Roommates Loud and Insatiable GF Part 3: Portia’s Nectar [MF]

*You should read parts 1 and 2 for some context but it’s not necessary. This story starts off right after part 2.*

Portia and I snuggled warmly in my bed, her head rested on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. We had just spent the past hour exploring each other’s bodies, and now I was basking in the afterglow. Our bodies fit together perfectly like two puzzle pieces, and our hands gently caressed each other’s backs, sending shivers down our spines. Portia slowly started to grind her pussy agianst my leg, and my cock started to swell up. The white noise from the TV was a soothing background to our conversation. I joked that we had pretty much broken every rule Kelvin had set. Portia rolled onto her back, started rubbing her pussy while rapidly flicking her toungue and said, “There is still something you haven’t done yet, something Kelvin refuses to do”.
I knew exactly what she meant, I rolled on top of her and slowly sterted kissing my way down her body. I spent a few minutes sucking on her perky boobs before kissing down her abdomen. Her cunt was already leaking pussy juice onto the sheets, I gave her slit a quick lick just to get a taste. I was licking all around her pussy trying to get her all wound up when she grabbed my hair and moaned,
**Please!!!!! I need this!!!!! Dont tease me!!!!!**
I continued to tease her for a few more moments, watching as her breathing became more and more ragged. She was so turned on that I could see her juices flowing out of her, and I finally gave in to her request. I buried my face between her legs, taking her clit into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. I inserted two fingers and rubbed her G-spot, she was so wet and tight. Her hips started to gyrate and grind against my mouth while I continued fingering her, I could feel her getting closer and closer to orgasm.
**Ughhh!!! Ughhh!!! Ughhh!!! I’m gonna fucking CUMMMM!!!!!!!!**
Her hips were bucking in sync with my mouth, she moaned loudly and I felt her walls contract around my tongue and fingers The tangy flavor of her pussy started to fill my mouth. Portia arched her back and her body tensed up, she pushed my head away from her pussy. She held still for a moment and then screamed as she came, squirting all over my face and neck. I dove back in and I lapped up every drop, savoring the sweet taste of her nectar. My tongue could feel the post-orgasmic temors coursing through her body.
I continued to kiss and lick her until her breathing returned to normal and she relaxed back onto the bed. I gently lifted my head from between her legs, and Portia lay there panting and sweating, her eyes closed. I kissed my way back up her body taking in her scent and taste, my face still covered in her juices. Portia opened her eyes, she ran her fingers through my hair and smiled at me, a look of pure bliss on her face. I gave her a deep kiss, she moaned and said “damn, I taste good”.
We lay there in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the closeness of each other’s bodies. I traced my fingers over the curves of her hips, admiring her beauty. Portia’s skin was still flush from her recent orgasm, and I couldn’t resist kissing her neck. She let out a contented sigh and nestled her head into my neck. We eventually got up to rehyrdrate and freshen up. Portia checked on Kelvin before rejoining me in bed.
