My first slumber party [FF][18+][Fiction]

This is a work of fiction and all characters are 18 or older.

It was my 18th birthday and I was invited to a slumber party at my best friend Tara’s house. I normally wouldn’t have gone to something like that but she really wanted me to go, so I agreed. We had been friends since my parents my parents had moved to Texas when I was in middle school. It took me a while to get adjusted after I felt my life had been uprooted.

Tara and her family lived on 5 acres about 30 minutes from my house. I normally hated to drive by myself but my mom said I could take the car so she wouldn’t have to drop me off. When I got there I saw Tara and our other friend Stephanie was already here and they looked very excited to see me. I also noticed another girl that I didn’t know. She was wearing a long flowy top, which barely covered anything because it didn’t look like she wore a bra underneath.

I said hi to Tara and Stephanie, Tara made me feel welcome and told me to help myself to any food or drinks in the kitchen. As I walked past the new girl I heard her say: “Wow, you’re hot!” She turned around and gave me a big smile. Tara introduced us. Her name was Katie. Then she added a warning. “Don’t let her talk you into doing something you don’t want to do.”
“I’m not sure what that means,” I replied.
Katie smiled again and said: “Let me show you what I mean. You need to come over and hang out with us for a bit before the party gets started.”
I figured she meant we would watch some TV or play video games or something. So I followed her into another room where she led me to a couch. I sat down on the couch and Katie sat down on the other side leaving a space between us. Stephanie sat on the floor and Tara was standing in the doorway.

She leaned forward and said: “So, are you going to do anything special tonight?”
“What? What do you mean?” I asked.
Katie’s hand reached up and slid under the hem of her shirt, which was still loosely tied around her neck. She brought it up to her face and ran her fingers across the top of her breast. Slowly she pulled the shirt up until it was completely off and her breasts sprung out.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She was staring at me as if I was supposed to be impressed.
Katie lowered her hand between her legs and started playing with herself. She turned to me and grinned. “Do you like them?” she asked.
I just stared at her. “Um, yes… I guess,” I stammered.
I looked at Tara and silently begged for help.
She glanced at Katie and said: “I think you’re going a little too far for Haley.” Tara stepped closer and sat between me and Katie. She put her arm on my shoulder and told me: “She doesn’t know you very well yet. She’ll probably stop if you tell her to. Don’t worry.”
“Ok,” I said. “But please don’t leave me alone with her anymore.”
Tara smiled and patted my shoulder. “I won’t.”

Katie laughed and pulled her shirt back down. With that one action she had caused an incredible amount of excitement in me. I had never seen another girl’s boobs that close before. I tried to hide how aroused I was feeling but it wasn’t easy. I began to fidget in my seat on the couch and Tara reached over and grabbed my hand to calm me down. She leaned over and whispered into my ear. “Just relax. This is just part of growing up. I promise I’ll help you through it.”
Katie was now sitting on the edge of the couch facing me directly. “So Haley, have you ever kissed another girl?” she asked.
“No, I haven’t even kissed a boy” I answered honestly. She looked at me stunned.
“Oh, you’ve never even been kissed then?” she asked.
“Well, no…” I said. I wasn’t sure why she asked me that.
“Look kissing is easy.” She said while moving to floor next to Stephanie. “All you have to do is lean in and press your lips against theirs. That’s it. If you can do that, you’ll be fine.”
She said while pressing her lips against Stephanie’s.
Stephanie was a little shocked but she didn’t move away. Katie kept putting her mouth against Stephanie’s and then pulling back. It seemed like she was trying to teach me what to do. “After you get that down you can use your tongue.”
“Does that feel weird?” I asked.
“Not at all, really,” she replied. “In fact, it feels pretty good to both of us.”
I watched as Katie continued to make out with Stephanie. After a few minutes she stopped and said: “Ok, you ready?”
Again I was caught totally off guard. “Ready for what?” I asked.
“For your first kiss,” she said.
I shook my head. “No… I mean, I’m not ready.” I felt my stomach tying itself into knots. I let go of Tara’s hand and stood up to leave and walked out the door.

