From Neighbor to Summertime Fling (Part 11) [F/F/M 30s][Cheating][Long Reads][Multiple Chapters][Threesome][Flashback][College]

The sun quickly snuck through the window in the living room and shot a bright and warm ray across Carrie’s face, eventually bringing her out of the night’s long drunken slumber, but waking her up with a crushing and pounding headache. As she opened her eyes, the marching band inside her brain got louder like she was standing in the middle of a parade. Immediately, she closed her eyes again, but nothing seemed to help.

Rolling to her side on the couch and groaning, Carrie reached out to whoever was in the vicinity, like an actor in a movie holding on to a cliff, trying to save herself, “Water, water.” The last thing she remembered was sitting down around the fire last night but the only thing on her mind now was getting something to drink to wash away the desert-like dryness that was caked around all the sides of her mouth.

April was sitting across on the other couch, seemingly unaffected by a night of drinking, she was already dressed and looked ready to take on the day. Carrie watched as she walked over to the refrigerator for a bottle of water, then digging around in her purse, shaking a bottle of pills and a packet of liquid IV as she returned. She opened the bottle, dumped the powdery mix inside and handed it over along with a handful of multi-colored tablets, “Here you go, liquid IV, Advil, and a bunch of B vitamins to get rid of that hangover mess.”

Carrie tossed the pills in her mouth and began to pound the water, “Thanks, my head is killing me.” She noticed that April was sitting across from her with her legs crossed and arms folded with a smile from ear to ear. “Don’t smirk at me like that, you know this happens like once every five years, I’m never drinking again.”

“Oh sure sure, but,” she chuckled, “that’s not what I am smiling about.”

Looking down under the blanket, Carrie realized she was still in her bathing suit from yesterday, her coverup tossed over the back of the couch. Noticing the garbage pail near her, she pulled it towards her seeing it was empty.

“Yeah, you didn’t make it to the can, most of it was sprayed in your yard, we didn’t quite make it. But then you had another round in the bathroom, but don’t worry, I held your hair.”

Carrie pulled her hair to her nose before sitting back into the softness of the couch and rubbed her forehead, the light and her upright sitting only enhancing the coal miners hammering away in her skull. While she couldn’t really think straight or taste anything, the smell of barf on her lips and chlorine was as fresh as ever on her body. She gave out a long exhale, “I’m sorry, I must not have eaten enough to fight all I drank, and I really need a shower.”

April was chomping at the bit, unable to sit still or keep delaying questions any longer, “Yeah, yeah, no biggie, and you sure smell like shit. I probably owe you at least a dozen drunken assists like that, but are we gonna talk about the other thing?”

“What other thing? I didn’t get into a fight did I?”

“You, fighting,” April laughed, “yeah right. What’s the last thing you remember last night?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to recall her last memory from the party, “Uhh, your fucking bottle of tequila after we all moved to the fire. Ugh, I don’t think I’ll be able to smell that shit for a long time. Why do you always have to bring that poison?”

April ignored the question completely, “Hmm interesting, so no recollection of stumbling back, or throwing up, or me bringing you to the couch?”

Carrie flopped her head back, “Nope, guess I was a real mess. Oh please no more talking about puking or I’ll shoot some more at you.”

“Andddddd,” she waited a few seconds, “nothing else at all in that pretty little head of yours then huh?”

She shook her head no, it radiated more pain before taking another sip of water.

“So nothing about banging the neighbor then, you don’t remember that part huh, huh, huh?”.

Carrie’s bloodshot eyes opened wide to look at her lifelong friend as her smile got bigger and bigger before tossing the blanket over her own head to hide. April practically jumped off the couch and launched over next to Carrie, pulling the blanket away, “Oh, I don’t think so you little bitch. I noticed the set of dagger eyes you shot towards your neighbors when they went to bed last night, then when I asked you what that was all about, you jumped up and professed that you’re banging the neighbor.”

Not able to put up a fight with the blanket, Carrie plopped down horizontally on the couch, and rolled sideways facing away. She closed her eyes again, puckering her lips to the side, “It is not what you think April.”

April uncrossed and recrossed her legs, “Uh huh, so you didn’t, and I quote,” she now made air quotes with her fingers, “blow him while you both went for bags of ice yesterday?”

