[FFuta, 18+, anal, audience] Sarah’s Harem part 7

Sarah and her girls were sitting in the living room of her apartment. Amanda and Chris were snuggled up on the couch, watching something on tv. Britta was reading, shirtless in the chair next to them, sitting across the arms. Alex and Sarah sat on the carpet, both wearing bath robes, painting each other’s nails. It was a serene moment, punctuated by some canned laughter on the screen, or Amanda’s occasional gasp as Chris fondled her.

Dipping the brush tip into fresh polish, Sarah took Alex’s foot, applying a coat to each toe in line. Alex has told her she always dreamed of doing this with her girl friends, but given she hadn’t been a girl in middle or high school, she never had the chance. Sarah was all too happy to help.

For the first time in a while, being in a room filled with hot women didn’t get Sarah hot and bothered, and while she was thankful she could just relax and enjoy the moment, some part deep down worried that something was wrong.

Did she not love them anymore? No, every time she looked at one of them, her heart swelled with joy.

Was the sex getting stale? No, she had 4 beautiful girls to shake things up with, it was kinda hard to get bored of that quickly.

Could there be something wrong with her cock? She wasn’t an expert on dicks, especially not magical ones from a sex ritual, but Sarah always assumed that penises were normally ready to go like 24/7. Perhaps that was her ignorance on have guys and penises worked, but for a solid 6 months, the mere sight of one her girls, even fully clothed, could wind up with them sans clothes, in the throes of passion. But lately, that had been happening less and less. She wasn’t sure if the others noticed, especially since they had each other in case they were getting horny, but nonetheless, it worries her.

Zoning back in, she blew cool air across Alex’s toes, dubbing them complete. They were nude with a band of purple on the end, super cute and they fit Alex’s personality.

Alex squeed in excitement. “Oh thank you Sarah, you’re the best.” She sprang into Sarah’s arms, where they kissed.

Right on cue, Sarah’s cock began stiffening, soon poking out of her robe. Alex’s hand slid over her length, sparing barely a glance as she locked with Sarah’s lips.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sarah spotted Chris and Amanda perking up at the display. Chris had buried her hand in Amanda’s pants, excited by the sight.

Sarah took this as permission, pushing Alex to lay on the soft ground. Throwing open her girl’s robe, Sarah began stroking Alex’s tummy lightly with her fingers. Alex’s cock was at attention already, wanting so desperately to be inside Sarah again. She had on one of Chris’s sports bras today, which held her boobs in place. She took to wearing them due to the number of times she and the others had intimate time together. While Sarah preferred the cute lacy ones that Britta and she wore, she was happy Alex found something that worked for her and made her comfortable.

Spreading her own robe open, Sarah leaned down stealing a kiss. She then asked, “Me or you today, baby?”

Alex groaned in pleasure. “Me please, Sarah. I want to feel you inside me.”

Sarah smiled. Pulling a condom and lube from the side table next to her, she applied them to herself.

That done, she slid her hands under Alex’s ass, hefting her up to face height before taking a tentative lick of Alex’s ass. Her lover gasped. Both had just gotten out of the shower, getting nice and clean, just in case the fancy took them.

With a few more licks, Sarah’s cock grew impatient. Caving to his demands, Sarah set Alex back down, taking hold of her needy dick.

“Yesyesyesyesyes!” Alex moaned.

Pressing her head just inside of Alex, Sarah’s body shivered. Her lover was so tight.

Not wanting to hurt her, Sarah slowly pushed more and more of herself into Alex’s backdoor, eliciting delicious groans of pleasure.

On the couch, Amanda and Christine were kissing, hands exploring each other. Over on the chair, Britta had discarded her book and was busy fondling one pair of her tits.

Sarah loved her life.

Further and further she went until she was sure Alex couldn’t handle anymore. Backing out slowly, Sarah’s body vibrated with anticipation.

Her motions were smooth and gentle, allowing Alex to respond as they went, though Sarah could feel Alex’s responses through their connection.

Sarah rarely got the chance to do anal with her girls. The other three preferred the pussy or oral, and she couldn’t blame them, it was a little strange. However, Alex loved it, so she was happy to provide the experience to Sarah, and Sarah was happy to oblige.

It was slow going, all to make sure Sarah didn’t hurt her lover. With Amanda and Chris, she was happy to be rough and mean, because they loved that. Case in point, Chris had Amanda’s face in a death grip, smushed into a kiss. Moans of delight left Amanda’s lips.

Soon, their surroundings fell away, and all they thought about was each other. Slow in, slow out. They could take their time with this, they had all the time in the world. Once or twice, Sarah reapplied lube to make sure everything went smoothly.

After a few minutes of coupling, Alex said, “faster please, I can take it.”

Wanting to make her lover feel as good as possible, Sarah obeyed. As she sped up, she kept an even pace. And Alex was loving it.

Deep in Sarah’s core, she could feel the orgasm coming. This was always her favorite part. The building to climax, then release of pleasure. The only thing she loved more was the look on her girls’ faces when they came. That was pure ecstasy.

Judging by the way Alex’s toes, arms and legs curled, she was close too. Perfect.

Slowing down just enough to be in time with her lover’s breathing, Sarah brought it home. She had so much pent up energy, and wanted to prove that she was attracted to and loved her girls. This would be her love letter to Alex at least, the first in line to show she was happy.

The two of them came in near synchronicity. Sarah shot load after load buried deep in Alex’s ass, captured by the condom. Alex on the other hand, splurged all over her stomach, making a mess of herself and getting a bit of cum on Chris’s bra. That happened a lot in this household.

All around them were the sounds of orgasm as Sarah’s girl’s came together. She loved when her girls came.

Minutes later, Alex was snuggled up in Sarah’s arms, cleaned up with a new sports bra. Their robes had been tossed in the laundry so they could just feel each other on their skin. Britta, Chris and Amanda had dozed off to sleep, leaving the two of them to watch some crime drama on tv.

Twisting around to look at Sarah, Alex broke the silence. She had a contemplative look. “Hey, do you still talk to the girl that had that magic book?”

“Lisa? Yah, how come?”

Alex’s mouth quirked. “I was just thinking… no it’s stupid.”

“Hey, whatsup hun?” Sarah said, staring into Alex’s eyes.

“It was just a thought… is there a ritual… that could turn me into a real girl? Like real boobs and a vagina and all that?”

Sarah thought for a moment. “I’m not sure, but maybe. I mean there was one that gave me a penis, so I don’t see why not. Also, you are a real girl, even with you don’t have those things.”

Alex nodded, her expression softening. “Heh, thanks Sarah. Cool, that’d be super awesome.”

“I love you Alex, you know that?” Sarah said.

“I know,” Alex said. “I love you too, Sarah,” and they kissed.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10v0q1p/ffuta_18_anal_audience_sarahs_harem_part_7