Before I got to my car, the door opened and Tara came out. “Please don’t leave. ” She pleaded. “Come back inside. I know you’ll enjoy it. I promise you will.”
“No thanks,” I said. “I just don’t feel comfortable here right now. It’s my birthday and I want to go home.”
She stepped closer to me and put her hand on my arm. “I have a confession, I invited Katie and asked her to do that stuff to see if it would turn you on, but I can see it was too much.”
“Why would you do that?” I asked.
“I know how reserved you are and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by making the first move. ” she answered. ” I love you and I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable. ”
“But you did anyway,” I said. “Now I don’t know what I should do.”
Tara sighed and squeezed my arm. “Haley, I’m sorry about everything. I promise to try to be more understanding in the future.”
I was relieved to hear this and I finally started feeling better. “Thanks, Tara,” I said and turned to look at her.
She was wearing a light blue button-up blouse that I hadn’t seen before. A few buttons had popped open and I could see part of her cleavage. I also noticed her nipples were poking out the fabric. I swallowed hard and looked into her eyes.
“I love you too,” I said nervously and almost lost my balance.

With that she leaned in and kissed me passionately. It was only a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to make me dizzy. We stood there holding each other for several seconds and then she released me and smiled. “Please come back inside, I’ll tell Katie to stop. ” She said. I smiled back and nodded. I headed back towards the house and closed the door behind me. I wondered what had just happened. It felt like I was dreaming.

The next two hours passed quickly as we ate and played games and talked. I felt like I was having a real slumber party. Katie would make the occasional comment about sex, but I could tell that she was trying to be respectful. I didn’t seem to mind as much before now that she wasn’t making any advances towards me.
Everyone was starting to get tired so we decided to put on a movie while settling down for bed. Tara set up a queen sized air mattress for Katie and Stephanie to sleep on and then took the cushions off the couch to set up the fold out bed for the two of us. I thought it was nice of her since I had been sleeping alone in a twin size bed all these years.

The movie started and Tara turned off the lights.I was in the fold out bed and Tara laid downnext to me. Her body was pressed against mine and I was momentarily startled by it.
“You ok?” she asked.
I nodded and lay motionless on the bed. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was feeling sick to my stomach. I was afraid to move lest I fall off the bed. Tara grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head.
“Are you ok?” she repeated. “Is this too much for you?”
“No… I’m fine,” I lied. My eyes were closed and I was trying to relax but it was difficult. I couldn’t get the image of Katie’s bare breasts out of my mind. They were so full and soft and I wanted to touch them badly. I was trying to keep my breathing slow and deep. I didn’t think I could handle any more excitement tonight, but I knew if I didn’t do something soon I’d lose control. I tried to focus my thoughts but it wasn’t working.

Suddenly I felt Tara’s hand caressing my leg. I jumped a little and my breathing became erratic again.
“Shhh, don’t freak out,” she whispered. “It’s ok. You can trust me.”
I relaxed again and let her continue stroking my leg. She kept her hand there for a few minutes and then slowly moved it up my thigh. I gasped as her fingertips brushed across my crotch and up towards the waistband of my panties.
“Do you want me to stop?” she asked softly.
I shook my head and felt her hand move up further until it was cupping my mound through the thin material of my panties. She rubbed her fingers over my skin gently and I moaned in response. I covered my mouth and looked over at Katie and Stephanie, they seemed to be either watching the movie or asleep. I was afraid of disturbing them with my moaning so I decided to cover up my sounds with a cough.

Tara’s fingers continued their gentle massage. I had never been touched like this before. My nipples were rock hard and tingling. I had to admit that it felt wonderful. Her fingers worked their way up until she was touching my pussy through the fabric. I was surprised that the panties weren’t soaked already. In fact, I was still dry. Tara moved her mouth to my ear and whispered “Why don’t you take your panties off?”
I didn’t know what to say. I had never done anything like this before. I wasn’t even sure if it was a good idea. But I loved the way she was touching me and I trusted her. So I removed my panties and handed them to her.
She tossed them on the ground and moved her hands back to my thighs. I looked at her and smiled as she rubbed her fingers over my nakedness.
“How does that feel?” she asked.
“Amazing,” I whispered.
She smiled and said “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Don’t worry, I want to,” I said. “I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
Tara nodded in agreement and said “Ok then… I’ll start.”

