My Bully[M23] Fucks My Mom[F40] Then Blackmails me[F20] [True Story] [Cheating] [Free Use] [Unexpected Ending Part 1/2]

# Context: Before reading this, understand that this is a burner account because my Dad is on Reddit and for his sake I don’t want him to find out this way.

Back in collage in late 2022 November, I (for safety lets say my name is ”Amber”) had been struggling with my classes and to add extra stress I had a Bully (lets say his name is ”Tyler”) who made things difficult by constantly humiliating me, bumping into me, tease me and very few times grope me by playing off the times he bumped into me.

I’m 5’1ft/155cm, 119Ibs/54kg, Bust 36in, Waist 20in, Hips 37in and I was a little popular for being attractive. I have natural freckles and light blonde hair but at the time I had it bleached white. Most noticeable about me was my body, I have a sexy curvy body as I’ve been approached by many guys and girls at the school and telling me that I do, even though I had a boyfriend at the time. My boyfriend was the a tall athlete sweet heart in the school and was very social (lets call him ”Aaron”) he was always protective of me but in the most sweetest ways possible and was never up in my space about who I could talk or be with and we had separate groups of friends. Regardless, my boyfriend was obsessed with how good I looked and so did other boys and vocalised it much with my boyfriend even though I always dressed up in tom boyish clothing, I wore TechWear pants, 5’11 Combat boots, and the only feminine thing I wore was a Tight Crop tops, choker and panties.

# Now for the Story.

I had started school in August 2022 and was very Social with people and got close with some female teachers and you’d think I was doing good at school for having teacher friends but I wasn’t… I struggled a lot and would be around my study friends to help me out. Later that month a new late student got in the school and happened to be close with my study friends, this new student was Tyler. Tyler was considered sexy to many girls, he was tall 6’5ft, muscular and he had a deep sexy voice which other girls loved so he was also a little popular. My friends told me he wanted to meet me because he had heard about me. But as busy as I was, I just couldn’t find any time to engage a conversation with him and maybe it may have bothered him but after a 2 days he started teasing me, joked about my boy’ish clothes and criticized how I looked, which I’ll admit made me insecure and I had a harder time spending time with my study group and eventually he would be whispering things to other boys how I was his. Those rumours hadn’t been a huge problem and I am very independent so I tried to fix the issue by just avoiding him and not be bothered which looking back at it was not the right call. I ended up leaving the study group because it didn’t feel right that they should suffer him because I was there and I thought that would also stop him. This however didn’t stop him because 2 days later he would be following me with some of his friends and eventually got to the bumping and humiliating parts. I didn’t tell anyone nor my boyfriend cause I always felt bad about causing problems and always wanted to fix them myself as the independent idiot I was, plus I didn’t want conflict between Tyler and Aaron. Things started getting more aggressive and a straw was pulled. Tyler and his 2 buddies came up to me by my car before I could get in, they cornered me and Tyler broke out a soft frustration sigh and tried to be sexy and flirty with me in his way.

**Tyler:** *”Amber, Baby, we want you to hangout with us at my place, come with us.”* He said in a soft tone as they moved closer and I couldn’t open my car.

**Am:** *”Tyler, please I need to get home and I also got nothing to do with you with how you’ve been treating me.”* I felt secure with my answer but also sick to my stomach, I clearly could tell that he wanted to have me be some fuck toy for him and his friends.

**Tyler:** *”you sure? you don’t seem to be against me when I touch you in the halls, if anything the fact that you don’t even fight back and just accept it, I’d say you like being submissive like that.”* He said as he pulled on the front of my choker and seeing me gulp slowly to his answer… It was true, I didn’t fight back. I felt gaslighted, did I really let him continue? I’ll be honest, in that moment I felt hot that those 3 sexy guys desired me this way but it rose a humiliating anger out of me and I was sent back a sentence because my mind was aroused but as I quickly spoke up they had huddled closer and almost squeezing me and I felt the 2 boys touching me from the sides.

**Am:** *”Tyler please stop, you do nothing but fucking bother me.”*

**Tyler:** *”Is that why you haven’t told your boyfriend about it?”* I felt so angry at that point that I wanted to do anything to get him away from me.

