The One-Meter Challenge [Commissioned] [FF] [Exhibition/recording/online] [Toys] [Deep-throat] [Hard Anal] [Measurement kink] [Best Friends] [Light]

“It’s four thousand pounds,” Jessica repeated, enunciating her syllables in case the message wasn’t getting through to Chris. “That’s a hundred pounds for every inch of silicon dick we take, Chris. You can’t tell me that you wouldn’t take one inch of dick for a hundred pounds.”

Chris ran a hand through her long, dark hair, still damp from her shower, opting not to point out the flaw in Jessica’s logic; her math, shockingly, did check out, and forty inches across their six holes seemed like a laughably easy way to a tropical vacation and plenty of enviable, luxe shots for social media… so long as one thought of it as a mere forty inches and not the full meter of dick that it was.

“Do I have to guess what’s in the bag?” Chris asked, pointing at the tote bag as Jessica barged into the condo and dumped an array of white dildos out onto her coffee table. Chris closed the door and followed her friend over to check out the silicon armoury, tugging the strap of her tank top back up onto her shoulder. “…And how are we going to film this?”

“We’re twenty. And we’re influencers. Don’t you have like, a million different selfie sticks?” Jessica replied, sitting back on her heels as she knelt by the table, sorting them out by length – there were two twenty-centimetre, straight vibrator dildos, and four thirty-centimetre soft ones with flared bases meant for anal and deep-throat training.

Right, yeah – Chris got her phone and a clip-on tripod, first affixing it to the edge of the coffee table and then pointing it so it was framing a big, open space on her plush, beige rug.

Jessica had already taken the liberty of marking centimetres on the toys in blue permanent marker, starting at the tip of each. There were also two sets of anal beads, which as Jessica helpfully pointed out, were spaced so that each segment was exactly two and a half centimetres long; this meant the beads themselves were two in diameter, and Chris felt herself clench up thinking about them going in her.

“Sharpies aren’t toxic,” Jessica said, more like she was assuring herself than anything as she retrieved a few markers and cloth measuring tapes from her purse before throwing the purse aside and shrugging out of her jacket. She was every bit the stereotypical bottle-blonde: her light brown eyes were wide, she had an utterly guileless face, and she was, at the end of the day, pretty dumb. Her list of sexual conquests included a total of two guys, one of whom was her grade school boyfriend. The other was Chris’s boy-toy Travis, who was a bit reserved despite his generous proportions, so Chris figured he wouldn’t let his dick scare Jessica too badly and sent him her way after she got bored of his gentlemanly handling.

“How are we going to measure how much goes… in?” Chris wondered, sitting down on the floor before loosening the drawstring on her lounge shorts and sliding them off; she was tall, tan, and lightly freckled, model-built with long, shapely legs and a level of comfort showing off in front of the camera that suggested it barely ever occurred to her to be self-conscious of her body.

“We can draw a mark for how much goes in, then measure when we pull them out, and figure out how much more we need to stuff in which hole – lie down,” Jessica said, confident like she’d already planned all of this out, speaking as though she were reciting: “The contest site said everything that goes in us has to be at least twelve centimetres round, and the ones I bought were all thirteen in circumference just to make sure.”

Chris realized that Jessica’s lack of experience might be working against her; thirteen seemed enormous.

“Once we start the video we can’t leave the frame; it’s one shot, and we have to post it to their site with links to our social media to be considered,” she added.

Jessica checked that the camera was recording, and Chris could hear her doing her social media intro as she knelt in front of it. She lay back in just her tank top and panties, pausing to wave and beam a practiced smile when Jessica called attention to her; it only took a few minutes for Jessica to explain what they were doing and show off the length and girth measurements of the toys they were using to prove they were legit. Then Jessica shuffled over to where her friend was laying and pushed her thighs apart, making sure there was a clear view of her pussy as she took a generously-sized dildo in hand and pressed the tip against Chris’s entrance. It didn’t want to fit right away.

