over . Her chuckle made her tusk piercings jingle in the moonlight. “So that’s why? You thought you could escape me? Well I have a better idea. Why not give them a show they won’t forget!” At this she grabbed me by the throat and held me in the air with one arm, while the other grabbed the string of my lace panties and pulled them, sending the last of my dignity the ground with them. I would’ve tried to cover myself, but I was too busy trying to get hand off my throat so I could breathe. She carried my to the cliff edge, where I could see Arya by the fire. I prayed she wouldn’t look up at me with tears in my eyes. “Since you didn’t want me in the bedroom, I’ll take you here!” Naz bent me over the edge and held my head so I was forced to look down at my friends. “Go ahead bitch, call out to them. Scream my name, even.” I realized now what she meant to do. I had seen her shaft push against her loincloth when she would go to bed at night next to me, or tent when she’d watch me bathe. It was the size of my torso! I looked back at her, my face stricken with fear, tears in my eyes. “Naz please! Not here! I-I won’t run away again, I swear! I’ll do whatever you say! I’ll massage your muscles like you wanted me to! Just please don’t let them see me like this!” I was crying rivers at this point. She looked down at me, her ruby red eyes searching my face. “You’ll never resist again? You’ll go along with the marriage and do whatever I say?” I nodded frantically “yes my love, anything you want. Just please don’t let them see me like this.” She stared at me a moment longer before smiling wildly. “I don’t believe you.” And with that she plunged her cock into my folds, not even giving me time to adjust to her size. It felt like I’d been punched in the gut, the wind knocked out of me. But even worse was the pain of her pushing against my cervix. I cried out in pain before using my free hand to cover my mouth to hopefully stop those below from hearing us, although the slap of her hips against my ass almost sounded like someone clapping for their champion. I could already feel myself wetting for her, helping her pound me into oblivion. It was getting harder and harder to stay quiet. Naz pushed two fingers into my mouth and growled into my ear; “I’ve wanted you for so many years. Ever since your mother and mine started meeting to talk peace in different regions across the land. I was taken with you, but you couldn’t even look my way, all cause you were to busy eye-fucking that Arya girl. But now she’ll see you for the whore you are!” At this she wrapped her hand around my throat, squeezing my wind pipe. She used her other hand to hold my stomach, pressing into her shaft from the outside. She held me over the edge. I had started panting at this point like one her hounds, my eyes rolling back into my head as my second orgasm rocked my body. “Hey Arya!” Naz Yelled below. “Guess who I’ve got!” My arms were hanging limp at my sides. I barely had the energy to look down at Arya. At that moment I could see the hatred and disgust in her face as she saw me being destroyed from behind. I knew I deserved it. I was waiting to court her til after I had come back from the orcs. I was so confident I’d be the one to finally establish peace between our peoples that I didn’t even think what would happen if it didn’t work. I had to escape from my mom in the night, taking few clothes so that I could look presentable in front of the orcs. I could feel her tense inside me as she squeezed one of tender breasts. Realization dawned on me. “Naz, please don’t do it! I swear I’ll do whatever you want! Just don’t get me-“ her hand left my breast and slapped me across the face, hard enough to draw blood. “Shut the fuck up! I’m gonna knock you up, give the world the first orc-elf hybrid in a thousand years. And you’ll still be my wife and do what I say regardless!” She brought me down one last time, emptying her balls deep into my womb. I looked down once more, but Arya and the others had already gone. I wept openly as Naz threw me on the ground. I tried to curl into a ball but my stomach hurt so much the best I could do was bend slightly and put a hand on my stomach. It wasn’t a risky week for me, so I might get lucky and not get pregnant, but I knew that wasn’t true. Naz sat down next to me, leaning against the boulder. “Lucia, get over here and clean me. I don’t want to be covered in your pathetic juices all day.” I had stopped crying a little bit ago, but this brought them back. I got onto all fours and crawled over to her. My legs weren’t working anymore. I put my hands around her cock