**Am:** *”Get off me!”* I turn around to get in my car and Tyler then groped his fingers around my curve line on my ass and he ran his fingers quickly in and out of my pussy, and I let out a grunt moan which I could tell definitely turned the boys on. I pushed them off and got into my car and drove away. I fucked up… my mind was racing and I swelled up with tears as I called Aaron and told him what had happened except the groping part. needless to say the two of them got in a vicious fist fight in the morning and Aaron lost… but only Tyler got expelled.

I was upset cause I didn’t mean for it to happen, my mind raced to possible outcomes, should I not have said anything? but then he would keep harassing me, so should I have gone and fucked him but that would break my boyfriend and his trust but would it have been the easier outcome? In the end I calmed down and focused on the fact that this was over, however I could never have known what would happen next.

A week and 2 days later as I’m driving to my parents home I see another unfamiliar car parked in front of my parents house. I thought it was just some family friend but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I felt sick, uncomfortable and confused. As I walked through the door, I see Tyler sitting in the living room with his top off and a little sweaty, already smirking and looking down at his phone. I couldn’t move, I just sat there and was confused, scared and overwhelmed with different emotions. I couldn’t bring out any words out of fear and also because my eyes zoned out on his topless body. Tyler was a horrifying and an asshole but he was hot, a well structured body and it made things all more frustrating and upsetting and I hated it. after 20 good seconds my mom walks out of her bedroom with wet hair and dressed in fresh new but unusually sexy clothes. My mom normally wears typical mom clothes like Jeans and a sweater but she walked out wearing black Ankle Strapped Cone Heels and a black Long Sleeve Pleated Design Off Shoulder Tight Dress and sexy clothing on my mom is dangerous. My mom is insanely attractive and it made me worried many times before but especially now. She is fit and has identical body to Kelsi Monroe (I watch porn, what do you expect) except that my mom is a C cup, has blonde hair and looks similar to me but older. Since I was a young girl I’ve always loved my mom and dad, I know that my dad is obsessed with my mom and they love each other very much and have been in love for a long time but recently they have been having a difficult time with their relationship due to my dad always be busy with work and her being sexually frustrated and the current moment with Tyler being at our home was not okay… Mom walks in and notices me right away and greets me. Tyler immediately looks up at me and his smirking grin has while looking at his phone turns into a devious big smile and adjusts himself on the couch to be more comfortable and places his arms and the headrest. Mom comes up to me and gives me a tight hug and gets a little water on me from her wet hair.

**Mom:** *”Sweet baby! welcome home! look who’s here, its your friend Tyler. Don’t worry, he told me about him and the incident and how Tyler stood up for you against your toxic/abusive Boyfriend. I’m sorry that you got expelled for that Tyler, you didn’t deserve that.”* He fucking lied to my mom. I felt so shaky and stunned I might as well have puked at the spot.

I couldn’t get a word out, I felt speechless.

**Tyler:** *”No worries Mrs. Mom, Amber and I have been good friends since she started school and I don’t want anything bad to happen to her. Thank YOU however for today.”* My mom did a little flirt smile then looked and me and told me she was gonna grab me some food and something to drink and asked if Tyler wanted anything to which he denied and said he had to be going. As my mom left to the kitchen, Tyler got up and walked over to me and pulled out his phone.

**Tyler:** *”Karma is fucking great, check this out.”* His arms reached around me and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close as he opened up a video on his phone. It was him fucking my mom. The phone recording seemed to be behind the plants my parents keep by their window, so I knew right then that he recorded their sex in secret. They were fucking extremely rough and I could hear my moms moans pitch higher and heavier as Tyler held tightly on her throat with her legs over his shoulder and his free hand pinching one of her nipples and the sounds coming from the two of them fucking sounded heavy. I could hear the clapping sounds from his hips and her ass clashing forming a ***phlop phlop*** sound. It ended with the video of her sucking his large cock and him sending his warm bulks of cum down her throat and on her face and tits. His cock was very big and I noticed it, it must’ve been like 8 inches… I understood now, her clean clothes and wet hair is because she just finished shower after a rough fuck.

I couldn’t believe what I saw, I felt horrible and I wanted to cry for my dad. My dad could NOT see this or know about this and Tyler knew.