Carrie cleared her throat, and groaned, “Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag.” She pointed up to the ceiling and softly whispered, “Is he here, does he know too?”

Her lifelong friend shook her head side to side, “Nah, you know that loser, bed before us all, up and out before us all. So it’s just the two of us, when did this start, you know I need all the details.”

“Fuck, my head is killing me, last month, it started last month,” she groaned.

April leaned forward, “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me? How many times were you the first person I called over the years looking for advice when I made some questionable life choices?”

“Yeah, yeah, but you’re single, I am married. You don’t have any kids, and I do.”

“Oh come on,” she argued, “fuck that, you know how I feel about marriage. Old, antiquated, and slowly drains everything from your soul day by day. Remember how alive we felt in college?”

For nearly four years, saying the Carrie and April roommate duo was the typical college experience was a far cry from the truth. April was taller than Carrie, had luscious long blonde hair and a body that could derail a train off the tracks. Her dazzling light brown eyes had this hypnotic effect on most young college guys. Always wearing short skirts and shirts with a plunging neckline to emphasize her chest, she immediately stole the gazes of everyone, women included, the moment she walked into a party or bar. All the guys wanted to get in her pants and all the ladies wanted to look like her, or get in her pants too. She was not into monogamy, most boyfriends lasted a month tops, and unless she was drunk off her ass, would make that known up front before walking back to her room with a guy.

That is not to say that Carrie didn’t have her share of her own experiences. While April was off taking shots with a drunken football or baseball team, Carrie would attract men that were a bit less obnoxious, slightly more mature, but just a little. For her, it was more about making a connection with a guy versus the one that got her wet first like her roommate. Either way, she was also not interested in starting a relationship at college, and just wanted to enjoy her time. That being said, on a Friday or Saturday, neither of them typically came back to their room without someone to keep them company for the night. And when one of them would strike out for the night, they would sneak away and just go home together. They only had two rules when engaging with guys, don’t ever go stay at the guy’s place and they always walked back home together.

Carrie finally cracked a smile, “Yeah, we spent more money doing the sheets in the laundry room and blew all our beer money on Plan B pills.”

“We were hot, we never had to pay for drinks,” April jokingly reminded her, “we’re still hot bitch. Bet we could still blow Brian’s mind”

She fanned her face implying she was getting hot, “Oh Brian, fuck me” Carrie moaned, “I still think about him when I’m alone, definitely the biggest I’ve ever had.”

April blew a raspberry between her lips, “Me too, and I’m a size queen.”

Carrie perked up, “Brian was long as the day,” she extended her arm out and continued, “but Marc’s much, much, thicker,” now forming both of her hands and forming a circle by connecting all her fingers together. They both broke out into a huge laugh as April tossed a pillow at her. Totally avoiding the discussion at hand, Carrie began to reminisce about Brian.

Brian lived on the same sixth floor as Carrie and April at college and was there on a full scholarship for swimming. For the first month they thought he was gay because he never left his room, was always studying or swimming laps at 4am. He looked like a Ken doll and shaved every inch of his body for swimming, which to them was totally odd because they were not in that scene. But he was friendly and so were the girls. After weeks and weeks of trying to convince them to come to a swim meet, the roommates finally cracked and rolled out of their beds early one morning to sit through hours of athletes going side to side in the heated pool.

That day, Brian broke the school’s freestyle record and moments after the event, he met up with Carrie and April to thank them for coming because his family was on the other side of the country, rarely being able to make the trip. It was that moment that through the small wet bathing suit bottom, they both noticed it looked like he was hiding a Maglite flashlight. During their walk home, they joked about who was going to get to touch it first. It was the first time they had both shown an interest in the same guy. They decided that if he was available, and of course not gay, instead of ruining their own friendship, they would just share him if given the opportunity. When either of them put their minds to a guy, it did not take much work to achieve the end goal. So when it turned into Carrie and April versus Brian’s mystery dick, he, nor his cock didn’t stand a chance.

The hardest part was that Brian didn’t drink at all to keep in the best shape, and he was in the best shape imaginable. The few times the girls offered to take him out after a meet or just a random night, he politely declined after explaining his situation. But those two rarely took no for an answer and resorted to different tactics and devised a plan.

