Professor’s Dilemma [MF] [Teacher Student] [Creampie]

(Note: Both characters are of age)

Maria has been a professor at the local college for a few years now, and it goes without saying that she has settled down quite well into the teaching profession. 

Her students respect her, on the whole, and most of them are mature enough to hand in work on time and listen (or pretend to) during her lectures. But amongst all of her students, one stands out. Kai, with his infuriatingly suave smile and impossibly handsome features is not a bad student by any standards. He is punctual to her classes, and is an extremely bright student. The only issue is— he seems more focused on Maria than her lectures, during her classes. 

His eyes are always piercingly fixated on Maria’s self, instead of the whiteboard or on his notebook. She thinks she can count the number of times she sees him actually take something down. 

It drives her insane in a way that is probably not appropriate of her, the heat of his stare going straight down to her crotch. 

She hates that she wants what she cannot have. 

━━━━━━━━ ✠ ━━━━━━━━

Her gut twists with a sense of guilt as she imagines Kai’s fingers slipping into her pussy, using her own fingers as a substitute. 

She knows this isn’t professional

She knows, and yet— 

Maria cums with a drawn out moan, her fingers slick with pleasure. She closes her eyes, and breathes out a sigh. 

It’s already unusual for her to masturbate, Maria not being one to have many sexual desires, but for her to get off on thoughts relating to one of her students… she can’t help but feel dirty. Her strict moral compass screams at her actions but she attempts to shut her internal protests down. 

It isn’t like things are going to escalate, after all. 

━━━━━━━━ ✠ ━━━━━━━━

When Kai waits for everyone to stream out of the classroom before standing up from his own seat, she thinks nothing of it. He probably wants to ask a question or do about the material they covered that day, or about the homework. Nothing wrong with that. 

She offers him a kind smile as he approaches slowly, “What can I help you with?”

It’s only when he saunters around the table to stand directly in front of Maria that alarm bells start going off. 

Kai up close is more intimidating, yet attractive, than Kai all the way across the lecture hall is the first thought that comes to her mind. He’s tall, extremely so, dark eyelashes highlighting his eyes in a way that made him look like some sort of model. 

“What are you…?” She manages to get out before her voice falters and fails her. Under his intense gaze, she can feel herself getting wet and she loathes herself for it. 

“Professor…” His voice is low, with a teasing lilt, “I could see you staring at me throughout the lesson. Like what you see?” 

Her eyes widen in shock. She didn’t think she was staring— but with the tight black shirt that Kai had worn that highlighted his muscular figure even more than usual, how could she not? 

She searches for a way to escape this conversation, but alas. Without her noticing, he manages to have her trapped between him and the desk. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” She feigns ignorance, levelling her student with a stern look, “but if you continue with this… this behaviour, I will have to report you to—” She cuts off her own sentence with a moan as Kai presses a knee between her thighs. 

“Are you sure, professor?” He leans forward, lips brushing against her left ear, “But why on earth would you do that when you’re so wet for me already?” 

Before she can retort with anything, he slips two fingers into her panties and presses against her entrance, eliciting a whimper from the woman. 

“I want you to beg for me to bend you over the table and fuck you,” His voice is barely a murmur, but Maria shivers at his words all the same. 

“I- I don’t want to..!” She denies, face burning with embarrassment. 

“Is that right?” 

No warning is given before he presses onto her clit. Hard. 

Maria feels like her life just flashed before her eyes for a moment as her legs threaten to buckle under her.

“Don’t you want to feel good, professor?” It’s said almost as a taunt, and she can feel his smirk against her skin. 

“I… I do,” She admits.

“Then, what’s the magic word?”

He definitely gets some sort of sick pleasure from her shame, she decides. 


“Please _what_, darling? Use your words~”

“Please fuck me,” She can only bear to whisper the words. Maybe, she can be selfish. Just for once. 

A long moment passes, long enough that Maria wonders if Kai even caught her words, before he leans away from her and she thinks she sees a hint of a smile on his face, before it’s replaced by his trademark smirk. 

“Strip for me,” He says, and Maria thinks she has never followed instructions so fast in her life. Both of their clothes get thrown quickly into a pile on the floor. 

She steals a quick glance at his dick, out of curiosity at what will be entering her later, and why is it so _big_. Could it even fit her??

“Don’t stare so much,” Maria’s face reddens once more, when she looks back up to Kai’s face and realises he seems to be utterly transfixed by her body. She hasn’t been naked in front of anyone other than family, and the way Kai is looking at her seems like he’s trying to memorise every detail. 

“How can I not, when you are as beautiful as you are?” Kai replies, but apparently decides to spare her additional embarrassment as he follows up the compliment by sweeping the things on her desk onto the floor, “Hope none of those were important.”

“Bastard,” She manages to get out before Kai catches her lips in his. 

She freezes for a moment, before tentatively pressing her own lips against his. _Her first kiss is being taken by her student. How… how far has she fallen?_

Maria doesn’t have much time to dwell on the fact that she’s humiliatingly inexperienced for someone of her age, as Kai quickly and skillfully takes charge. 

Her first kiss is every bit passionate and full of heat that she had imagined when she was younger, both of them moaning into it. 

Kai gently lays her on the desk, before spreading her legs open wide. 

“Beautiful, like the rest of you,” His voice is too fond for Maria to handle. Too fond for a setting or a hook-up like this. 

She couldn’t find it in herself to dislike it. 

He produces a small bottle of what is presumably lube out of the pile of clothing and slicks up his dick before pressing it into her folds. 

It feels undeniably good, she admits to herself as she attempts to muffle her moans and whimpers. 

He starts thrusting into her, each one sending a new wave of pleasure coursing through her. It’s too much and too little at the same time. 

“F-faster, please!” 

Her wish is granted as Kai quickens his pace. 

She can lose herself easily in this pleasure, she thinks, and it scares her. 

For now, though, all she can focus on is how good Kai’s dick feels in her. 

“You’re so good for me, aren’t you? So pretty and obedient.”

“A-ah, yes..! Feel so good…” She whines, arms thrown around Kai’s neck as the man marks her neck and chest. Like she was his territory, something he found necessary to claim. 

She comes just from the thought, eyes fluttering shut as she rides out her orgasm.

Kai shudders as he comes deep in her, pressing his hips tightly against Maria’s. She can feel the warmth leaking into her and she discovers she loves it. 

The cum leaks out as he pulls out but he scoops it back up and fucks it back into her. Guiding it back to where it belongs. 

“I have to go to my next class now,” He says, rather apologetically, as he puts his clothes back on, “I’ll see you tomorrow, hm?” He kisses Maria once more on the lips, perhaps for good measure, before leaving the lecture hall. Leaving Maria on the desk, his cum in her womb. 

She cannot find it in herself to regret the entire encounter. 

A part of her hopes this isn’t a one time thing. 


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