**Tyler:** *”Now, lets cut the shit. you keep your filthy snitching slut mouth shut and I wont show this to your dad. If you tell your weak bitch boyfriend or your cuck dad we both know that your mom will just come to me and want more of my cock. your mom by the way is such a good little slut and I will be coming back but only in secret as long as you keep your mouth shut, deal?”*

I started to tear up and I was lost. If I had done something before, this wouldn’t have happened, but If I had gone with them, what would’ve happened? I couldn’t think straight.

I silently nodded.

Holding back my emotions trying to protect my dad. Tyler leaves and I run in the shower, turn it on and cried quietly trying to figure out how to fix things.

The next few days they fucked in the house even when I was or wasn’t there. I felt lost in thoughts and at one point blurred out in my mind that my mom needed this, she is her own person but quickly dismissed the thought.

Then one day Tyler arrived shortly after my dad had left for work and was greeted by my mom, I didn’t see it but I was listening from my room. I heard them go into my dad’s study room and the doors lock. Before they started fucking I could hear my mom say ”lets be quiet so Amber doesn’t hear us.” but I could hear everything including him telling her ”too bad I’m not just fucking your daughter and you joining in.” to which my mom just straight up started fucking him, her moans getting louder and Tyler’s grunts becoming more aggressive and after 40min they finished. Thank good it was over.
after a little bit I could hear the front door opening and closing and a car leaving. I was so relieved to hear him leave and didn’t wanna leave my room to interact with mom, I couldn’t.

A minute later and I could hear footsteps coming towards my room and opening, I quickly wiped my tears away before the door was fully opened but it wasn’t my mom, it was Tyler, standing there half naked with his muscles out. I almost screamed but before I could stand up he stepped back and spoke.

**Tyler:** *”calm down, calm down baby.”*

**Am:** *”why are you here? where’s my mom? leave me alone!.”*

**Tyler:** *”Relax your mom went out to get plan B because I came inside her. I’m here to make a new deal.”*

**Am:** *”what, what could you possible want to do to torture me more, you’re already fucking my mom and lied to her, beat up my boyfriend and are ruining my life.”*

**Tyler:** *”I’m gonna give you the opportunity to fix all that, I’ll stop fucking your mom if you just listen to me.”*

I flood of comfort washed over me hearing those words. I calmed down and listened to him and he did not move an inch closer to me.

**Tyler:** *”You’re right, I am ruining your life and I don’t want to. My truth is that I fell in love with you the first day I saw you and I don’t wanna ruin your life this way.”*

**Am:** *”What the fuck do you mean This way?”*

I wanted to call him a creep and hit him but he was too strong and calling him a creep wouldn’t work cause he knows that he’s too attractive and hot to be labelled as one…

**Tyler:** *”Just listen, I will stop fucking your mom if you work out this deal with me. I want you, I’ll give us 3 weeks where you take your moms place and be my free use fuck toy and then you can decide if you still want me or not and the conditions are:*

*1. That if you back out, I’ll show the video to your dad.*

*2. If you make it past 3 weeks and still don’t want me, I’ll delete the video, stop fucking your mom and leave you and your boyfriend alone.*

*3. If however you make it past 3 weeks and still want me, you break up with your boyfriend and we act oblivious about what happened between your mom and I but I’ll still stop fucking her and tell her that you and I are dating.*

*4th And finally if you say no, I’ll keep fucking your mom in secret, or not because that is also up to her.”*

I was shocked. Tyler really just said that with a straight face and a soft tone… This confused the fuck out of me and I thought back to the moment where him and his friends surrounded me, if I had gone with them, would I not be in this situation? was I inevitably going to fuck Tyler? I didn’t want anyone to help me, I felt as if I asked for help that people like Aaron would get hurt and things might go out of control again.

I agreed.

I had to endure 3 weeks and the thought of that scared me. Was I about to be fucked like my mom was?

**Tyler:** *”Alright baby, I’m gonna leave but I’ll be back tonight, I know your dad wont be home and your mom will be out in a meeting.”* There was a strong silence before he murmured out his last words *”its a deal, you’ve given me full consent, remember that.”* Then he turned around and left.