Carrie and April attended Brian’s next swim meet the following week. Again, he performed as well as expected and they met him after his race was over. April, being slightly more outgoing, approached him next to the pool and told him, “I want a picture with the next US gold medalist.” She took the towel off his shoulders and tossed it at Carrie who had her phone all ready for the shot. As she wrapped her arm around Brian, she pulled her own body close to dig her chest into his side and then ran her nails down to his hips.

“I want a turn too,” Carrie barked. The two switched spots and since Carrie was a few inches shorter, her hand was able to sneakily move down a little lower. As the swimmer and brunette stood for the photo op, she took the opportunity to drag her own nails up the back of his thigh to just about where the tight black Speedo ended. He didn’t flinch.

The ladies went to examine the pictures and chuckled. April had managed to take one fully zoomed in on his bulge and when Brian stepped forward to check out how they came out, Carrie tossed her hand up, “No, no, these are just for us, we’ll print them out so you can autograph them later.” When April slipped the phone into the back pocket of her tight jean shorts, as planned, they both gave him the elevator eye treatment and accompanied it with a matching pair of lip bites. They said their goodbyes and left the natatorium giggling all the way back to their dorm room.

Later that night, the girls waited patiently in the common room for Brian to appear and head towards the elevator for dinner. After he said hello and headed down, they took the next elevator and followed him. Inside the cafeteria, both of them plopped down on each side of him at the table talking up how much they have enjoyed watching him swim. They weren’t lying, it was actually very exciting to see someone they actually knew compete at that level and practically beat everyone in the lanes besides him.

Carrie started up the next part of their plan, the one to make sure he was straight, “So, Brian, don’t you have a girlfriend?”

Immediately he smiled, “No, not at the moment. I had one in high school but she didn’t like competing with my training schedules. So now that I am here, I either study, train, or eat.” Without knowing it, both Carrie and April thought back to their high school days, thinking about what type of reaction each of them would have pulling the pants off someone like Brian and seeing the massiveness beneath, they would probably never let it go. They all finished up their meals and went back up the elevator and parted ways to head back to their own rooms.

Back in their room, the girls were happy to know that he had an interest in ladies and moved forward with their plan. They both stripped out of their clothes and stood next to each other in front of the full length mirror with just their bra and panties on. Carrie snapped a few pictures of their half naked bodies. One standing up facing the mirror and another over the shoulder to show off their asses. They sat down on the couch that was crammed in their room and pulled up the photo they took of his bulge. After attaching it to a text with the message, “Bring this to our room please,” Carrie sent it on its way.

They waited for it to say “read” and when they could see he was responding, immediately sent the two photos of them in their underwear before he could reply. The three dots and the bubble disappeared as he saw the photos. The girls waited for about five minutes before almost giving up hope. April huffed, “He’s probably just jerking off to us right now.”

“Well this is awkward,” Carrie said, “but now we probably won’t have to go to those swim meets anymore.”

“Awww,” April continued, “I kind of like going to those…”

Then there was a soft knock at the door and both April and Carrie’s eyes popped open wide and lit up the room. April got up and peeked in the peephole, she started jumping up and down. Brian was standing there in a tank top and mesh shorts. She opened the door and Brian stepped in, clearly looking more nervous than anytime they saw him jumping into the pool. As she closed the door, Brian leaned up against it, bouncing his eyes back and forth between the two beauties in front of him.

His eyes first made contact with Carrie, sitting legs crossed on the hand-me-down couch, toes painted a bright pink. She felt his gaze burn up her legs and the rest of her body until he made eye contact. Immediately, she started to feel warm between her legs. April had remained standing next to Brian at the door, he was like a giant in the room of the two ladies. She placed her hands under his shirt, reaching up to his broad thick shoulders and began to squeeze them into her palms. Carrie stood up and stepped in front of him to run her hands up the front of his shirt, feeling around his smooth hairless body until cupping his muscular chest.

The girls removed his shirt, his wingspan requiring the girls to step back and stand next to each other as they watched the end of the show. From their angle, his head seemed to be as high as the top of the door. Carrie and April huddled in the middle of the room taking him all in. He smiled at both of them as he dug both thumbs into the waistband of his shorts. In unison they both bit their lips in anticipation, as the shorts hit the floor. To keep with the theme of the photo in his trunks, Brian was now standing in their room with nothing but his university branded swimming brief.