“You’re not very wet,” Jessica remarked, setting the toy aside and spreading Chris apart with one hand while she rubbed a manicured finger in circles around her hole. Chris propped herself up on her elbows and watched, chewing on her lower lip, and let out a quiet, involuntary sound before a gush of moisture lubricated her; Jess took longer than was strictly necessary, spreading it around.

Chris’s back arched as Jessica, without further ado, pushed the dildo right in and stretched her canal wide; Chris scrunched her face up, making her cheeks dimple when it bumped into her back wall. Jessica tested her limits by pressing a few more times before she held it in place with one hand, grabbing a Sharpie with the other and popping the cap off with a thumb. She drew a short line right where the dildo met Chris’s opening, then slid it out.

Chris propped herself up on her elbows, watching as Jessica inspected the marks on the slick toy; she frowned.

“It’s only ten and a half,” Jessica announced as she wrote Chris’s name and the word “vag” on the dildo. “That’s not nearly enough unless we like… feed one of the really long ones all the way into your ass, or unless we can learn how to deep-throat in the next hour.”

“It can’t be ten and a half,” Chris said with a dubious expression and a slight crinkle of her nose. “Brad’s at least between fifteen and twenty, and I take all of him just fine.”

Jessica stripped out of her clothes next, tossing her mini-dress and underwear aside to get them out of the way before she sat down and opened her legs up to allow Chris to slide a dildo inside of her – Jessica was wetter already, and her preliminary measurement came out to exactly fourteen centimetres.

The toys Jess brought to put in their other four holes were much longer and softer, with a slight curve to them.

“So that’s…” Jessica began, pausing to get her phone and tap into the calculator app. “A hundred… minus ten-point-five… minus fourteen… divided by four… We have to basically get thirty down each of our throats and asses if your pussy can’t pick up the slack. Eighteen-point-eight if we’re reaching.”

“Maybe I can, like… sit on one and stretch it out while we do the other ones,” Chris suggested, reaching for one of the ones with a flared base and propping it on the floor before settling her hips over it and kneeling, sinking as far as she could tolerate. It was a bit awkward – the longer toys were soft and bendy, and she ended up having to prop herself fairly high up on her knees.

Jess held one of the tape measures flat against one of the straight sides of a curving training dildo and carefully marked out each centimetre from the tip, up to seven and a half. Then she stood in front of Chris.

“Look up?” Jessica said, and Chris opened her mouth, tilting her head up. She grimaced; Jessica was rough when she pushed it in, and she choked immediately when it bottomed out against the back of her throat. She twisted her head to the side, coughing and sputtering when Jessica pulled it out, then lifting a hand to wipe spit off her face with the back of it.

“Go slower,” Chris croaked; her almond eyes remained shut tight as Jessica tried again, sliding the first few centimetres of the marked-off dildo past her friend’s plush lips.

“Try to relax your throat; just think of our vacation and tap out if you’re gonna, like… pass out,” Jessica encouraged, putting a hand around the back of Chris’s head to help hold it in place as she pressed it against the ring of muscle that blocked off her esophagus. Chris struggled and gagged around the silicon and Sharpie fumes, but Jessica was undeterred; she held her still and pushed through until she had another centimetre down into Chris’s throat.

When Jessica pushed down, Chris was impaled further on the dildo she was sitting on, so when she hit her limit, she had no choice but to push back and try to let more silicon dick down her throat. She tried to let out a ragged moan, but she choked and kept swallowing on reflex – her lips hit the ten-centimetre mark and her air was blocked off. She squirmed and struggled with tears beginning to run down her face, then drew a sharp, desperate breath when Jessica pulled the dildo out; it was dripping with Chris’s saliva up to fourteen centimetres.

“It can’t be that bad – didn’t you say Brad was at least as big as these?” Jessica asked, waving the thick, thirty-centimetre dildo around. “And I know Travis is a big boy.”

“The short ones,” Chris said, rubbing at her neck and pointing at one of the much more reasonably-sized toys. “And he never went that deep.”

