A short story i wrote to tease my partner

I push you against the wall with my body “Shh don’t say a word, Just let me look at you for a moment as I look deep into your beautiful brown eyes i exhale “Fuck! I missed you,Im going to make you feel like the most disirerable woman alive im going to make you quiver with ecstasy” I say in a deep tone your eyes glint with a passionate look that just says take me. I caress your cheek run my thumb over your lip as i lean in close i turn your head slightly and gently wrap my fingers round your neck resting his index and middle fingers just under your chin feeling your pulse. I lean into your ear and whispers softly “hmm your heart rates running a little faster then usual my love” i
say with a smirk knowing full well why your heart is racing you find it extreamly sexy how I’m being with you,I kiss and suck your neck a tiny bit giving u a Tiny love bite right where my fingers where you moan softly as I do this I then pull away put my lips to your ear and whisper softly “mmmm I have missed the way u taste”
you lick your lips as your breath hitches as you try to utter somthing but your speachlsss my lips just an inch away from yours you can feel my warm breath against them As I glance down at your lips as you bite you Bottom lip in such a sudductive manner that makes me want to subdue to my own urges as I slowly lure my eyes back up to yours I notice that your cheeks have gone to a deep red passion as your complexion is so beautifully flushed as my eyes connect with yours you feel as if I’m staring deep into your soul as your breathing begins to change i lean in just that little bit closer as you close your eyes you lean in too i lean back teasing you….

i use the room between us to turn you round so your facing the wall one palm face down on the wall while the other your fingers wrapped round the door frame I move your hair to the side exsposing your ear I run my hands down your body wrapping my fingers tightly around your hips pushing my throbbing bulge firmly against your ass you can feel it grinding against the skirt of your dress I then slowly kiss up your neck grazing my teeth a little till I get to your ear. you step out of them i take and ball them up in my hand they are dripping wet with your sweet juices I then place them in your mouth you bite down on them as I whisper “shhh my love try not to make a sound” I then push you against the wall with my body so you are right up against it i slowly unzip the back of your dress while gently blowing on your neck making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end i lightly touch over the back of your neck making my way down your back as you a soft muffled moan escapes your panties i kiss the back of your neck while slideing your dress off of your shoulders as it hits the floor i spin you back round so your facing me and we are body to body…

I put my forehead next to yours your panties still in your mouth I look longingly into your wide lustful eyes and smile with a devilish grin I gently trace my fingers down your body taking my time to feel every curv and crevice of your magnificent body Till I get to your pussy I tease your clit a little as you moan tenderly then inset my index middle fingers and you let out a gasp dropping your panties i pull my fingers out I reach up to your lips and run my index finger along it after you bite your lip and lick them slowly i take a couple of steps back for a few moments you just stand there shocked my level of teasing I then take hold of you and pin you to the bed I kiss up your body up your neck then put my forehead against yours lean in to kiss your tender lips then you wake up n it was all just a dream…..

(new to posting on redit please excuse grammar/spelling it’s on my phone and its just a draft. please let me know what u think many thanks)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10uip3a/a_short_story_i_wrote_to_tease_my_partner

1 comment

  1. Once it has been edited with typos, grammar and punctuation done, and you’ve decided whether to stick with first person or third person, and you’ve fixed up any discrepancies (“you step out of them” refers to panties that hadn’t yet been mentioned) etc it will be totally hot. I love the level of heat 🥵

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