His familiar bulge was now on display underneath, not for the benefit of any swimming competition, but for their viewing pleasure. April and Carrie both broke eye contact with him and instantly stared at the outline underneath the blue spandex and nylon. It was parallel with the floor, crammed tightly but extending from the center of his body almost to where his thigh began to curve around near his hip. Brian broke the silence, “So you really don’t like coming to the swim meets?”

“Well,” Carrie said, stepping forward to grab his wrist, “they have grown on us a little bit.” She now guided him towards the couch and pushed him down. Under any other circumstance, it would have required about five Carries to be able to knock the large swimmer to a seated position. As he relaxed back on the couch, he was still nearly as tall as them. April stood in front of his left leg, Carrie at his right. They looked at each other again and laughed as they reached behind their backs to unclasp their bras. April’s chest caught his eye first as the straps of her bra rolled down her arms. Her chest was right between a C and a D cup, but on her tall slender frame they looked massive. She had light brown nipples that were already slightly pointed and wrinkles from her arousal had squeezed the areolas into two perfectly shaped ovals.

Carrie followed suit, quickly removing her top and tossing it to the side. Her perky nipples were at attention as well. All three of them were in this awkward state, knowing full well things were going to get a bit wild, but none of them were really sure how to start things off. Brian took the initiative and sat forward on the couch. He reached forward and grabbed Carrie by the waist. His hands were nearly able to wrap around her before spinning her around gently, pulling her back towards him, running his hand up her soft back. She felt the slight pressure between her shoulder blades and knew he wanted her to lean forward. He grabbed the tops of her panties and began to pull them down. Once they passed her ass, the fabric quickly fell to the floor around her ankles. Before she could step out of them, his large hand ran up her inner thigh until the length of his index finger grazed between her legs. Carrie closed her eyes the instant his thumb made contact with the outside of her pussy.

Brian switched his attention to April after a few slow strokes with his gigantic finger, repeating the same task on her as her roommate. Her bottoms took a little more work to get down her gorgeous thick legs. Now with his left hand he was rubbing April, his right returning back to Carrie’s sweet spot. Both girls were beautifully shaved and Brian kept thinking to himself that he had to be dreaming. He kept rubbing them, unable to decide which body to look at, or give more attention to first. He liked all types of bodies, short or tall, hair color didn’t really matter too much, and any breast size was a good one, he was like a kid in a candy store.

But for the ladies, it was great that they were bent over, letting him explore their bodies at will. However, what was behind them was the reason this all started. Brian took up almost three quarters of the couch, so when Carrie and April turned around to sit with him, they needed to sit sideways, each of them tossing a leg up on one of his. Carrie leaned into his chest and he took that opportunity to move his lips to hers. She immediately got lost in his mouth, his lips were as soft as the rest of his body, and she knew immediately by how he kissed, that his tongue could work wonders between her legs. April began to rub her leg up and down his, while running her nails down his bare chest. Brian pulled April to his face, switching to her mouth now while Carrie teased his inner thigh with her nails.

April began to laugh, “I can taste your lip gloss on him,” which caused everyone to break out into laughter as well.

Being totally lost in the moment, Brian suggested, “Well, why don’t you two kiss now.”

The girls looked at each other and April curled over her bottom lip and looked up with a face that said, “sure, fuck it.” Brian watched as the two ladies touched lips, all of them laughing for the first few seconds. Carrie slowly slipped her tongue inside April’s mouth and both of their heads cocked sideways in opposite directions for optimal kissing.

They exited the kiss out of breath, looking back at Brian with the world’s biggest smile. April moved her mouth to his as Carrie began to kiss down his chest, making her way down to his waist, every time her arm brushed against his crotch, he seemed to be getting harder. She slipped the tips of her fingers under his waistband and unlike the rest of his body, the feeling of trimmed hair was tickling her fingertips. April slithered down to her knees to join the party, each of them exploring the outline with a hand. Carrie gave him a squeeze, the warmth was radiating through the synthetic fabric, and she could see that Brian was running out of room. She rubbed her face side to side on his bulge, stopping for a quick little bite and then opened her mouth wide for a big kiss.