“Okay, we can try again, or you can make up what’s left with your ass,” Jessica informed Chris, who took a deep breath and opened her mouth. The second time wasn’t met with as much resistance, though her gag reflex was acute and she dug her fingernails into Jessica’s thighs as the head of the dildo pressed through the opening to her throat again. She whined through her nose for the moment she had before her air was cut off again, and Jessica moved the toy in and out with a measure of force to fuck Chris’s throat down to fifteen… sixteen… then seventeen centimetres.

Wet mascara ringed Chris’s lower lids as Jessica fed the last centimetre down into her before withdrawing it; Chris buckled forward and coughed her lungs out, feeling her muscles contract and clench around the toy still in her.

Jessica sat up on her knees across from Chris, then, pausing to show the camera that the toy was wet and glistening up to the “nineteen” mark before marking off another one and handing it to Chris.

“Now I get my revenge,” Chris teased, her voice still brittle from the abuse her throat had taken. She slid the tip of it past Jessica’s lips as the other girl leaned forward on her hands, taking it on all fours. Jessica cringed harder than Chris had, and she had to fight to keep her mouth open – she one hundred percent wasn’t used to giving blowjobs.

Chris watched as Jessica’s throat started working involuntarily; even from the outside, she could see the muscles rippling as she slid mark after mark into her mouth – Chris knew how to relax and accept it better than Jessica did, and though her eyes watered and she choked just as much, Jessica only made it to sixteen.

She gagged and panted when Chris removed the long, squishy pole and set it aside on her coffee table. Jessica sat and caught her breath while Chris flopped right over onto her side, taking a moment to recompose herself.

“Hey, I think your pussy’s stretching out,” Jessica said when she noticed the training dildo still inside Chris, trapped between her thighs; she crawled over to look at the DIY ruler marks on it before she pulled it out and switched it for the one they’d used earlier.

It slid in up to the thirteen mark easily, and reasoning that it must just be able to take more when Chris was turned on, she reached over and tugged her friend’s tank top up above her breasts, leaving her exposed on the floor in front of the camera while she toyed with Chris’s clit and worked the dildo in and out, a little deeper each time, gradually making it up to the fifteen-centimetre mark, then a little bit past that.

She bottomed out again at just over sixteen, and Jessica marked it off with her Sharpie, making sure to show the marked-off number to the camera before she grabbed her phone up off the floor and re-opened the calculator app. She chewed on her lower lip as she input the most recent numbers.

“If we each get eight of those beads in, we’ll be there,” she said, an edge of excitement to her projected voice despite her worn-out state.

“For the beach resort,” Chris said; Jessica wordlessly volunteered to go first by moving clear into the view of the phone camera, kneeling again, and bending over so her front half was resting on the rug and her ass was high in the air.

Chris stepped away and retrieved a bottle of whitish lube before settling in on her knees behind Jessica. She squirted a generous amount onto Jessica’s spread ass before picking up a strand of beads. The anal beads were made to be completely regular in size, so there was no ramp-up, no little pearl-sized ones at the end to work her way up with – she just pressed the one on the end against Jessica’s sphincter, and Jessica moaned in response, pushing back to help work it inside her.

The first bead, the first two-point-five of the toy, popped through after a bit of working and rocking it, prompting an “oh fuck” from Jessica. Chris squirted more lube on the second and third spheres before pushing them in, too, making Jessica squeal and kick. The second one was sucked right in, but the third one slid back out as she clenched up.

“I’ve never had anything in my ass before,” Jessica admitted into her folded arms; she sounded like she was holding her breath.

“Just, like, push back a little,” Chris coached her, squirting more clear lubricant onto the beads and rubbing it all over with her fingertips. “I’ll put tons of lube on.”

Jessica let out a high-pitched whine and curled her toes; Chris worked the fourth one in far enough to pop it through, but Jessica, letting out a small cry, started leaning forward on reflex when she felt the fifth one against her hole.

“Come on, you’re halfway,” Chris both assured Jessica and announced for the video, trying again to force the fifth bead in, but Jessica resisted. Chris looked around, and finding nothing within the bounds of the camera’s sight to push against, she sat down on the floor and patted her lap. “I have an idea – sit on my lap and face me.”