and started licking and sucking everything off her, even as my own thighs were drenched in what was left over. After a few minutes of this I finally stopped, finally allowing myself a second to breathe. “Was that alright Naz? I did my best to clean it up but I don’t know what to do about the spit…” she sighed, and without another word, grabbed my face and rubbed it against her shaft, using it like a rag to wipe away the spit I had left from cleaning her. She finally let me go and stood up, starting to put on her clothes, the fine leather meant to be worn during our wedding. But I guess we just consummated it, regardless of taking our vows. She sent the hounds away and looked over the cliff edge, making sure the other elves had left. “Cmon Lucia, get up. Let’s head back.” I couldn’t lie, she looked amazing in the moonlight. I was wrong to run away, I should’ve just gone through with the wedding. After all, alliances are made with marriages all the time. Why would I be special? I nodded and started to stand, but my legs gave out beneath me as I cried out. I hadn’t realized, but when she had held me down before her knee had fractured my fibula or tibia, I couldn’t tell at the moment. I started to cry again. “My love, I can’t. My leg, it’s broken.” My hung my head, embarrassed with how weak I was. Why couldn’t I do anything right? “Lucia, my love, it’s quite alright.” She wiped my tears with her thumbs and held my head so I was forced to look at her. “I can carry you.” She kissed me, then picked me up from where I sat and cradled my in her arms like a baby. She didn’t even hesitate as she walked through the rose bushes. I looked down and saw her legs being cut up like my body had been not an hour before. I looked up at her. “My love, please don’t hurt yourself for me! I- I’ll be fine if we go around!” She shook her head. “You need the healer as soon as possible. I’ll be alright.” I nuzzled into her massive arms and cried again. Why couldn’t I do anything right? All I do is cause other people problems. Shortly thereafter we arrived, walking through the west gate and towards the healer’s quarters in the tower. I tried to cover myself but didn’t do a good job of it. Thankfully Naz was there to growl at any who did more than glance at me. They had already started to disassemble the platform we were to be wed on. It had been covered in roses, truly a sight to behold. But I had ruined it. We finally arrived at the healer, who cast a mending spell on my leg and sent us on our way. I thanked her and started to walk towards the door when Naz swept me off my feet. “You may be healed, but that doesn’t mean you’re walking yet.” I nodded as she carried me once more. We finally made it to her room, our room now I guess. I sat on the edge of the bed, finally raising my hands from myself now that we were alone. She removed her clothes once more, peeling it away from her legs were the dried blood made it stick to her. “Naz, allow me please. You’ve done enough for me already.” She hesitated but nodded, sitting down and allowing me to bandage her legs. She was totally exposed before me, and I could the lips of her snatch beneath her balls. I finished bandaging her, but before I got up I started to slowly rub her shaft, just enough so she could tell I was doing it. She looked down at me and smiled “what do you think you’re doing Lucia?” “Just having fun on my wedding night is all my love.” I kept going, using my spit as lube as I rubbed her. I got faster and faster before I could tell how worked up she was and I finally put my mouth on it, forcing her to the back of my throat and down my esophagus as much as I could. She started panting and moaning my name as I proceeded to finger her and play with her balls, bobbing my head as much as I could. With a roar she forced my head down further, finishing in my stomach. But she kept coming, and I had no more room left. I pulled my head off, causing her to finish on my face. When the torrent finally ended, she laughed at me and kissed me, causing some of it to get on her as well. “ oh no! Naz, my love! Don’t dirty your face with my failure! I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again! Just use me to clean it up please, I’ll take a bath af-“ she used a finger to shush me. “Lucia, we will clean up in the bath together.”


1 comment

  1. i wrote this on mobile and sent it here. i dont write much so sorry if this sucks. if you want more from me or want to leave tips for me to do better feel free to tell me in the comments :) ps. compliments are not allowed

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