Brian shifted his legs in a way that readjusted things below. He watched at two hands and two heads were teasing him, it caused the tip of his dick to slip up and out of the briefs, there it was. April couldn’t wait any longer and pulled at his waistband which sent the top of his dick flying out and into view. With just one finger, Carrie touched it, resulting in an involuntary jolt in his manhood. The girls rushed to pull his bathing suit completely off, “Damn,” April said, “these things are hard to get off.” The girls sat back on their knees drooling, taking a moment to look at the masterpiece they had grown.

Now that the trio were all fully naked, April grabbed his balls and then ran her hands all the way up. His length was impressive, reaching past his belly button. She cupped the head and pulled it forward, holding it in place to measure it against her forearm, “Fuck, no way this is going to fit anywhere,” then opened her mouth and swallowed the first two inches. Brian immediately let out a moan and watched intently as the blonde beauty bobbed her head.

Carrie started kissing him again. He broke away for a moment to let her know, “It’s been a while, I won’t last too long.” She bit his lip and tugged at it, then let go, “Oh don’t worry, we have nowhere to be tonight, every time you go down, one of us will get you back up again, I promise.”

April tapped her partner, “Hey, get down here, this is every guy’s dream, don’t disappoint the man.”

She gave him another kiss and moved down as well. April grabbed him by the shaft, holding him up, and watched as Carrie made the top third of his dick disappear into her mouth. What he lacked from average girth, was made up by his substantial length. April was able to stroke the bottom while Carrie worked on the top with her mouth.

Carrie needed a breather after a few minutes, switching to running her open lips up and down the side. Brian placed his hand on the back of April’s head and softly pushed her closer. She knew what he wanted. She opened her mouth and cocked her head to the side, wrapping her lips around his shaft. Carrie did the same. He held their heads in place and began to rock his hips up and down off the couch. The oral duo didn’t move at all, letting their lips hold him in place as he glided up and down.

Brian, truly enjoying the sight and the feeling of the two of them on him let them know, “Shit, this is a lot, let’s slow down a little,” as he stopped moving.

April ran her hand up his chest until it reached his face. She cupped his cheek and after removing her mouth told him, “No no, it’s ok, just let it go,” soon to return between his legs but now went back to sucking. Carrie moved down to his sucking his balls, alternating between the two, putting one in her mouth to suck, then letting it snap back to grab the other.

In about another thirty seconds he revealed to them, “I’m really, really, close.”

April took her mouth off him to look up at the panting swimmer, she wrapped a hand around him with her thumb strategically rubbing up and down on his frenulum. It was all too much at that moment for Brian, and he quickly grabbed her to resume sucking him. She felt his hips push away from her into the couch as he got tense. A single loud grunt erupted from his mouth as he began to cum.

Brian didn’t explode with overwhelming force. After the first spurt of cum left his body with anticipated intensity, about a dozen or so more pulses simply oozed out massive volumes of the warm liquid into her mouth. It was more than she could handle causing much of it to seep between the corners of her lips. To April, it tasted great, not the typical salty or fishy experience she had in the past, but a sweet and creamy consistency that allowed for a more enjoyable aftercare. Carrie had leaned back, watching her friend attempt to lap everything up.

He sat on the couch fully content in watching her lick and slurp up every drop, twitching when her face, mouth, hair, or any other part from either of the girls brushed against a sensitive spot. Brian grabbed the sides of April’s face and began to pull her up to him, this time intent on using his mouth for something other than kissing. When her face got close to his, he reached down to her waist and with his strong arms, pulled her hips up to his head. April got into position, using two fingers from her hand she spread herself open, and squatted in front of his mouth. Brian reached behind, grabbing her ass and pulling her towards his mouth. He wasted no time and started licking away.

Still on her knees, Carrie watched as her best friend was grinding against his face. She could see Brian’s tongue and chin come in and out of view as April rocked her near perfect body on his face. Of course she watched porn, had seen this position many times, but to see it live turned her on like never before. Without realizing it, her hand had begun to rub between her own legs as the wrinkles of April’s ass flexed with every pleasurable thrust. She was drenched.

