Betrayal! Bimbo Bambis Know No Boundaries (fmf 30s/CNC/dom-sub/hypnosis)

Bimbos can really only be friends with other Bimbos. After all, they are the only other girls who understand what it’s like to have an insatiable need for cock. Bambi can’t ever get enough cock and will never say no to more cum in her mouth. Her tummy is always hungry for more and she will take semen in any of her available holes. She likes to make her holes as available as possible so you need to help her get filled if you want to be her friend.

Even though Derek was using me at school as often as possible, it wasn’t enough. Bambi always needs more cock, and Derek was finding that his cock needed more Bambi. So one night, Derek asked me to do what would have once been unthinkable. Derek told me I should come over after Sarah went to bed.

Sarah took sleeping pills. I knew that she took sleeping pills from our sleepovers when we were kids. She started taking them as soon as her Mom got remarried due to stress and never stopped. Her pills put her fairly deep to sleep but not enough to ensure she wouldn’t wake up, and they lived in a bachelor apartment together. I wasn’t sure about Derek’s plan, but realistically I didn’t actually have a choice. My training was so deep now that I had to take his cock in my throat. At every opportunity. No matter what.

Derek wouldn’t risk opening the door for me so I had to shimmy my way up and into their window that he left unlocked. I had come over in my satin nightgown and it tore as I squeezed my way in stealthily. It was pitch black but my vision adjusted and I saw the silhouette of Derek on the bed next to Sarah. Sarah was draped on him, her arms on his chest, but Derek was clearly wide awake. He was sitting up and I could feel his eyes on me as my eyes moved down to his erect cock. It was out and waiting for me as he stroked it slowly. I knew what to do. I crawled onto the other side of the bed and silently lowered my mouth onto his cock.

His hand started pushing onto the back of my head and I struggled to take it all in without squealing like the Bimbo Fuck Doll I had now become. Holding my hair in his fist he pumped my face back and forth onto his cock for what must of been at least five minutes until Sarah began to stir.

“Derek…?” she murmured.

“Yes baby, I’m here,” he responded while forcing my head further down onto on his cock so I could neither move nor make a sound.

“What’s that noise?”

“That’s just your imagination, baby. Go back to sleep.”

Sarah rolled over onto her other side leaving Dereks full body free for the first time. She let out a snore as Derek pulled my body on top of his and I felt his hard cock slip firmly inside of me. Derek reached around him for something and a sweaty sock was shoved into my mouth. His pumping and girth increased then, and as my moans began to filter and rise through the sock lodged in my Bimbo throat, he leaned into my ear and whispered: “If you make another single sound I’ll show the whole world what a stupid Bimbo Slut you are. But that’s probably what you want anyways. Now fuck me hard and deep like the needy little piggy I know you are. Show me how badly you want this cock, BAMBI.”

I wanted so badly to comply, to show him how badly I wanted it by pumping him of all his semen, but Master held me firm in his grip and he completely controlled how deep his cock could go now. I was finding out it could go very very deep. He had me prone on my tummy, my back facing him so that I was facing Sarah. I watched her sleep as her fiance was fucking me, pumping his cock tight inside of me, stretching out my holes and massaging my cervix with his warm probing tip.

Derek’s dick was so far in me it seemed to be hitting my belly button from the inside, when I noticed there was a little wet spot forming on Sarah’s panties. Silly Sarah, wearing panties to bed and having Bimbo Dreams most likely. I wanted to help my friend. I looked up at my Master and it was like he could read my mind. He nodded as I lightly ran my finger across Sarah’s panties. The wet spot grew a little larger and I allowed the pressure in my strokes to build. We’d never had a sleepover like this before!

This is from my blog []( and I will refrain from posting tomorrow’s part in the hopes this intrigued you enough to check it out! I rarely make official 2nd parters but this story spun my imagination off into a whole new direction that will keep me off here for some weeks as it’s got rule-breakin badness!! Anyways please join me on my sexcapades thank you :)