I closed my eyes and waited for what was coming next.
She spread my legs farther apart and slid her hand up between them. My breath caught in my throat as I felt her fingers slide over my pussy. She was teasing me with her touch and I was loving it. Her fingertips traveled over my clit and then down over my labia. I gasped again and clenched my teeth. I was so excited that I could barely contain myself.
“Do you like what I’m doing?” she asked.
“Yes… Yes… I do,” I whispered. “I’ve never been touched like this before.”
She smiled and continued exploring me with her fingers. I felt like I was going to explode any second.
“Can you breathe ok? Are you ok?” she asked.
I nodded and she continued to stroke me gently. I realized I needed to answer her but I wasn’t sure how. “Uh… yes,” I managed to say.
“Good,” she said. “I was worried you might pass out.”
“I’m fine,” I said and continued to moan as she fingered me. Tara’s fingers moved further up until they were rubbing my clit. The sensation was unbelievable. I began shaking uncontrollably from head to toe. I threw my head back and arched my neck. Tara moved her other hand to the side of my face and pushed me back down onto the bed. I was lying on my back and I could feel her hot breath on my lips. She ran her tongue along my top lip and then moved forward until her mouth was inches from mine. She licked her lips seductively and then tilted her head down towards mine. Our mouths met and our tongues intertwined. I moaned softly into her mouth as I explored hers. Our kissing grew more intense as our tongues danced together. It was like I had died and gone to heaven.

Then I heard someone say: “Hey! What are you girls doing?”
I opened my eyes and saw Katie standing by the fold out bed.
“I… uh… I… I’m sorry,” I stammered. “We didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Katie grinned and sat down next to me on the bed. “Oh, don’t worry about it,” she said. “I was hoping to have some fun with Stephanie myself, but she fell asleep as soon as the lights went off.”
Stephanie’s head popped up off the pillow. “What? No! No!” she said loudly. “I’m not asleep!”
Tara laughed and said: “It’s ok, Steph. We were just fooling around.”
“Oh well then, I leave you to it.” Katie said while winking at me.

I rolled over onto my side and Tara spooned herself behind me and put her arms around me. I felt her hands stroking my shoulders and back. I heard a noise and turned my head to see what was happening. I saw Katie and Stephanie were both naked. The two of them were kissing passionately. Tara pulled away and smiled at me. “It looks like they’re having fun.”
I rolled over and faced Tara. She reached up and pulled my shirt off. I blushed as she saw my breasts for the first time. I was embarrassed by their size and shape. My nipples were pointing straight out and were very sensitive.
“Wow,” Tara said. “Those are beautiful.”
I was surprised at how sincere she sounded. I smiled back at her and then she leaned forward and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings.

I could feel her hand moving down my face and accross my collarbone. It moved down my chest and then her fingers brushed across my breast. I gasped when she touched me there and a shiver ran up my spine.
I could feel her thumb and finger pressing on my nipple. I whimpered and closed my eyes again.
When she started squeezing it I cried out and lifted my head away from the pillow. She chuckled and kissed me again. This time she moved her mouth lower and teased my neck with her tongue. Her hand left my breast and traveled down my stomach until she reached my pubic area. She traced circles around my mound and then slid a single finger inside me. I gasped from the pleasure and wrapped my arms around her neck.
She fingered me slowly and I felt like I was melting. She stopped and kissed me again. I felt her tongue probing my mouth and I responded eagerly. She moved her mouth to my ear and whispered: “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I moaned.
She smiled and pressed her lips to mine once again. She moved her hips forwards slightly and slipped a second finger inside me. I moaned into her mouth as I felt the wetness spreading throughout my pussy.
“Look at me,” she whispered. “Tell me what you want.”
I opened my eyes and looked back at her. Her dark brown eyes were fixed upon mine. I could feel my body responding to her touch. My breathing was becoming faster and deeper. I felt myself getting carried away.
“I want you. ” I said between moans.
I felt her fingers sliding in and out of me. She was using a firm yet gentle grip and I could feel every motion she made. Her fingers were stretching me wider and further than ever before. I wanted more.
“More,” I whispered.

Tara smiled and moved her hand until it was massaging my clit. Her thumb brushed over my swollen nub. I was lost in the sensations. Every nerve ending in my body was alive and buzzing with energy. I could feel my orgasm building and I couldn’t wait for it to happen.
Tara’s fingers were moving faster now, rubbing me harder. I could hear her moaning quietly and then I joined in.
“Cum for me,” she whispered.
As soon as she said it I exploded. I screamed as wave after wave of pleasure shot through my entire body. My muscles tightened all over my body and I began thrashing around wildly on the bed. I felt Tara grab hold of me and pull me close to her. I was almost blind from the intensity of my climax. When it finally subsided I could only lie there, gasping for air.
“That was amazing,” I whispered. “Thank you.”
She smiled and said: “My pleasure.”
I rolled over onto my side and Tara lay beside me. I cuddled up against her with my head against her chest and listened to her heart beating. I felt safe and protected and completely satisfied. I fell asleep quickly.



  1. Damn. That got me all excited. Very nice. I got a bit confused in places. It’s usual to start a new line each time a different person says something. It’s easier to read. But it’s a very hot story and certainly got my heart beating faster.

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