Carrie looked down at Brian’s cock, it had lost about an inch during the refractory period so her free hand got back to work. She pumped him up and down, squeezing with a firm grip to get it ready again. Some of his cum from their teamwork blowjob had snuck out the tip. She opened her mouth wide to see how far she could take him. The taste hit her tongue, “Fuck, you taste really good.” Brian was in heaven, a gorgeous girl on his face, another sucking away below.

April was starting to get loud and was really into it. Once Carrie was satisfied with his hardness she stood up. At first she was intimidated at his length, but quickly overcame it as she stepped over his legs, using her own to push them together. Finally, she grabbed him and had to get up high on her tiptoes to position his head in the correct place. Carrie simply let her weight go and inch after inch of Brian easily slipped inside of her. She clenched as the top of his cock pressed deep inside, pushing right against her cervix. Still on her tiptoes, she started rocking up and down. Assuming Brian’s moaning was not only from eating her friend out, she needed to switch positions, wanting to feel him slide in and out at full length.

Carrie moved her knees to the couch and slid up a bit. Her face rested between the top top of April’s thigh and ass bouncing around as Brian’s mouth was getting her close. Now with better leverage, Carrie figured out the right movement to let everything but his head slide out, then sat back down on him until going in as deep as possible. Knowing how quickly he came from getting sucked off, she started out slowly, enjoying the feeling of every bump and vein he had. Sure she had a handful of partners in the past, but nothing like this. As her body adjusted to all the sensations, Carrie increased her pace and held on to April’s legs for balance.

The three of them looked as if they were straight out of a porno that could have been titled, “College Teens Have Their Way with the Shy Swimmer Star.” April had hit her point of no return. She grasped Brian’s hair and no longer needed his head to move. She whipped her clit directly on his tongue in rapid short bursts.

April moaned, “Just like that, don’t stop, I’m close.” He grabbed her ass, spreading it open as he pulled her into his face tighter and she lost it. Carrie watched from behind as her quivering accompanied the noises from her mouth. She slowed down fucking him and leaned back a bit, catching the zenith of her orgasm. Carrie had never seen anything like it, April’s ass puckered repeatedly open and closed as she came on his tongue until the jolts got farther apart versus multiple times each second. April let go of his hair and flipped her leg up and around Carrie to see her riding the swimmer.

“Oh my,” April said, smiling and not fully realizing what was going on behind her, “look at you go.”

Carrie smiled back at both of them, seeing Brian’s face shining from his good dead. She rocked faster now, sitting completely down on him, then rolling her hips forward to let him glide out, before doing it over and over again. She kept increasing the pace until sweat began to form on her body.

“Are you good,” she asked Brian.

He watched intently at the way her body moved, “Yeah, keep going, cum for me,” he groaned.

April let them know, “I have to see this from behind,” and got up off the couch for a better view. She watched as Carrie did all she could to take him all in. A ring of thick white cream had formed in a circle indicating the ultimate limit of his penetration. Brian reached down to pinch her clit between two of his fingers and then started to mimic her movements but in the opposite direction. By now, April had slid over a desk chair and put one foot on the couch and watched as she started rubbing herself.

Carrie wrapped her hands around Brian’s neck, “Keep going, keep going, keep going,” she repeated, “please don’t stop.” She was pumping him hard, like a person who is trying to move a heavy piece of furniture a few more inches into place. Finally she put her hands on his chest as her head rocked back to cum, her knees came off the couch as her legs shot back, one of them landing on top of April’s thighs. Carrie was cumming, but her body was as stiff as a board, her ass cheeks clenched so hard they could have broken rocks. All the while Brian did not stop with his upward thrusts. She let out a long, massive, and loud, “Ohhhhhhhhhh,” remaining completely still with the exception of her uncontrollable shaking. Then a quick and quiet, “Fuck,” exited her lips as her body relaxed to its normal state at the same moment.

She collapsed onto Brian’s chest, he ran his hand up and down from her thighs to her neck until she was ready to dismount him. It took a few minutes, but Carrie eventually rolled off and sat next to him, curled up on the couch. Brian looked down at his chest and could see ten tiny nail marks right above his nipples. He laughed, “Well, that will be hard to explain to the team.” The three of them broke out into hysterics.

“Oh my god,” Carrie yelled, “I’m sooooo sorry.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” he reassured her. Looking over at April he slid a bit to the side to give some room for Carrie, he asked her, “Your turn?”