I was freaking out, like as if I had a choice! I wanted to protect my dad and get this over with. For the rest of the day I kept running ideas in my head how to defuse this from happening. What if I pretend to be really bad at having sex or use my teeth when giving him a blowjob… Oh god, does he expect me to give him a blowjob?… the thought scared me, not because I can’t do it, but because he was so big especially from the video he showed me. One of girls biggest kinks is giving oral, especially my biggest kink and thinking about his cock made my mouth drool soft saliva on the side of my cheek. What was I thinking? I’m so messed up in the head right now and I wanted to cry.

Few hours later, Tyler showed up and rang the doorbell. I knew it was him… at first I didn’t want to confront him but I had no choice and told myself to be strong and get through it. My body was aching, scorching and I felt my body shaking. I Opened the door and Tyler greets me by grabbing my hips and pulling me in for a kiss and in doing so, he lifts up my body for the kiss, I could barely feel my toes reaching the ground. I’ll admit this was the strongest manhandling kiss I’ve ever received and turned my mind blank. As much as I hated it, it felt good because manhandling is also one of my biggest kinks. when he placed me back down on my feet I had my eyes closed while looking down and I felt bad and guilty… I felt little teary but Tyler was unfazed, he was smiling and I could hear him panting like heavy. It was obvious he was sexually amped up.

**Tyler:** *”on your knees baby.”*

I dropped down, my body felt powerless and I felt my skin wobble when I dropped. I expected he wanted me to suck his cock so I reluctantly opened my mouth and looked up at him with my tongue out but I was not happy. I thought about using my teeth to either bite him or scrape his cock to make it uncomfortable for him.

**Tyler:** *”so quick to your submissive ways, huh little slut? you’re gonna have to pull out my cock for me and use you teeth and mouth to do so”*

How the fuck was I supposed to do that? He had one of those tight boy jeans where the button and zipper were hard to open even with regular fingers. It was smart… My mouth and teeth felt so sore while trying to open it which was smart, I couldn’t use my teeth now… I could feel his large bulge pump against my chin and it made my concentration all the more difficult.

Finally, I finally opened him up and I see just a quick flash of his large thick and fully erect cock fall on my face and before I knew he pulled on the back of my hair and shoved his cock down my throat. I gagged and could feel spit building up, I could barely breath even though that was just him shoving it it. Tyler started pull back and forth slowly.

My mind exploded.

This was so fucking hot, his cock was so big it barely fit in my mouth and my lips felt numb already. My eyes almost rolled all the way back and I felt my back lose balance and limp forward leaning on his cock and his rough pulls controlled my body movement. I had lost all sensibility and my mind was blank and hearing Tyler grunt and growl his moans made his body and hips vibrate on my face. I could see he was loving it and I looked up to see his face gasping for deep air while forcing all of my air out and it made me squeal gagging moans.

**Tyler:** *”That’s it, good girl. use those big warm lips to suck my load.”*

That sent me to the top. I muffled out a sigh of pleasurable relief as my mind shut off. I still felt quilt, that’s not a question but the moment felt so fucking good and I just needed this. He picked up the pace and he started going fast. My brain was numb and my tits bounced and I almost slipped out of my bra.

**Tyler:** *”God… you’re so fucking good at this. I’m gonna cum.”*

Oh fuck. that comment had snapped me back to reality and the quilt felt even heavier. My mind went to my mom, was this how she felt? does she get to enjoy this? What about Aaron? I have to stop. I tried to bite his cock but I was so numb from earlier and his cock was too thick in my mouth I felt like I was swallowing a lightbulb. As I tried then to pull away he reached out his other arm and shoved even deeper.

**Tyler:** *”Fuuuuuuck!”*

I feel a stream of hot cum draining from his cock, leaking down my throat and spewing out the side of my mouth from coughing on his cum. Tyler pulls me off and sees me in a weird teary trance and again powerless and he just drops me on the floor as I try my best to swallow and breath at the same time.

**Tyler:** *”I can see and bet that you can’t fucking lie to me and tell me you didn’t enjoy this. I saw the face you had while sucking me. but since this is your first day, I’m gonna go easy on you. You were good baby.”*

Then he pulls up his pants and leaves while I lay down there as my senses snap back into place… I start crying and the guilt overwhelmed me. I had hoped his eager and lust to fuck me was over but shortly after I get a text from him containing a photo of an outfit which he tells me to wear and that he’ll be back tomorrow. I cried all night.


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