Jessica let out another melodramatic groan and a fake sob, but she sat up – stiffly unaccustomed to and hating the full feeling in her ass – and shuffled over on her knees, six anal beads trailing out of her. Guided by Chris, she straddled the other girl’s slim lap, then put her legs around Chris’s waist so she was up snug against her and had nowhere to run off to. Chris reached around, pulling one of Jessica’s ass cheeks aside with her left hand, while her right-hand fingers slipped around the next stiff, polymer sphere.

“Why didn’t you get softer ones?” Chris wondered as she brute-forced the next bead in and Jessica let out a whimpering, little shriek. She didn’t have an answer.

The sixth went next, though Jessica squirmed a little more aggressively as each one filled her up a little more, clinging to Chris as her body tried and failed to get away. She started to rock her hips against Chris to offset the discomfort, and Chris made it easier by waiting until Jess began to moan and flex her feet, pointing her toes moments before she came – as her legs shook and her pussy spasmed, Chris pushed the seventh and eighth beads through one after the other. Jessica whined as she cautiously slid off of Chris’s legs, leaving wet streaks on the other girl’s flat tummy and thighs where she’d been grinding herself.

Chris’s turn was next, and she decided to try laying on her stomach on the carpet while Jessica knelt in between her spread thighs; the last two beads on Jessica’s strand hung out of her. Jessica pushed her legs apart even further and used one hand to part Chris’s ass cheeks – Chris jumped at the sudden, cold sensation of the lube as Jessica squirted it onto her anal entrance and worked it in with a slender finger.

Jessica smeared lubricant all over the other bead toy before pressing the end bead up against her friend’s anal passage. Chris’s legs flexed and she let out a muffled moan into her arms. They really did feel huge and hard, and Jess’s fingers shook with the effort of pressing the first bead into Chris’s tight ass. It popped through suddenly – Chris let out a cry, startled by the sudden, sharp sting, drawing air in between her teeth. The first two and a half centimetres were in. Seven more beads to go.

The stinging pain dulled with each subsequent, forceful insertion, and was replaced with an intensely pleasurable fullness, though once Chris got up to four large beads she started to understand why Jessica had been squirming around that point. She started to feel claustrophobic and overfilled; she was stretched and sore, almost like a cramp, but Jessica wasn’t stopping – they only had four beads between them and four thousand pounds.

“Ow, ow, slow down,” Chris complained; Jessica wasn’t using enough lube and her skin was tugging at the plastic surface of the toy, ring buckling under the force of pressure without allowing it to slide through. Instead of thinking to make it slipperier, though, Jessica wiggled the beads back and forth a bit, and Chris’s feet kicked up, then hit the floor as she moaned, her pussy getting wetter and wetter despite the pain.

Chris was tight and felt like she was rapidly running out of room, and when Jessica forced the seventh bead through, she felt a jolt and let out a yelp; now she was trying to squirm away, and it was Jessica’s turn to sit on Chris’s legs, pinning her as she clawed at the rug. Jessica let out an excited squeal that almost drowned out Chris’s pained cry when the eighth popped in after.

“We did it!” she said, more to the camera than to Chris; she tilted the camera down so that there was no doubt that Chris had twenty centimetres worth of anal beads inside her. For good measure, Jessica slid the marked dildo back into Chris’s dripping pussy, showing off how deep it went, and Chris returned the favour, holding hers in place with her thighs while the last seven and a half centimetres of the bead toy dangled behind her.

“That’s the One Meter Challenge,” Jessica said through heavy breaths, reaching up to get Chris’s phone down before turning it around and tapping to stop the recording.

“So, what are we going to do with all these dildos?” Chris asked, lifting her head to look over her shoulder.

Jessica shrugged. “I don’t know, we could sell them to your weirdest fans, I guess, like that e-girl who sells bath water,” she said, playing around with the camera and zooming in and out, pausing to frame Chris again and snapping a photo of her panting on her side with the toys sticking out.

“Hey – are you going to post this on main?” Jessica wondered, flipping back through the camera reel.

“Why not?” Chris replied.


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