April shot up off the chair, “Thought you’d never ask.” She pushed his legs apart with her hands and turned around. Brian gripped the base of his shaft and watched her slowly sit down on it, with her great ass in view.

“Hooooooo-ly fuck,” she said, feeling him inside for the first time, “this is a lot of dick.”

Carrie laughed, “Tell me about it.”

April put her feet flat on the floor and legs closer together and bobbed her body up and down, half bent over. It didn’t take long for her to get right up to the perfect momentum. Brian grabbed her hips and started pushing her up and down. They continued for a few moments like this until April had the same thought in her mind as Carrie. She leaned forward more , resting her hands on her knees and rocking forward far enough then back at him for that full penetration. The feeling made her legs weak and she could tell Brian was getting close for a second round.

Carrie was pretty content in just sitting there waiting to watch them both reach orgasm. But Brian had moved his hands between her legs and just as his dick was long, so were his fingers. He slipped inside Carrie as they both watched April working on his dick. She had started to slow down, easing him in and out, it took longer to cum, but the feeling was incredible. He removed his hands and bent over to use his mouth on Carrie, she didn’t resist in the slightest, putting one leg on April’ back, the other on Brian’s shoulder. He had to take his mind off April so he didn’t cum until she was finished.

The combination of his fingers and tongue made Carrie explode in about a minute. The same body movements and stiffness he was familiar with happened again, but with slightly less intensity.

April looked back when she heard, “Oh you little bitch, he made you cum again? Ok Brian, let’s do this.” She kicked everything into high gear and moved her body faster and harder. Carrie readjusted her legs, putting her feet on his chest and wiggling her toes. She took the opportunity to raise one of her feet to his mouth, he obliged and kissed her foot. April’s tits started slapping against her chest as she didn’t let up steam. The two of them started moaning again, getting closer by the second. Carrie got up on her knees on the couch and leaned in to lick his nipples and rub his chest. Brian took a hand to aid April, and began to rub his thumb against her asshole. This seemed to do the trick.

“Oh yes, yes, yes,” April said panting, “almost there.”

Carrie grabbed April’s waist, something she thought of on the spot, and began to pull her body harder into Brian, he moved up into her as well. She could see his legs beginning to twitch as he said, “I’m right there where do you want me to cum?”

“I can’t stop, I can’t stop now, just cum inside me, I’m on the pill,” April explained.

At that moment April came, her insides gripped around Brian and he unloaded as well. The ripples on her ass returned to his watchful view and the two of them came together. April’s legs were weak and she just fell down on the floor to recover when the motions stopped. Brian couldn’t remember the last time he came twice in the same day and sat on the couch speechless.

April eventually got the strength to stand up, wrap up in her bathrobe and walked out of the dorm room to head to the bathroom. Carrie, exhausted as well, simply got off the couch and plopped on the top of her bed. She looked over at Brian, “Wanna spend the night?” He just shook his head and climbed in next to her. April eventually returned, locked the door behind her before dropping the robe, turning off the lights, and curling up on the other side of Brian.

Over the next few months, the three of them engaged in complete uninhibited sexual encounters. Whenever two, or three of them had no classes or practices there was a plethora of sex, blowjobs, and pretty much anything you could think up. Brian felt on top of the world, able to get off at a moment’s notice, and the ladies weren’t complaining either. Oddly, it all worked. They became good friends, but were completely up front with each other about the physicality of their relationship. However, they had a pact that if one of the trio found themselves in a situation of hooking up with a different person, they would use protection so that wasn’t a problem when the hall mates got together again. However, hooking up outside of the group never happened, why would it. They were three highly attractive people who had an understanding, and Brian had a huge rod.

Towards the end of the swim season, Brian had been scouted by another larger university with better facilities and the ability to put him in front of a national stage. He eventually transferred mid-year and after one final exhausting night together, he said goodbye and moved out of the dorm during the next school break.

Carrie was still fighting through her hangover headache, “Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a few hours with him again. Remember when we thought he was a gay guy?”

“Yeah, yeah, he wasn’t gay and I guess you’ll fuck anything now wont you? OK enough,” April barked, “so how the hell did you end up fucking Marc. Start from the beginning.”



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