Xavier – High Gay Behavior

Xavier took a swig of Hennessy. His legs were open as he sat naked on the couch. He watched as the Male Escort in front of him sucked his hard dick slow and deep. Xavier didn’t consider himself gay, but whenever he was high he found himself hiring a Sissy Boi to come and make love to him. Adrian was wearing a yellow mini skirt with a matching tube top. He had already untucked his dick and Xavier found himself wanting to stroke it. He had Adrian remove his clothes revealing a thin, lean, feminine body with a hard six inch dick. Xavier gently pulled Adrian on top of him, kissing him deeply as his hard dick slid inside Adrian’s ass. As Adrian moved his hips Xavier slowly and gently stroked his dick. Gentle touches, slow intimate strokes. Xavier felt the build up. As Adrian released his load Xavier pulled him close. Kissing him deeply on the mouth as he felt his own release deep inside Adrian’s ass. Xavier wondered why he did this when he got high, or did he get high to justify it? A question he would ask himself many more times.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10ufdnk/xavier_high_gay_behavior

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